The Last Jed, I Am Not

in #star-wars7 years ago (edited)


"This is not going to go the way you think." —Luke Skywalker, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017)

I wasn't the first Jed, and I most certainly be the last. In this vast universe we live in, it's tough to be the only one of a certain kind. No matter how special we are, there's always going to be at least one other person who is equally as special, and a bunch more who are way more special than we could ever dream of being. But, that's a matter of perspective.

What does it matter any way? Aren't names just a human concept? Would we still identify with it when we transcend our humanity? What if we all answer to one name? Would we be less special? These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night. Ones I think that we shouldn't take lightly.

But, enough about me (for now, at least), I want to talk about something more pertinent for a second. Friends, join me as we shift our attention to...

Luke did warn you, didn't he? Didn't he!?

Warning! Spoiler Alert!

Go see the latest Star Wars first, you bum!

Although... if you haven't seen it but enjoyed the opening crawl above, maybe you would consider voting on this post so that it could make it to the payout, and then just come back to read this (and comment on it) after you watched the film.

First of all, I just want to point out that I'm not a diehard Star Wars fan. In fact, I didn't grow up watching Star Wars, mainly because the original trilogy had already come out way before I was born, and finding a copy of it here wasn't easy back in the day. Put simply, Star Wars wasn't as formative for me like it is for many people. I only discovered Star Wars with Episode I, so you see why I wasn't hooked on the franchise at the beginning. Also, people teased me constantly about it because of my name. Truth be told, I'm more a fan of Dune than Star Wars. The spice must flow and all that.

Conversely, @randomli is a huge Star Wars fan that's why the Force is always strong in our pairing. Sometimes I even think that the only reason she agreed to go on a date with me when we first reunited was because of my name. Anyway, so yeah, I delayed posting this to give people more time to see it without being spoiled.

Secondly, let's acknowledge the thala-siren in the room. The Last Jedi is not your typical Star Wars film. One might argue that it's even more different than Rogue One. As to why that is, we'll get to that in a bit. A lot of people were clamoring that The Force Awakens was just a rehash of the classic film, but now that they got a film so radically different from the whole franchise, they're still finding things to bitch about. Me thinks some people need a good Force Choking.

Having watched the Red Letter Media recap of the prequels at the urging of @artistchristian (the artist formerly known as @allstarrunner, if you haven't followed him please do so), I was fired up for a heaping pile of midichlorians.

Unlike @hanshotfirst, I believe that the only way to truly enjoy Star Wars is to analyze it to death, resucitate it, then analyze some more. (You can read his Geeky Dad review here) So, let's wrap this opening crawl up and get to it.

The Importance of Luke

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As the central character of the original trilogy (OT), it felt like a disservice when Luke didn't have any role to play during The Force Awakens. I like how he was utilized here though, in a sort of "passing the lightsaber hilt" type of role. His messages of the Jedi Order needs to end and things are not going to go the way we think is so meta, at times it seemed as if the creators were speaking directly through him.

From a production standpoint, as harsh as it seems, Luke is a relic of a bygone era. Much like the Jedi Order, if Star Wars seeks to grow as a franchise, they need to let go of the past and move forward to the future. Mind you, I'm talking about just the movies here and not the Extended Universe. The Skywalkers and everything that came before served its purpose, and now the franchise needs to adapt in order to compete with the contemporary market. Luke knew this and he was more than willing to pass the baton.

To be honest, I wasn't really fond of Luke in the OT. I think he was a fine character, but Han Solo was just too magnetic. His character arc feels like the most complete out of all the characters. He started out as a nobody farm boy, discovered that he was heir apparent to the preeminent Jedi lineage, trained to be a master, became a master, realized that his lineage held a monopoly over the force, died a legend. If that isn't a chiasmus, then I don't know what is. At the beginning he wanted to get out of the sandbox of a planet, and true enough, he died in a planet that looks like it doesn't even have a single speck of it.

Out of all the knowledge bombs he imparted, the thing that resonated with me is the one about his legacy. His father was the prophesied Chosen One, the one who would bring balance to the Force. In his own way, Anakin did live up to the title, but that left Luke with gigantic shoes to fill. I mean, have you heard of any of Michael Jordan's sons? Exactly. He was ill-equipped for the role thrust upon him, and who could blame him. Luke didn't even complete his Jedi training. Heck, Yoda even preferred Leia as an apprentice more than Luke.

