in #steeemit6 years ago (edited)
1114.jpgI'm not an native english speaker and usually my amazing wife "polishes" my articles and edit them quite well.

Not this time...

I will do my best to sound like educated person and I hope you won't struggle much reading it :)



This post is directed mostly to those of you dear readers, who already know me and my work here on Steemit and who are supporting my efforts.

In my previous publication, I pointed out that each week I'm trying to promote a few publications created by authors which I found valuable, engaging and supportive towards others. I also pointed out that I'm focusing on content related to my main interests (blockchain, AI etc).

I promote chosen publications by sending memos once-twice a week to everyone I know or I follow (as long as the person didn't ask me to stop doing that) with short description and link to the promoted post. Unfortunately this so far is the most efficient system of keeping in touch with others on Steemit.



(pic: it does work quite well so far.

I bet TOGETHER we are the reason why some of those authors are still around and didn't quit Steemit.

The downside is that I've lost several followers who didn't feel pleased to receive my weekly memos.

Just last week we've managed to support few amazing content creators like @edgarare1, @reverseacid, @roleerob, @guysellars and others. I would love to present you to few examples of our achieved results (just have a look at ammount of comments, which reflect some solid engagement):

And recent few. TOP ONES:






You guys should be proud of yourself. I surely am. We reached those results together and we're just warming up :)

Those are results of our work as very healthy community.



(pic: are quite a number of communities around Steemit and most of them use Discord/Telegram or sometimes other unfortunate platforms to promote their members.

Like Twitter / Facebook which I'm not biggest fan.

Obviously I respect what most of those community leaders are trying to achieve. But ....

So far my strong impression is that most communities I came across on Steemit have VERY CENTRALIZED STRUCTURE.

What I'm trying to achieve is very different. Instead of being "center" of community I rather focus on helping other potential community leaders grow. And introduce them to each other hoping that we will learn to work together.

Without anyone "in charge" and telling people what to do. Will my vision work? I strongly believe it will. And today you can help me to reach those goals. How? Please contiune reading :)



Hope you enjoyed that little "introduction". Now it's time to ask you for little favor. Indeed very little. Stay with me 2 more minutes and continue reading :)

Sending all those memos and setting up small steem-bounties on selected post is not actually free :) I'm spending average 10-15 steem a week and I cannot do that for very long time. My limited resources will not last forever

I decided that I will keep posting one publication a week and ALL REWARDS earned from this post will be used in following week on promoting other people content (memos / steem-bounties). Would you help me to make things happen? :)

I would like you, dear reader, to consider setting auto-vote (with preferably 100%) voting power on my account. Again, I'm posting only once a week so I will not drain your voting power.

That would obviously help me cover those mentioned costs and allow me to continue my mission :)

You can also help me by resteeming this post :). I would definetly appreciate it.


There are 3 pages

I always love when users promote content and other good work on steem!

where can you set someone on autovote without using a bot?
why do you not simply resteem all the content you want to have upvoted? I would read everything you resteemed.. the messages by SBD transfer are ways more work than just scrolling trough my feed...

Check out they are fantastic! You can set someone to an autovote easily through their "fanbase" option.

Thanks @hotsauceislethal for that suggestion.

Appreciate it a lot.


Hello my friend @crypto.piotr

Thanks a lot for your mention, this is amazing...!!

First of all, I want to congratulated you for all the amazing job you are doing here in this beautiful community..!!!

Your post is very clear for me, So, nothing to add for now ... Just continues working helping people because it will bring a good future for sure... Not just for you, this will be for all the writers you are promoting their work.

About steemvoter:

Consider it done my friend, 100% upvote is nothing... Let´s do it...!!

Disculpa que te pregunte a ti, es por el idioma. ¿No es igual transferir el monto del voto al monedero?

No es igual. Lo que hace Steem-voter es en automático un voto en un porcentaje que uno decida hacer para un post. No es para transferir dinero a la wallet. Espero que te allá ayudado a salir de la duda @mllg ... si necesitas algo más te puedo ayudar a traducir cuando guste ...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Disculpa, que te moleste de nuevo. Con la traducción me defiendo, pero los movimientos en la plataforma me cuestan un poco más. Mi pregunta era en cuanto al beneficip para el destinatario del voto, pues el wallet le otorga directamente el 100%, mientras que los votos pasan por el filtro de distribución, plataforma, SP y SBD.

