The Statist Religion

in #statism7 years ago


The Statist Religion

American Christians are Pagan. Modern Christianity claims to follow the teachings of Jesus and the written word of God alone but the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that this is just not the case.

Merriam-Webster defines religion as

A personal set or institutionallixe set of religious attitudes, beleifs, and practices.

We know our readers are quite perceptive and notice the word religious in that definition. Merriam-Webster defines it as

Being scrupulously and conscientiously faithful.

So we posit that modern American Christians are Pagan based on the definition of religion of clearly evident similarities between established religions and the Government. If they are faithful to both then anyone claiming to be monotheistic is inaccurate.

There are at least Three elementary parts of religion: Texts, Symbols, and Ideals.

Firstly, in Government there are unifying texts similar to religion such as a constitutions, bills, and laws. These are akin to the Christian Bible or a Quran in that everyone who follows their teachings must read it and consciously follow the disciplines described in order to consider themselves faithful.

There is much conflict between what is taught in these texts and what the Government exacts on the Governed. The Bible, for example, teaches "Thou shall not steal" yet that is exactly what happens when the government collects taxes or seizes property under the threat of physical retaliation if it is not allowed to do so. So Christians and the similarly faithful are at a crossroads every Tax season.

Do they believe in "Thou shall not steal" or do they believe in the American Tax Code? Following the letter of the law requires one to be " scrupulously and conscientiously faithful" by placing their faith in the State instead of God because of the two conflicting principles of each side.

We can safely say that Christian texts and the Governments are at odds because collecting taxes is compulsory. If we do not pay a tax we will be sent a notice to pay the tax. If we disregard the notice and continue to not pay the tax and whatever fees are levied then eventually the Government will respond with force against our persons, property, and our very lives. They will take everything.The Government has not been transgressed against in this situation and it responds with force in many similar situations where there is no victim of a perceived "crime".

Government or the State follows its own laws and ideals without regard to anyone else's. The laws affecting us today were made by the State for the State and not for the good of the people. If they were we would be able to disregard them without fear of retribution from armed strangers.

Secondly, there are established symbols that are identified with various religions. Perhaps the most prolific is the Christian Cross or more likely is the Statist's American Flag. When the People stand in front of a colored cloth and sing a hymn of praise to it or recite an oath of loyalty they are giving an Idol their worship. They bow to something that belongs to something not only separate from but actively against their beliefs. When people kowtow to strangers wearing shiny badges and claiming to have more authority then themselves in their own communities, that is a form of worship. Bowing to the symbol of an alien belief system.

When we hang on the every word of an official standing in front of a screaming eagle, another kind of religious symbol, we are giving our attention in a worshipful way.


Finally, Statism carries on its own ideals and as we have already seen they conflict with other faiths. Statism tempts the People with their fears and wants being satisfied in exchange for the lives and futures of children. Meanwhile other faiths are helpful in finding the courage and strength to stand in the swelling tide of adversity.

Statism incites a false sense of insecurity against the People's neighbors and it convinces us to slaughter millions of innocents to protect "our" interests. Statism commands us to obey whereas any modern leader of religion will tell you that there is only the calling to Love.

We here at Silver Spade have grown up in religious families and we have been able to understand that religion is intended for people to use as a tool to free oneself from spiritual bondage in all its forms. That spiritual disciplines and teachings are meant to be wings for the human spirit, not it's chains.

Government and the religion that follows it, Statism, is slavery. It is the contradiction to every moral and ethical individual and must be eradicated if humanity is to move forward.

Thank you for reading ^_^
by Jonathan Welch of Silver Spade!

Sources: Religion definition Religious definition -Homefront Revolution picture - American Flag Header