The great thing about it was, he was fine with it.

Luke stumbled upon the realization that the Skywalker name held too much of a clout than they deserved. Even though Anakin was special, the monopoly he held over the Force was a real detriment. I mean, his shadow loomed large for six of eight episodes. Sometimes literally.

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Luke, while he's played out as being a legendary hero, was nothing more than a regular guy. Heck, he didn't even really "defeat" any of the central villains. He made Darth Vader realize the error of his ways, and the redeemed Anakin was the one who defeated the evil Emperor. Just like what he told Rey, being a Jedi just means that one is attuned to the Force, but that didn't mean that anyone owned it. The Force is everywhere, and the Force is for everyone. No one should hold a monopoly over it.

But, since he already had renown that he felt he didn't deserve, might as well put it to good use. When he projected himself on Crait for the final battle of the film (I just knew he was a projection because he looked way younger than when he was in Ahch-To), he leaned on his reputation and used it to further the Resistance's initiative. He was, as Poe said, "the spark that would light the fire that burns down the First Order".

With his mighty Skywalker blood, he knew how it would play out when the news will spread to the farther reaches of the galaxy. One lone Jedi against an entire army. If social media still existed there, I'm sure the feeds would be littered with overblown news. Luke knew that would happen, and he took advantage of it.

The time away from the limelight really did him good. I imagine it's akin to Buddhist monks meditating in the mountains. No matter how you slice it, Luke was the last Jedi. I just wish that they gave Leia an organic send-off as well. What comes next would be something different, and that's perfectly alright.

The Importance of Rey

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When Rey burst onto the scene, the rumor mill was set ablaze as to what her identity is and how she fits into the whole tapestry of the whole franchise. Luke's daughter, Leia's daughter, Luke and Leia's daughter (from that one kiss in the OT), a secret Kenobi, Jyn Erso's daughter, Captain Phasma's daughter, etc.—she had been connected to them all. It turns out she was just another nobody, much like Luke truly is. Just some kid sold by her junkie parents for beer money. With the current social climate, I think more people could relate to that rather than if she was of noble birth.

Once again, the creators of the film subverted every expectation (sure, there are people who got it right, but I'm sure nobody really leaned on that), and that's perfectly alright. Wait, no... that's more than alright. If it sticks for Episode IX, that revelation opened up the universe for more characters to come to the forefront. It's just how Luke imagined it, the Force was democratized. And, that's huge!

One didn't have to be chosen or born into prominence, one can be prominent with hardwork and determination once again. I think that's a more important lesson to tell. Rey is all of us. We can make something of ourselves if we strongly believe that we could. Also, even though Rey had tons of latent potential, she can't be complacent and just rely on it. She needs to train and hone that skill if she really wants to improve.

Not to mention the fact that Rey is apparently Sith-aligned. Who would've even assumed that? The thing that prevented me from fully latching on to the Star Wars jumpship is the concept of the Jedi and what they stand for. Don't they seem a bit authoritarian? I get that they lean on logic heavily, but some of their teachings are quite hard to get behind. As someone ruled by emotions, I've always identified myself more with the Sith, which is ironic given my name. Plus, the Force lightning is a super cool power!

I like how they reduced Rey's role in this one. It gives more credence to the assumption that the Force (and screen time) is there to be shared. Her plot surrounding the redemption of Ben Solo kind of depicts how we always try to see the best in people. She's a good character, but you can't deny that she is literally the deus ex machina near the end.

Luke said that the Force is shared by everyone, and Rey is the embodiment of that statement. He never really taught her anything, didn't he? No Jedi training whatsoever. So, it still holds true that Luke is the last Jedi.

The Importance of Rogue One

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Oh, Rogue One. Those lovable band of misfits. I wanted them to be the Knights of Ren so badly. But alas... Anyway, aside from spoiling one of the main conflicts in The Last Jedi, Rogue One was meant to support Luke's claim that anyone could wield the Force. As Chirrut Imwe, the blind monk, repeatedly said, "I am one with the Force and the Force is with me". He wasn't a Jedi and yet he laid claim to the Force. In retrospect, it sought to foreshadow the events of the movies followed it.