Como operación, para mí es mucho más fácil utilizar el wallet, aunque entiendo que no se contabiliza como voto.

Si eres tan amable y me asesoras sobre como utilizar el Steem-voter te lo agradecería mucho. Así, además de cumplir con @crypto.piotr, aprendería algo nuevo en la plataforma.

Agradecida contigo por tu gentileza.

Hola @mllg gracias por escribir y con gusto te puedo ayudar.

Primero abre el link de Steem-voter .. ya estando en la página elige “create a free account.”

Dando clic en “create a free account.” Te conectas directamente con “Steemconnect” es totalmente seguro la conexión.

Segundo; ya estando conectada das click en “Dashboard” y de lado derecho eliges “manage streams”

Tercero: eliges “create stream” y en “target account” escribes el nombre de la cuenta votara en automático en este caso será crypto.piotr , después en “voting Power” eliges 100% los demás de queda así.

Y para terminar das click en “Save stream” de lado derecho superior.

Espero haberte ayudado.. Suerte.

Posted using Partiko iOS


@crypto.piotr @edgarare1 muchas gracias

I resteem, on occasion, but I really do not think it helps a whole lot, maybe a little bit, however on the other side of the coin is if a person resteems to much and subjects I do not enjoy, then it is likely I will stop following them. This has happened in the past, and will I am sure happen in the future. I mostly follow people for what they have to say. So a few resteems a day fine, more than 3 though unless they are on topic of what I follow (such as a tag that interest me and I support), then it is likely if that continues I will stop follow and just add them to my "don't forget to check on occasion" list.

Now something on a weekly basis or every two or three days similar to this post and, as many curation trails ( ie: curie, and others), do would be a good thing. The problem would be the finding, formatting and making of the post, and hoping those highlighted post do not time out real soon. This would allow your feed to stay your feed and not become just another resteem feed, it would alert those that follow you that you have found three or four post that you thought were thought provoking,

Tagging all your followers in the post however would not really work, and would not really be needed, if they look at their feed they will/may see your post.

I have no real issue with the wallet notification, but I do understand where some would have issue with it, if it came to often. So a weekly "round-up" post or two, might be a way to to. maybe a get ready for the weekend Friday post, and a Monday after the weekend post of what you round.

Dear @bashadow

Sorry for such a late reply BIG THX to you for your kind comment. I would like to thank you for your comment.

Also I just noticed that you resteemed my latest post. Appreciate it :)

if a person resteems to much and subjects I do not enjoy, then it is likely I will stop following them

I agree. That's why I keep my notes and I've few groups of "followers". Tech people and those who are not tech :)

This way Im avoiding sending memos about blockchain to people who do not seem to care. Sometimes I still make mistakes but I'm getting good at targeting audience. I'm also trying to engage and comment at least once or twice publications of those who are most supportive (to avoid giving impression that it's one way street).

And most of all - I'm sending only one memo a week. Anyway, after all .. just like you said - if you wont enjoy then you will stop.

Tagging all your followers in the post however would not really work,

Absolutely great point. In my opinion tagging / mentioning users do not work at all.

Thx again for great comment.


I love your intent to promote work from worthy Steemians, but I have my doubts about the memo approach being shored up. It seems like an awful lot of time and money that could both be better spent.

Someone above mentioned your resteeming, as I will do for this post. I think that’s a better idea. Your own weekly post can be about the post(s) you resteemed that week, so that anyone who missed it can access it there. You can even tag people in that weekly post the same as in the wallet, only for free.

Just a thought about free approaches that would be sustainable even if you had nothing to spend.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @indigoocean

It seems like an awful lot of time and money that could both be better spent.

Those money are not dissapearing. All those little steem is ending up in wallets of other users. Users I know and I engage with. Surely it does take some time.

