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RE: Principles and Predictions

in #statism9 years ago

@@ -1,67 +1,5 @@
-The consistency of matter and energy are not human constructs.
@@ -197,11 +197,165 @@
+%0A%0Aofcourse it can. they can say that they need it to feed their group instead of yours. Also. all these things happens whether a goverment exists or not.
@@ -452,101 +452,441 @@
-. This is false and therefore the initiation of the use of force to act in the name of the State
+%0A%0AActually that's a the law of nature. Morality is subjective. what is moral for you is not for someone else. You consider it moral to have a girlfriend and masturbate on a porn side. some others don't. same applies about human life for some. Humans simply do not share the same values. %0A%0AYou are reaching wrong conclusions saying %22therefore%22 does not take you anywhere. avoid using %22anarchic%22 mantra. it's easy to catch your foot in it