Plus, who were they to lead their own movie? They were set up in a way that made them seem more important than they truly were. I mean, sure, they were the ones that caused the destruction of the Death Star, but other than that, they were nothing more than regular tragic characters. From the very start, they were doomed to fail, and that's what made them so compelling. Despite having no relations to a Skywalker or a Kenobi, or any sort of renown, they accepted the mission that they knew would seal their fate. That takes balls, and they indeed deserved their own movie.

Everyone should've figured out from this what they sought to do in The Last Jedi. The creators laid out everything, but we just didn't accept it. I guess we aren't as Force sensitive as we think.

The Importance of Yoda

Arguably, Yoda is the face of the Star Wars franchise for many. Even for the people that doesn't know his name, they connect him with Star Wars every time. With that being said, Yoda is the epitome of "the old guard", one that Luke continually preached needs to die. The line about Luke not being afraid of raw power then but he is when he felt Rey's was a great tongue-in-cheek nod to a conversation he had with Yoda. With the deceased Jedi grandmaster, of course, correctly predicting that his former student would be.

In typical Yoda fashion, he was the one responsible for setting the old scriptures ablaze, laughing as it all burned down. It was a great cameo, and one that poked fun at the old fans. But, it also served as a message that people need to adapt because Star Wars as a franchise is moving into the future. Out with the old, and in with the new. The Jedi Order is dead, long live the Jedi Order!

The Importance of Canto Bight

Ugh. This really felt more like a political message than an interesting subplot. For those of you who doesn't even recall what Canto Bight is, it's the casino planet where Finn and Rose get DJ, the traitorous c-c-c-codebreaker. It was meant to symbolize the fall of those in power and what not. At least the Broomstick Jedi got a nod at the end.

EDIT (12/21/2017) Thanks to @mikedynamo's comment about this, it really made me rethink my stance. Thinking about it again, I do agree that it was more than just a political message. It does shine a spotlight on the bigger picture, and gives the rebels something to fight for, or at least show the viewers what the rebels have been fighting for all this time.

Star Wars had always been about the war between the Jedi and Sith, but with the franchise moving away from that focus, it's high time to give the other aspects their due. In the spirit of expansion, way to go to the creators for showing the divide between those who profit from the war and those who suffer from it. While I still have a problem with the pacing of the Canto Bight scene, I do realize its full significance now. Maybe they could've just depicted it without feeling like a filler. Thanks again to @mikedynamo for providing a different perspective!

The Importance of Captain Phasma

Well they did say she was the new Boba Fett, right?

The Importance of The Last Jedi

Now we get to my review. I'll keep this brief. I promise. While the people are divided about whether they like it or not, I on the other hand... am equally divided. I don't hate it, but I'm not over the moon in love with it. There were scenes that I felt were unnecessary * cough * Canto Bight * cough * but I feel like, overall, it drove the narrative forward. I did enjoy the first battle where they destroyed a dreadnought, and I think it's a real high point in the movie. Although, I can't help but feel it nuked the fridge a bit.

I liked Kylo's development, I think he makes a fine douchebag. Finn and Rose really put a damper on that Finn/Poe ship, but people are holding out hope. I like Rose's voice though, I think she'll make a fine voice actor. Rey putting on weight really did wonders physically. I'm not sure how that's relevant to anything, but Daisy Ridley had already put her stamp on the character during The Force Awakens. Oh, and Vice Admiral Holdo was a total badass. I'm 100% certain I know who I am if I was a Star Wars character.

If I were to rank the films, it would go like this:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Rogue One
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. A New Hope
  5. Return of the Jedi
  6. The Last Jedi
  7. Revenge of the Sith
  8. Attack of the Clones
  9. The Phantom Menace

With Solo coming out soon, I bet those rankings would change up a bit. And... that's it! Whew! Wrapped up and tied with a little bow.

Thank you to those who made it to the end. Let me know what you guys think about The Last Jedi in the comments section. If you would like to talk about the earlier philosophical questions more, then I'm down with that too. Hit me up in the comments section and let's discuss.

May the Force be with you, always.