Someone above mentioned your resteeming,

Indeed. I replied to this comment and I mentioned you. Perhaps you can check out and share your opinion. I always like to hear reasons of those who do not agree with my methods.



@crypto.piotr has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!


Hi mate,

I'll try to be brief, first of all Your English is very well written so , 5 stars for that, second, Your dedication to the community is commendable, another 5 stars, third, I do appreciate the memo notification (yet another 5 stars) and can't understand the loss of followers, since it's easy to "unsubscribe" if one wants to..

Maybe You could create a discord server for announcements, or try to have a channel in some server already in existence, both announcing and promoting the message You send out through memos, I know it's outside steemit, but it could work, and You could use memos as a last resort if something happens to block other forms of communication, that way I do believe You would spend a bit less and even get to a broader audience (maybe), it's just a suggestion from the top of my head..

Anyway, definitely an upvote from me, resteemed and thought I already had You in my auto vote list but didn't, just added You to my fanbase at steemauto with 100% upvote, last thing, continue all the awesome work You've been doing, sharing and caring, engaging, helping others out is pretty cool of You, thank You very much, wish You, Your wife and all of Yours all the best.

Cheers mate

Dear @cyberspacegod

Thank you for your amazing comment and your feedback. I absolutely appreciate it.

Maybe You could create a discord server for announcements

That's the thing. I'm on Steemit because it represents what I belive in. It's build on STEEM, decentralized blockchain without central authorities.

So my goal is to promote myself only within STEEM ecosystem. I'm planning to check out some dapps in nearest future and explore other ways.

I also replied to other user who mentioned resteeming as way of promoting content. Perhaps you can check out and share your opinion. I always like to hear reasons of those who do not agree with my methods.


Personally I found reading "italic" a bit difficult. Is there any particula reason why you changed fonts? You like it this way? Just curious :)

continue all the awesome work You've been doing, sharing and caring, engaging, helping others out is pretty cool of You, thank You very much, wish You, Your wife and all of Yours all the best.

Thank you for your kind words. Seriously you managed to put a huge smile on my face just now.


You're welcome ^^)

And I understand the philosophy of remaining on steemit only, I've become a steemit addict mainly for the same reasons You are here x), the resteem suggestion might work but probably not the way You're trying to do things, still, I do believe it might come in handy sometimes, with less expenses at least, somewhat less personal =X..

Sometimes I simply refrain from commenting, because I might not have something to add that might be constructive, that is probably why You don't see me a lot more in the comments section of Your posts or resteemed content, I do avoid debates where I don't have something solid to add..

Yeah, indeed I do prefer italic, but I'll keep in mind what You said since You're not the first person to tell me it's harder to read (personally I find it more pleasing but that is just me, and I do like to personalize everything, if it was possible I would probably create my own font to use or search for and already existing one that I like ^^P )

..You smile, I smile, everyone smiles!! It's good to know that, it is one of the few things that gives me some joy lately, to help someone, even it is just by putting a smile in their face, and You are one of the Steemians around here that deserve that and much more =D

As I usually end most of my posts (got it from @MaxIgan although I knew the meaning when he remembered me of it)

In Lak'ech Ala K'in
(I am you, and you are me, in another interpretation, I am another yourself)

Have a great day, cheers

Dear @cyberspacegod

Sometimes I simply refrain from commenting, because I might not have something to add that might be constructive

I'm thankful that you decided to add to current topic. I definetely enjoy reading your comments.

personally I find it more pleasing but that is just me

Personally I think you're right. Italic look way more classic. But somehow reading same length of comment writen with regular fonts is way faster.

So thank you for using regular font :)


You made my day a bit better, glad to know my comments are somewhat enjoyable ^^,
Definitely will try to keep writing comments with regular font, but my posts will all be in italics (You can't take the classic fonts down!!) xP..

Cheers mate,

Another great post my auto vote is set😁😀😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I appreciate that a lot @steemingmark :)

Enjoy upcoming week buddy

No problem you too. If you could help and delegate anything to my friends @linkinpark @nomadshostels or @starbuckscoffee that would be greatly appreciated mate. Great thanks a lot

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @steemingmark

You asked me about your friends. Look, I really don't mind helping them but they would have to reach out to me. Otherwise it really doesn't serve any purpose.


