Church of TheWay saber! It arrived!!!! Hive powered lightsaber!

in #starwars3 years ago

Oh wow.



It's here!!! Yeah saber forge ecosaber

And it's mine!!! Oh wow.

Let's open it.


Saberforge does awesome packing and I'm saving the box. Mmmm yeah man.

Let's look inside.


Yeah!... Wait a plastic tube... Oh wait. Yeah that's a blade. Where is the hilt...


And wow.... This is mine? Wait what... Wow...

And I put it together.


Dog checks it out.

And we played with it...

Oh and dog loved it too.






Yeah man!!!

Well the first thing I've got to try out is how long the battery is going to last.

And it comes with this really cool blade plug!


So as I'm working on timing out how long this battery is going to last we're at a hour and 40 minutes and counting so far it looks like it is doing just fine.

And an hour of 40 minutes of pulsing light as well as the sound going...

Yeah pretty cool I absolutely am tickled and the handling is amazing as well.

Getting to go try it out I was extremely impressed with balance and with the shielded button.

Super tickled and definitely worth all the time effort and blogging spent...

So nine different sound options and emperor as well as dark saber are my favorite so far and dark saber is so far the coolest one I think.

One button controls everything so it's pretty interesting learning how to cycle through all of it and it does come with the handy cheat sheet.

Well anyway I'll post up some more about it tomorrow.


Are ya a Star Wars fan by any chance?

I am a little bit I like the dune series a little bit better but Star wars is pretty awesome. And especially the fun lightsaber combat.

Hope ya fun with it

Worst part is I injured my right hand and right now I really can't enjoy it as much as I really want to.

So thank you very much but I'm just going to have to enjoy it from a distance right now and write posts about it.

Aaa that's a bit of a bummer. But maybe practice a bit with yer left hand

Oh my God I knew that was going to come around somehow.

😁 hehe
i'm in luck: i'm ambidextrous....

thats so cool! By the way your German Shepard is gorgeous.

I absolutely agree and I think so too..