Kuwago's ART OF THE START in Blogging

in #start3 years ago (edited)

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I don't want to give you false hopes. I am not an expert multi-awarded writer nor a linguist. You may find flaws in my writing sometimes even in my English. (English is not my first tongue.) I am more of just a troubleshooter that writes. I solve some problems. Now if you have a problem about getting free fractions of crypto coins, this is the resolution.

I hope that it is clear that the reason why I am guiding you is for you to earn. I can be unsuccessful or it may not. I am more on practicality. I may go out of the book, but no surprise, I will do whatever it takes.

The Item

I don't want to make writing sound fancy. I want to make it simple to you as much as possible. Writing is writing. Now, between you and me, allow to say that when we put our writing in a Blogging platform, that is a blog. Simple as that.

For me, Blogging is Troubleshooting through Freewriting that should look and sound Nice.

The Troubleshooting

In troubleshooting, there are 2 things. The problem and the resolution. Now if you are thinking if you have to know the problem and the resolution to start. You got it! I want to end this here...

Upon, knowing what the problem and the resolution then write it down... Freestyle! From mind to paper. Do not let anyone stop you, not even yourself. Keep in mind that you have to post something to "EARN"!.

You will have a chance of earning once it is posted.

Look and Sound Nice

After your done addressing the problem, and telling what is the resolution, in your own style; is it time to post it yet? No!

With your Freestyle article, you need to make it look and sound nice. Now let me explain what I mean; let us start with sounding nice...

Sounds Nice

When we say sound nice, it should "SHOULD" be conversational. It is like you talking to a person. Heart to heart. With sincerity, of course, you want to know you want to help! Now, to make it easier help reach out to someone's heart, you niche. Address in the beginning what type of person will benefit your article. Like in this article's case, the people that wants to earn Crypto currency by writing. It may not be direct but at least the idea is there.

Looks Nice

In looking nice, just arrange it, "THE WAY YOU WANT IT". If the reader's will like it then it is good, if they don't it is still good. Publicity, even though it is good or bad it is still publicity. The important thing is that it is posted and they've opened it.

Maybe next time

I will end this now, you can check my other posts. Help me earn.

One last thing, pro-tip. For your article to look Nice, check strategies or a Rhetoric book. Google it. But that's only an additional. What's important is on how it benefited the reader. And to sound Nice, it should be coming from your heart, so train your heart to be good. Most important, you do not Plagiarize.