Thanks a lot mate I will contact them.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello :)
My opinion on that way to communicate :

Like most people I can't spent hours browsing through resteemed posts and I miss for sure 99% of the best content drawn in the mass (other good content, or bad, that's not the point :) ).

When I saw the first memo I received from you, even if I thought it was another of these bots, I read it. Text is immediately accessible, no intermediate action (no need to click anywhere) between noticing the message and getting its content.

That way of communication, highlighting on a very specific post was pretty efficient in my case :)

I guess it would be a lot less efficient if there were tons of other memos of the same kind : they'd be again drawn in the mass, or in the mess :)

I think this active way to promote is pretty good for targets lacking time or energy to browse for content out of their usual routine.

Anyways, I've added you in my steemauto list ( ) even if my voting power is pretty low :D

Have a nice day :)

Dear @berien

Thank you for your kind and mature comment.

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

When I saw the first memo I received from you, even if I thought it was another of these bots, I read it.

I'm trying to sound 'human' with my memos but somehow I most people do think the way you did. The initially consider me to be a bot.

I guess it would be a lot less efficient if there were tons of other memos of the same kind : they'd be again drawn in the mass, or in the mess

Indeed. But reality is that sending memos to people who do not engagage back isn't really worth much. And it does cost some STEEM. I think that people with little resources (majority of users) will probably try sending memos and will "burn" themselfs. I'm attracting solid engagement mostly because I do spent like 15-20h a week actually reading publications of those who I keep in touch with.

My belief is that if someone will receive several memos daily, then he will ignore most. But if such a person will recognize profile of those who send them memo, then chance is increasing like crazy. So memos will work, but only for those who engage with their audience.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts

Hello my friend @crypto.piotr

Thank you very much for your attention on the @f21steem blog and sending me STEEM, this is amazing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @f21steem

I just realized that you resteemed my latest post. Thanks a lot :) Appreciate it.

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests. In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

I will follow you closely.


Good day @crypto.piotr!
Your promotion transfers are not so often that's why I try to pay attention to them. As example current challenge iniated by culgin.
About avto upvote I think people may to choose rather it will be Steemvoter, Steemauto or maybe which of them more convinient. Also you can create your curetion trail and I think it will also help you.
As so as you make many comments maybe you need to use such services like @ dustsweeper or @ dustbunny to recieve more rewards for your comments.
Thank you for attention!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for dropping by @travoved

Your promotion transfers are not so often that's why I try to pay attention to them. As example current challenge iniated by culgin.

yeah, Im trying not to "push" to hard. I think one memo a week is acceptable (by most people)

Also you can create your curetion trail and I think it will also help you.

Would you mind telling me more about it?

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Cheers, Piotr

Curation trail is available at steemauto
Also at Steemvoter which you mentioned
Excuse me that I write links, but I'm still at work and I think it will be easier for you to find more info there.

Thank you @travoved

Hope it will be useful for you. Excuse me maybe not so quicly I can answer on your comments. Fortunately now I am at road home in suburban train.
Any way my Best wishes and have an excellent evening!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks man for the link.. You've sent me some interesting things to read and digest and I do appreciate it.

I will do what I can to keep reading and keep upvoting

Thank you for dropping by @darrenfj

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

Cheers, Piotr

I wasn’t taken directly to the article you wanted my views on. I’d be happy to read and give my two cents.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for dropping by @missaj

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Cheers, Piotr

Hello, Piotr, I'm really sorry for my late answer, I wasn't in the partiko app for a few days. I'll be happy to follow your posts and also will answer to you question when I see the article

Posted using Partiko Messaging

Dear @prettyleka

Thank you for your kind comment and for dropping by :)

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

Yours, Piotr

Hey Piotr,

Sorry I'm only just replying to this... I actually opened the link 5 days ago, and got drawn into other activities.

I would like you, dear reader, to consider setting auto-vote (with preferably 100%) voting power on my account.

Excellent idea! There are few initiatives I would support with an autovote, and yours is definitely one of them. Keep up the good work.

