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RE: The Last Jed, I Am Not

in #star-wars7 years ago

Haha! Sorry about that! I got carried away a bit! I really wanted to fit it all in my opening crawl, but yeah..

If I were to watch it again, I guess I could use the Canto Bight scene to go to the bathroom haha! Del Toro wasn't who they were looking for, it was Justin Theroux's character, the one with the flower. They just had to make do because, well, didn't Del Toro rescue them while they were being hunted? Haha! They didn't have a choice.

I can't help but feel that Rose was inserted just so they could include an Asian. They could've just given the role to Poe though. Looking back, I guess they needed a new character so that the Canto Bight scene surrounding the servant kids would strike a chord. But again, they could've just added that to Poe's backstory. Slave kid who became an ace X-wing pilot, I bet that'll work! Especially since it's super original and haven't been done two times before.

I agree with your sentiment about the quips. It's a fine art for sure, inserting comedy at just the right time. I think that's what hampered Justice League as well. The quips need to have a purpose, or else it could slow down the momentum.

I totally get what you mean. It's not like when after watching The Force Awakens and you're hyped up for Episode VIII. With Solo on the horizon, I think that'll receive the blowback though.

Oh there's already a Red Letter Media for The Force Awakens!? I didn't notice that! I'll take a look at it in a bit haha!

The shoutout is very much warranted, brother!


the red letter media thing I was referring to is called something like "half in the bag" and it's just a recap of their thoughts after watching the movie, not the full blown "plinkett review" like the others. But I still enjoyed watching it and their thoughts on TLJ were pretty much mine exactly.

I also thought Rose was there only for the purpose of an Asian being in the film lol, that being said, I'm not against that obviously - I don't care what ethnicity Rose was - the character itself was just boring!

I actually have no hype at all for the Solo movie, i mean of course I'm going to go see it; but my expectations are so low that maybe I will end up loving it!

I watched it and forgot to tell you haha! The guy voicing the drunk recap looks exactly how I pictured him. It was great, they didn't have an ounce of pandering in them. I really felt like all their thoughts were genuine instead of trying to cater to a side.

Now that I had days to ponder about it, I feel like Rose's sister was a far more compelling character. That is, if you don't think about how the bombs manage to drop without gravity hahaha!

Maybe that was their strategy? Just like how Wonder Woman was set up. Set the expectations low and then deliver a good movie that would be seen as great haha!

I am definitely looking forward to a Plinkett review of Ep 8, assuming they do it, which I think they will. I just think it would have made so much sense to kill Rose off at the end to "join" her sister - and I thought that is what they were leading up to. oh well! I can't wait for this to come out on blu-ray and the fan edits to start coming out that cut out all the useless scenes (basically the entire rose arc)