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RE: Russian invasion of Ukraine. Day 6 - 7. We are standing! 💪

in #staywithukraine3 years ago (edited)

I'll be honest, I didn't know much about the ukraine until this happened and started researching the topics. It abosultely disgusts me that people think that Russia is in the right and are fallen for the Russian Propaganda. Whenever I see stuff like that on FB I always correct them.

What is happening is disgusting and the world, well most of the civilized world, stands with the Ukraine. Your people have shown us was courage is, the will to actually fight for your freedom. A lot of people, especially in North America, talk about how they would do the same thing, but as sad as it is, I doubt they would.

The Ukranian fight is inspiring everyone around the world, and it's clear Putin is in way over his head. Stay strong! You and all of your people are in my thoughts!