Peter Marie

P.S: I'm also thinking about starting something like this for content creators of my usual genres. (TV shows and fiction). You're such an inspiration!

Dear @petermarie

You're such an inspiration!

Love to hear that :) You just made my day :)

Thank you for your kind comment and for dropping by :)

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

ps. I noticed that your last post is 25days old. Hope you're not "done" with publishing your own work on Steemit?

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

Yours, Piotr

Hello friend @crypto.piort

In fact, in steemauto you can also automate your vote in a matter of one or two minutes, at the minute you want, with the percentage of voting power that you want.

Your work is praiseworthy, and it deserves everyone's help.

It is obvious that it is difficult for you to cover the cost of all the memos.

A few months ago I made a post, after doing some tests on the effectiveness of doing resteem, and really there was no difference practically, so, I do not expect it to be worth it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @josevas217

Your work is praiseworthy, and it deserves everyone's help.

Thank you for your kind comment and for dropping by :)

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

A few months ago I made a post, after doing some tests on the effectiveness of doing resteem, and really there was no difference practically, so, I do not expect it to be worth it.

Tell me more about your experience. I would love to hear.


This post has been resteemed as my tiny help.

Thank you @ronel for your tiny help :)

Always appreciate your support to my efforts and for that resteem.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

Yours, Piotr

Resteemed this point, and you are on auto-vote for 100%. :)

Appreciate your never ending support mate :)

Cheers, Piotr

I love that you speak to the 'centralised' posting here on Steemit - such an interesting dynamic that even on a decentralised platform, we continue to operate under conventional norms..
I really like this post, and your ideas too, @crypto.piotr - and look forward to hearing more on my relatively steep learning curve starting here! I also run an active Patreon campaign, and just took the tiers of it, so am very much enjoying communing without the hierarchy with my special people 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
All power and creativity to you!

Posted using Partiko Android

I would like to thank you @clareartista for your comment.

Also I just noticed that you resteemed my latest post. Appreciate it Ł=

Yours, Piotr

You're so welcome - it's really good being on this learning curve and getting involved in engaging discourse! 🌞Ciao from sunny Naples 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @crypto.piotr. I dont have problem on weekly memo. I consider it as motivating factor esp like me.. an infant to steem community. Keep it up mu friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

BIG thx for your comment @timbauk

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Cheers, Piotr

🎁 Dear @timbauk,

SteemBet Seed round SPT sale is about to start in 2 days!

When our started the development of SteemBet Dice game, we couldn’t imagine that our game would go so viral and that SteemBet would become one of the pioneers in this field.

In order to give back to our beloved community, we’ll distribute 4000 STEEM to SPT holders immediately after Seed sale. Plus, investors in this earliest round will be given 60% more tokens as reward and overall Return on Investment is estimated at 300%!

Join the whitelist on SteemBet webiste now and start investing! Feel free to ask us anything on Discord


Hey, your English sounds good to me. Don't trouble your wife for polishing it further'll get there with time!

Dear @xyzashu

Hey, your English sounds good to me. Don't trouble your wife for polishing it further'll get there with time!

Thank you for your kind comment and for dropping by :)

Yours, Piotr

@crypto.piotr, thanks for the updates :) I am glad that the community continues to grow strong!

Dear @tysler

Thank you for your kind comment and for dropping by :)

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).


decentralised structures are the future of human beings.

Dear @metechakir

Thanks for your comment.

To tell you the truth I've some doubts about it. Decentralization does work sometimes and I dont think humans are ready for lack of centralized power. We need some big "bully" to ensure that people behave. If you give society freedom then they will simply kill each other.

I'm hope you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support from time to time :)


a good adtitude to carry out good projects, greetings.

Thank you for dropping by @betzaelcorvo

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.


I think you're doing a very good job in the Steemit platform. So you have my ful upvote. And go ahead helping people.

Thank you for dropping by @mllg

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Cheers, Piotr

Its great initiative sir @crypto.piotr. helping people to grow up. Thanks for it. God bless you

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for dropping by @khaimi

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).


