Starting Some New Tags
I wanted to try something a little different with this post, so this will be the first in a series of posts highlighting different startups. Specifically, I'm a huge fan of start-ups focusing on problems that benefit the good of the people as opposed to business interests and the former are what I hope to show off.
For some background: I've been involved in some way with cryptocurrencies for the better part of three years. One of my favorite things about the ecosystem is how pumped up people get about helping out the "little guy" and spreading the adoption of new technology. That said, one thing I've noticed is that crypto people seem to forget that blockchain-based start-ups aren't the only ones trying to spread new technologies for social good! So without further ado, here's my first post about a start-up that's working for the good of the people.
Opternative Mission: Help the World See and Feel Better

Some background
Opternative is a Chicago, Illinois based company looking to change the way people interact with Eye Care Professionals. Opternative's main selling points include an Ophthalmologist approved prescription for glasses and/or contacts in your hands within 24 hours, a cost of $40 for either glasses or contacts and $60 for both, no need to leave home, and no need for any devices other than a smartphone and computer. The prescription is valid anywhere and everywhere, online or in person.
For many people, the only reason they ever see an eye doctor is to get a prescription for contacts or glasses renewed. This kind of exam is called a "refractive" exam, as it is analyzing the level of refractive error present in an individual's eyesight.
The eye chart that so many of us are familiar with today was created in 1862 by Dutch ophthalmologist Herman Snellen. As you can tell, very little has been done in the way of innovation since then. In fact, the eye care industry as a whole is in need of new technologies that assist in connecting doctors to patients and aiding in medical diagnosis.
The Action
This is where Opternative decided to strike first. The company first determines how well an individual can see currently by standing 10 feet away from your computer and using the smartphone as a remote to answer questions. This is known as "Visual Acuity". A common example of this number is 20/20 which translates to the individual standing at 20 feet (numerator) sees what the average person sees at 20 feet (denominator). The numerator will always be "20" and the bottom will either increase as a person's vision gets worse, or decrease as it gets better.

After determining visual acuity, their online test begins to determine refractive error by testing your vision with different shapes that get smaller and smaller until the user can no longer make out the differences. There are also tests to determine whether or not a user has astigmatism. Using this and other data, Opternative is able to calculate what values will bring your visual acuity to as close to 20/20 as possible.
One thing to keep in mind: at time of writing, Opternative does not constitute an eye health exam. In fact, they agree with the American Academy of Ophthalmology in saying that patients should go to an Eye Care Professional for a full comprehensive eye health examination at least every two years. The company is hard at work coming up with solutions for screening eye health via the computer & smartphone combination as well, but will not open solutions up to patients until they are absolutely certain that they are effective and safe.
The Opposition
Opponents of Opternative argue that Refractive Eye Exams are not enough on their own, and users are at risk of having unknown health issues that could be caught during a comprehensive eye exam. It's worth mentioning that many Ophthalmologists are supportive of Opternative's technology, though acknowledge its downfalls.
Opternative has struggled with Optometrists and their professional interest groups which aim to protect the status quo of the eye care industry. However, many people are unsatisfied with the way the current industry operates citing high costs, lack of vision insurance, lack of access to their prescriptions, pressure to purchase without shopping for best prices, time involved in going to an office and waiting for their appointment, and general lack of transparency in the process as issues among many others.
Summing Up
Opternative believes that cost and location shouldn't be limiting factors to individuals needing corrective lenses. Though Opternative is currently only available in 35 states within the US, they are working hard to expand that market to the remaining states and beyond to other countries where cheap, mobile, and effective solutions will be even more valuable (your support helps!).
For these reasons, and the potential to help people of the world get access to the correction they need in order to see and feel better Opternative makes my list of start-ups working for social good.
Your opinions needed!
I'd like to continue doing this showcases, and in order for that to be worth-while I need your feedback! What did you like about this article and what did you think it was missing? Have any additional questions about the service? Ask away! I'll do my best to answer them.
Also, if you have any other start-ups that you think would be good candidates for a showcase, please send them my way!