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RE: Why I think Status RSK is a scam?

in #status8 years ago

Got an invitation email today as well (mine is #30549 if you care to compare). Scam flags:

  • The site currently says that "32.29% tokens remaining", which more or less the same number as what you saw 11 days ago.
  • The domain has an invalid certificate (not something you should spare upon when begging for a million dollars).
  • The chatbot seems to only implement the "start", "account" and "send" commands. Everything else is fake.
  • The block explorer is fake or broken:
    • Unable to browse blocks before 2079. Blockchain without a genesis block? No, thank you.
    • Give him any account address and it will tell you all the same stats about it.
  • No Github or any indication of actual development.
  • In general, the attempt to "hide the team" (not even finding a single person willing to come out as a legitimate representative) aligns much better with the desire to get the money and run without leaving a trace than anything else - the excuses "we want to be exclusive" look lame to me.

For the reference: the email I received came fromAiden Hamil (, the domain was registered just a week ago and is bound to a generic email provider. Google does not know of any notable developers with this name.