Thank you soo much for your support sir, I am just a free writer sir, I write for complete a caption on my original photography, sometime I write abaout life, mindset and daily activities. In the last, I try to write with english languange related to my ability there by using translator. So far my followers understand what I wrote. In the past, I once wrote about how useful this technology especially our social media based on blockchain to human life, but when someone ask me how detail is it, I am not smart to explain about the system. Maybe my passion here in wrting and photography. (You can chek it for the truth)

God bless you :) @crypto.piotr.

Blessing and greeting from Indonesia

Very proud of you. Because you put out a effort on helping the venezulans, supporting selected Venezulans to get steemit.

Very nice your tracking the results of all the efforts you pur out, reminding the people you follow that so and so posted this, read it etc.
Really good that your efforts are paying off.

I think you got trust and supportors who would support you on your efforts, I am sure this took a lot of hard work from your side.

Winning trust is a big thing, which only shows your consistent presence with sweet intentions of promoting good content and helping some needy folks and this might become big, in terms of impact.

And your english is pretty good, I think you made this minor mistakes -

(just have a look at ammount of comments

In the above line the typo of amount and...

Stay with me 2 more minutes and continue reading :)

you have to put 'stay with me for 2 more...' , add for in the sentence, just mentioning, these are really minor mistakes(:


Dear @mintymile

Very proud of you. Because you put out a effort on helping the venezulans, supporting selected Venezulans to get steemit.

You just put a huge smile on my face :)

I think you got trust and supportors who would support you on your efforts, I am sure this took a lot of hard work from your side.

It indeed did take loads of work, but results are amazing. And I LOVE doing what Im doing and being supported by friendly people like yourself.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :)

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Cheers, Piotr

This network has certainly grown relatively quickly. Love your commitment and relentless pursuit for new stuff/approaches. Love the people that have amassed. Hope I find time to keep up. Give your new wife a bit of my steemed encouragement for all she does to keep this thing in the air.

Hi @machnbirdsparo

Give your new wife a bit of my steemed encouragement for all she does to keep this thing in the air.

I definitely will my friend :) Thanks for your kind comment buddy.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

Cheers, Piotr

It takes a great heart and a lot of patience to help others at the same time giving something to those who you requested to help is very noble.
And it takes more heart that in spite of that, there are still persons who treat the memo with good intention like spam.
For me, I really appreciate what you are promoting, it helps a lot, especially newbies feeling accepted.
Sharing my thoughts and receiving nice comments at the same time earning brings more fun and excitement.
Hope everyone has a beautiful day.

Dear @jackramsey

Thank you for your kind and mature comment.

It takes a great heart and a lot of patience to help others at the same time giving something to those who you requested to help is very noble.

Indeed. The way I see it is that Im investing my time, money and effort to help this community grow knowing that I will have strong influence in this community. This way it's easier to build business contacts and establish some trust.

Does it even make sense?

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).



Hello @crypto.piotr,
Great initivatve as always from a brilliant heart!
Your english is good and personnally I have no issues with the memos. I already have you on my autoupvote list.

Continue to keep up with the good work of building and supporting communities within and outside steemit. We more than appreciate you, great friend.

Best regards always

Dear @straighttalk

Great initivatve as always from a brilliant heart!

My wife think that my heart is nothing but cold rock haha :)

I would like to thank you for your comment.

Also I just noticed that you resteemed my latest post. Appreciate it :)

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

Yours, Piotr

As an editor / teacher / writer of English, I can assure you that your writing is fine – even if it has only a Polish polish!!

Of course, there's always more editing that can be done, so I hope both you and your amazing wife continue to hone your editorial skills.

And I sure hope you and your amazing wife get together again soon!

Hi @majes.tytyty

As an editor / teacher / writer of English, I can assure you that your writing is fine

I'm so proud to her it from someone with your experience my dear friend. Perhaps you could consider installing telegram or skype or whatsapp so we could call each other sometimes and practise my english :)

I really miss you bud. Somehow you did touch my "heart" which doesnt happen often.


You do a good job and I like that you support my country Venezuela. Thanks ... I've added you to my steemauto. Of course my vote is not of great impact, but someday it will be worth :)

Dear @blessed-girl

Thank you for your kind and mature comment.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).