Speaking of Luke, how about cementing @lukestokes.mhth in the Top 20 STEEM witness list? Get your votes in! :D

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I haven't seen it yet, and have read mixed reviews about it. Having seen them all so far, and generally enjoying them (except the first 3 episodes) I will get around to watching this one also, at some point.

I enjoyed your analysis and review. made for interesting reading. Also, I found Rogue One surprisingly good. That one didn't intrigue me when it came out, and having watched it for something to do, I am glad i did. More of that calibre would be good.

Ahh shoot sorry for the spoiler-filled post. But, I do mean what I said about you being a bum. A Bastion of Uniqueness, Mate ;) I'm not sure if anyone ever really liked the first 3 episodes (at least better than the OT).

I hope the spoilers don't, well.. spoil the experience for you :( My fiancee wouldn't talk to me for hours whenever I spoil something for her. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts about it when you do get to see it. If you mind checking back then, that would be awesome, mate! I'm really interested to see if it changes things for you.

Right?? I headed into Rogue One with almost no expectations, and I was happily suprised. I guess a fresh take, veering away from the Skywalker saga, does do the franchise good.

finally able to read this lol. Rose's sister was cute. I loved the movie. And did i mention that Rose's sister was cute?

Plus, she played a crucial role at that tense opening scene! I do agree that she looks cute haha! Too bad the wrong Tico sister survived :/

Okay, I actually couldn't read this one, our family star wars day is Saturday :)

I hope that we don't all answer to one name, it's tough to imagine losing that individuality. I mean, I do want to go to place of peace and harmony, but I still want to be my own unique part in it lol

Then this post would undoubtedly be waiting for you come Sunday, sis :D Did the opening crawl for this post get to you? I mean, was it the one that lured you to the comments? Haha! I've spent quite some time compressing it down, but nobody has yet to comment on it, I keep wondering if anyone has seen it haha!

I hope that we don't all answer to one name, it's tough to imagine losing that individuality.

Right? I feel like the discussion for it has the potential to stretch for multiple posts. Would we really lose our uniqueness if we lose our name though? Wouldn't that emphasize our own eccentricities instead? Since that's how we're going to be identified.

Oh, and please don't take "bum" as a slight, sis. For you, I mean it to be hmm... Brimming with Unbridled Marvelousness! :D

I didn't mind the originals or the prequels, but I actually stopped paying attention to anything and everything Star Wars after the prequels because I got well and truly sick of the fans bitching and moaning about how it wasn't how they wanted things to happen. Some of them even sounded like they had a right to dictate how things should go because the creators owed them because if not for them they wouldn't be so big. The sense of entitlement is strong in those ones XD


There are a lot of entitled fans out there, huh? I do agree with that. Out of all the famus franchises, Star Wars is surely up there with entitled fans. It really is annoying some times, but then I think maybe the reason why they feel that way is because Star Wars really influenced their lives. I can't say for sure, but it feels as if that's why they think they have a say in it.

It's the wrong mentality for sure, but I guess we can't fault them on that. We can only change how we perceive it, so might as well just enjoy the films for what they are :D

Wow, a lot to process here!
There were a few things I read on reddit that pretty much sum it up for me, "It has really high highs and really low lows" and "They tried to be so different that they forgot to make it good". I think I'm in the same boat as you, I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. I thought the whole casino/codebreaker thing was actually boring - that is what I felt as I was watching it in the theater and I remember thinking "I'm not sure I even want to watch the film a second time because I don't want to have to sit through the casino arc again."
I thought the character of Rose was uninspiring and I'm just not a fan - i actually wanted her ship to go in the battering ram while saving Finn lol
The codebreaker thing still annoys me; was Del Toro the guy they originally were supposed to find? He wasn't wearing the flower; so was it sheer coincidence that they just so happened to end up in a cell with another codebreaker who just so happened to also be good enough at codebreaking to do the task they needed? (p.s I loved your c-c-c-c-odebreaker).

I didn't like how much they "marvel"-ized the movie with "funny" quips all the time - particularly in more serious/tense moments that all the sudden drains the seriousness of the situation and reduces it to a joke.

The main problem is I'm not really looking forward to the 9th one. I mean, I know i'm going to see it, but there is nothing in me that is thinking "I can't believe I have to wait 2 years for it!"

