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RE: The Last Jed, I Am Not

in #star-wars7 years ago

I stoped watching Star Wars long ago - I think The Return of the Jedi was the last one. So, rating is out of the question.
It would be nice if it would be true that everyone is called to make the best out of oneself as long as it is benevolent.
I never thought they'll tell in advance what they plan to. But, yes, as sci fi writers and scenarist have their relatives in all sorts of government agencies, they can easily pick up what's coming like, for instance Kurt Vonnegut, whos brother worked at Darpa or NSA, so Vonnegut featured one of the characters in his book according to his brother's coworker with whom he talked a lot, and even one of the weather modification patents was described in ther in some cryptical way. Maybe they were allowed to talk then, because they usually have such oaths that not even their families know what they do.


I don't think they'll go as far as the creators did way back then, but I'm sure they'll sneak in whatever they can. I'm pretty sure they'll stick with commenting on the socio-political aspect more though since that's what most people could relate to.

Would be cool if you get the chance to watch TLJ to hear thoughts coming from someone who has only watched the original trilogy. I think the prequels really helped The Force Awakens go over the top since the franchise was recovering from a bad rep.