Oh thank you. @crypto.piotr I invest you to visit my blog to see if you are interested in any topic that I have published these last days. Thanks in advance.

did you received my memo? i guess, i didn't mute anyone at all.

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Indeed I did receive your memo and receive your comment @jeoleena :)

So perhaps you really didn't mute me. Or you did and you unmuted me lol :)

ps. thx for resteeming my latest post


Lol :)
why would I mute you Sir... :)
I was a bit busy, so I couldn't check out your previous memo about censorship of social media and blockchain... Hope you didn't mind..
i regret the most now..

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Dear @jeoleena

Please do not worry if you cannot check my memo. I fully understand that we all have our own life and responsibilities.

Yours :)

Hello Sir @crypto.piotr I hope you wouldn't mind a text instead of a memo.. for some reasons, i could not send you one..My next post demonstrates the effect of perplexities in life and what is it like to have a confused mindset. I hope you find it interesting.
link to my new post:-

thank you

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Thank you for sharing this link with me @jeoleena

Will check it out tomorrow with frash brain.


Dear @crypto.piotr
I have seen your efforts in STEEM COMMUNITY. Thus, I also want to thank you for your support.
Resteemed, Voted

Yours Truly,

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for dropping by @junnel123

I'm glad to know that you don't mind my weekly memos and I can count on your support.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.


Ok, thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @crypto.piotr

As always mentioned but I repeat that you can count me in everything i can support you. I am with you in this and support you. I never set-up auto vote but will try now for you.
Thanks brother for all your help and you're doing amazing work.. appreciate it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @alokkumar121

Your replies always put a huge smile on my face :)

I never set-up auto vote but will try now for you.

Wow. Are you doing it for the first time? :) It reminded me of this old song:

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).


Thanks @crypto.piotr Glad to know that you like my comments and it matters a lot to me.

Yes brother its the first time I will be doing auto vote set-up for you. Never tried before and I also liked the maddona song which you shared.

And about posts, surely i will share links in which I would need your comments and support.

One more thing I want to inform you about delegation- now I am Minnow and I can't forget your support because you trusted me and offered delegation and indeed this was a great support to me so Thanks ton for that. Now since I have enough SP to survive so You can remove it if you want.

I have a request and would be thankful if you consider it. There is a user account @humblemee and she writes nice posts about Cryptocurrencies. She is struggling due to low SP and low RC so would appreciate if you can show her some support so that she can engage more and help the community.
Since you helped me so I am also trying to help newbies so that they grow and help the platform.

You shifted to Sweden already? Hows things there?

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @alokkumar121

Seriously brilliant comment. Love it :)

And about posts, surely i will share links in which I would need your comments and support.

You shared lately link with me. I shared with with few friend and Im planning to read it tomorrow with fresh mind (past 2 days were very messy and bussy).

Now since I have enough SP to survive so You can remove it if you want.

Sure thing buddy.

You shifted to Sweden already? Hows things there?

POLAND hahaha :) One of the cheapest countries in europe. So far so good :)

ps. you asked me about your friend. Look, I really don't mind helping her but she would have to reach out to me. Otherwise it really doesn't serve any purpose.


Upvoted and Resteemed!!🙌😁

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I have once searched you on steemauto but unfortunately you are not there. I wanted to include you in my auto vote list though I am no whale yet but the little if done is better than nothing I think. Weldon!
Sincerely yours,

Dear @jodekss

I have once searched you on steemauto but unfortunately you are not there.

Strange things .... I wonder how could it possibly happen.


Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).



Your efforts are well thought out and appreciated dear @crypto.piotr Thank you for including me always in your plan to build tha Steemit community!

My dear friend @crypto.piotr, the strategy that you are using is giving great results and I think it is reasonable what you request to be able to sustain and even increase the number of publications that you promote.

That suggestion of programming a bot for automated voting would end the community spirit of the group, it would take away the direct contact that is what makes us have these results. Maybe it's exhausting, yes, but without that direct contact and interaction between us, the commitment will diminish until it's over.