I did love Kylo Ren, or Ken (as the red letter media guys call him); I really liked the Ken/Rey arc. Ken is my favorite character so far in this trilogy.

I'm sure I could write a ton more about it but I'll just leave it here for now!
p.s. thanks for the shoutout in the article!

Haha! Sorry about that! I got carried away a bit! I really wanted to fit it all in my opening crawl, but yeah..

If I were to watch it again, I guess I could use the Canto Bight scene to go to the bathroom haha! Del Toro wasn't who they were looking for, it was Justin Theroux's character, the one with the flower. They just had to make do because, well, didn't Del Toro rescue them while they were being hunted? Haha! They didn't have a choice.

I can't help but feel that Rose was inserted just so they could include an Asian. They could've just given the role to Poe though. Looking back, I guess they needed a new character so that the Canto Bight scene surrounding the servant kids would strike a chord. But again, they could've just added that to Poe's backstory. Slave kid who became an ace X-wing pilot, I bet that'll work! Especially since it's super original and haven't been done two times before.

I agree with your sentiment about the quips. It's a fine art for sure, inserting comedy at just the right time. I think that's what hampered Justice League as well. The quips need to have a purpose, or else it could slow down the momentum.

I totally get what you mean. It's not like when after watching The Force Awakens and you're hyped up for Episode VIII. With Solo on the horizon, I think that'll receive the blowback though.

Oh there's already a Red Letter Media for The Force Awakens!? I didn't notice that! I'll take a look at it in a bit haha!

The shoutout is very much warranted, brother!

the red letter media thing I was referring to is called something like "half in the bag" and it's just a recap of their thoughts after watching the movie, not the full blown "plinkett review" like the others. But I still enjoyed watching it and their thoughts on TLJ were pretty much mine exactly.

I also thought Rose was there only for the purpose of an Asian being in the film lol, that being said, I'm not against that obviously - I don't care what ethnicity Rose was - the character itself was just boring!

I actually have no hype at all for the Solo movie, i mean of course I'm going to go see it; but my expectations are so low that maybe I will end up loving it!

I watched it and forgot to tell you haha! The guy voicing the drunk recap looks exactly how I pictured him. It was great, they didn't have an ounce of pandering in them. I really felt like all their thoughts were genuine instead of trying to cater to a side.

Now that I had days to ponder about it, I feel like Rose's sister was a far more compelling character. That is, if you don't think about how the bombs manage to drop without gravity hahaha!

Maybe that was their strategy? Just like how Wonder Woman was set up. Set the expectations low and then deliver a good movie that would be seen as great haha!

I am definitely looking forward to a Plinkett review of Ep 8, assuming they do it, which I think they will. I just think it would have made so much sense to kill Rose off at the end to "join" her sister - and I thought that is what they were leading up to. oh well! I can't wait for this to come out on blu-ray and the fan edits to start coming out that cut out all the useless scenes (basically the entire rose arc)

That was a lot of fun.

I don't agree with the point about Canto Bight so much. I mean... How can you even have a war without politics, but Star Wars has always been just RIFE with politics. So much politics. At least here, Canto Bight does the job of moving the narrative and steaks away from the military specific stories of nobles and holy knights and does a great job of giving Finn something to fight for outside of protecting Rey, his first friend ever.

Top marks on the post! I loved TLJ

Oh you know what, this really gave me a lot to think about regarding the Canto Bight scene. I feel like an edit is on its way to this post because of your comment, so thanks for that. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment, and I fully agree with your sentiment. I did feel the same way when I was watching, I just failed to include that in retrospect. Gratitude, buddy!

Bro! Thanks so much. I just caught up on the comments, but I'm glad I was able to make an impression. Really means a lot.

Sorry for getting back to this so late, I've been doing a catch up of my own. You're very much welcome!

I was about to reply with my film rankings, but it's a struggle. I am older than you, obviously. I love all the Star Wars movies. The Last Jedi would be in the top 3. But that might change after a second viewing.

Ah shoot! I missed replying on this one. My bad, man!