I bet that, TOGETHER, we are the reason why some of those authors still exist and did not leave Steemit.

That is totally true and I am included in that list, I think that if I did not find you here I would have left.

Thank you, friend, you know you can count on my support and the support of this whole community.



Hello, @ crypto.Piotr, thanks for your support and for all the information for many people it is important, review and read, I regret to have to repeat that the situation in Venezuela is still very critical, without electricity and internet and, therefore, , I took the connection and made timely comments, I always try to answer even if it is late, you are a great person and you deserve many successes, friend

hi @ crypto.piort I think your English is good and clear, maybe if someone backs up to be given a memo because sometimes they prefer to vote so the reward is good, and about the conversation in discord I don't use it because the megabyte is too big so I don't use it,sorry too if there are words that are wrong, because I am out of focus and sick, maybe that's all I can say thank you😊

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Dear @anitacarolina

thank you for your kind comment :)

I also just visited your profile and I noticed that you keep posting really quality content.

Perhaps in the future you could send me memo with link to your publication whenever you post something new? Memos are the best way of sending notifications and I will gladly support you with upvote (50-100% voting power, I've 11K SP) and will drop a comment.

Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe) - then you can surely count on my support.

And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.

Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)


Hi @crypto.Piotr, i had already read the information and I regret that I have to repeat that the situation in Venezuela continues very critical and by this took to get in contact. Count on my support, I will seek information for activarme. Thank you for the support.

Thank you @belkisa758 for your kind comment.

I always appreciate
Yours, Piotr

I already setup an auto-upvote to all your post.
I don't mind the weekly memos, I can find plenty of time curating now when summer vacation started.
No problem for me bro.

Thank you @guruvaj for your kind comment.
I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

Its my pleasure to participate.

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I will let my vote be yours because your goal is amazing.

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Thank you @mrnightmare89 for your kind comment.
I also noticed that you resteemed my post. I appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

Hey @crypto.piotr, excellent idea promoting best content from your ecosystem. I am always here to help and leave a valuable content. I like that you engage that much with people and share your view on the things!

Keep up the good work buddy!


Thank you @mcnestler for your kind comment.

I always appreciate
Yours, Piotr

Dear Piotr

Its nice to know that your wife is helping you on your posts and, I love the part she plays in everything you do here.

Unfortunately, I cannot make the set up on the autovote thing....its not accepting my password and account name- I cannot understand why. But anyway, please feel free to drop by any memo.

Kind regards


Thank you for your kind comment @nurseanne84

Its nice to know that your wife is helping you on your posts and, I love the part she plays in everything you do here.

I know. I may consider myself lucky. She is the only woman I know that has really huge knowledge about crypto and blockchain (she didnt know anything year ago) because I constantly keep asking her to fix my articles and all important emails :)

I've learned to talk about dogs and animals (her own passion) and she learned to talk about economy and blockchain :) How awesome is that?

But anyway, please feel free to drop by any memo.

I surely will :)

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote and comment (just send me link with memo and short introduction :).

Yours, Piotr

Noted @crypto.piotr. I have a new post- its about me ranting about an upvote. I tagged you in it because I know that you have the means to reach a lot of people out there.

Hi @nurseanne84

Thx for letting me know. I would never notice that you tagged me (to many people do that on daily basis and it's very confusing). Perhaps you could send me memo with link next time? I will surely upvote it quite well (with 11k SP).


don't worry. I will do just that.....

by helping others, you get reciprocated. that's how it goes.

the circle comes to a close. you got my upvote.

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Dear @dillagr

by helping others, you get reciprocated. that's how it goes.

Very wise words @dillagr. thx for your comment. Appreciate your support.

Please keep in mind that if you ever post anything related to blockchain,crypto,AI, economy or psychology then I will gladly support your content with 50-100% upvote (currently I have 11k STEEM POWER) and I will drop a comment. Just send me link with memo and short introduction :).


thanks again for your kindness.

this is one of those crypto related posts:

i would usually write about crypto. what a coincidence!

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Thanks for sharing this link with me @dillagr :)

Will check it out right before bedtime.

i would usually write about crypto. what a coincidence!

I know :)

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