TLJ in the top 3? Wow! Would you mind sharing the factors why it ranked so high? Have you seen every movie in the series? There's nothing wrong with that, and I completely appreciate you sharing that, man. I don't want you to ever feel ashamed of sharing your thoughts. Please do so without any worry :D

Let me know if it does change after a second viewing. I'm very interested to read your thoughts!

Yes, I've seen every film. I a middle aged fan. Bear in mind, I have only seen the film once. I love the movie mainly because of its unpredictability. I did not go how I expected. I liked it because it felt like it was clearing away an old story to make way for the new. The film took risks. You could argue that Rogue One did too, but there was not so much pressure on that movie because it was outside the main series. I also loved it because I am left with questions that I can only answer by watching it again. For example, Luke's sudden costume change. Why was he back to the original look at the end of the movie? At what point in the movie does he start to project himself? Why did Yoda's walking stick hit Luke on the head? Little things like that. The other reason I liked it is that it changes the overall plot. I thought it was mainly going to be about the redemption of Ben Solo but now I'm not so convinced.

A middle aged fan! Ha! I see what you did there ;) It really subvert every expectation, didn't it? I'm glad to hear this sentiment coming from an older fan. For the costume change, I feel like he started to project only when he arrived on Crait. He never left Ahch-To, and he projected himself that way because he wanted to mess with Kylo Ren. It's the same look he had the last time they saw each other. Force ghosts are known to be able to phase with limited capacity, so I guess that's a blanket explanation for Yoda.

I stoped watching Star Wars long ago - I think The Return of the Jedi was the last one. So, rating is out of the question.
It would be nice if it would be true that everyone is called to make the best out of oneself as long as it is benevolent.
I never thought they'll tell in advance what they plan to. But, yes, as sci fi writers and scenarist have their relatives in all sorts of government agencies, they can easily pick up what's coming like, for instance Kurt Vonnegut, whos brother worked at Darpa or NSA, so Vonnegut featured one of the characters in his book according to his brother's coworker with whom he talked a lot, and even one of the weather modification patents was described in ther in some cryptical way. Maybe they were allowed to talk then, because they usually have such oaths that not even their families know what they do.

I don't think they'll go as far as the creators did way back then, but I'm sure they'll sneak in whatever they can. I'm pretty sure they'll stick with commenting on the socio-political aspect more though since that's what most people could relate to.

Would be cool if you get the chance to watch TLJ to hear thoughts coming from someone who has only watched the original trilogy. I think the prequels really helped The Force Awakens go over the top since the franchise was recovering from a bad rep.

Well this was a pleasant surprise!! I read just about to crash out when I saw this. A fantastic going over. It makes me quite keen to see it. I don't mind spoilers you see because as you know this will be going on the long list of to be watched's!! :0)

Haha! And I was about to head out before I saw your comment to this! Aww man, I just knew that you haven't seen it, that's why I did the whole bum thing and the opening crawl in case you didn't want to be spoiled about it. I'm happy that you read through it though, man. I really appreciate it! I'm sure that you'll forget about the tiny details when you do get around to watching it. That's why I leaned more on the lessons rather than the goings on of the movie. It did turn out to be quite spoiler-heavy though, so I apologize for that.

Did you get to see The Force Awakens though? It was before we met, so I'm not sure if we talked about it before. Because of my name, I felt obligated to make this post haha!

I ain't even seen that!! I have literally only seen Pixar movies for four years. Trust me, by the time I get to see them I will have forgotten everything... Apart from the deaths lol!!

I never even thought about the name before but now I can't stop... Jed-i!

When the first Star Wars movie came out I was on vacation and saw it at the beach. We all liked it especially my wife. Since then I grow less and less interested in movies, too many special effects. So ya I’m a wet blanket, but the plot never changes, good vs. evil, good wins, but evil lives to fight again.

Star Wars on a beach! Oooohhhh that must've been swell! I do agree with you in terms of special effects, which is weird for me since I'm in the programming industry. Personally, I'm not that impressed with effects anymore since it's all the same thing. I much rather focus on the story itself and judge it from there. You'll be surprised about this one though. Lots of people in the gray area. Good and evil isn't as clear cut as the previous films.

Me detuve, no seguí leyendo,,, spoilers XD XD

Aww eso es muy malo. Espero que hayas votado.

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