Before I begin this review from the perspective of a geeky dad, the 46 year old huge Star Wars fan in me would like to say a few words about...

If you are an adult who is a huge Star Wars fan, please repeat these words before seeing this movie:
This movie was not created for me. It was created for kids and new Star Wars fans. (Edit 12/16: I just saw it for a second time and had a much more enjoyable experience. I turned off my brain and just enjoyed. You can read about it here.)
I truly believe that if adult Star Wars fans keep this in mind and lower their expectations quite a bit, they will have a better chance of enjoying this movie. Sadly, the huge Star Wars fan that lives in me did not know to do this before viewing the movie. He is now crying.*
Maybe it would have been better if I were expecting this...
Everything is awesome! Everything is awesome when you make a movie for kids and new fans!

But the geeky dad is smiling. Why? Because my 12 year old son LOVED this movie. Not only did he excitedly (but quietly) tell me a few things during the movie, he could not stop talking about it on the way home. He was amazed at how much was tied to the books and video games he loves. He frantically explained details about how certain villains got their armor and why weapons were so special. Basically, he loved it enough for both of us.
I am not just a crotchety old Star Wars fan who likes his X-Wings to look like models and his Yoda to look like a puppet (of course I am those things but there is much more). I loved The Force Awakens and I enjoyed Rogue One. If I were to rank the Star Wars movies in order it would be:
- Empire Strikes Back
- A New Hope
- Force Awakens
- Return of the Jedi
- Rogue One
- The Last Jedi
I won't even rank the prequels because they suck so much I want to forget they exist. But as you can see, I actually enjoyed The Force Awakens more than one of the original trilogy.
After seeing, The Force Awakens, I felt that it was a farewell love letter not only to Han Solo, but to fans like me as well. Rather than being a true sequel, I thought it was a reboot of the series aimed at building a bridge between old fans like me and their children. (For me it was only my daughter because my son was already a true fan).
After seeing The Last Jedi I am now convinced. The Force Awakens was definitely a message to Fans who grew up in the 70s and 80s. That message:
"OK old men. You had your fun. Here's one last movie for you... but then it is time to give a new generation what you had for the past 40 years. Thanks for your loyalty and for raising kids with excellent taste. Now go sit in the back and watch your kids have fun."*
See ya middle-aged fans. It's been a hell of a ride! May the Force Be With You.

That is what I did tonight while watching The Last Jedi. Personally I did not enjoy very much of this film. There were a couple of cool shout outs to the original trilogy (but I refuse to spoil them). There were also a few exciting (but short) battles, and many of the jokes were funny. But aside from that, there wasn't much for me.*
The plot has some very serious holes. They "yada-yada-yada" over some very important details, they include characters and creatures for no discernible reason and the end is incredibly unsatisfying. In the future, after everyone has seen the movie, I will post a rant about all these issues as well as all the times I asked "Why did that happen?" There were many. (Not quite as many as Batman v Superman but more than any non-prequel Star Wars movie). I honestly don't think the intended audience is there for the plot. They are there for fun and action... even if it is fairly mindless according to the huge Star Wars fan in me.*

I missed Han so much I thought I should add as much of him here as possible.
I think the casting is excellent. There isn't much that you can do to make Mark Hammill a better actor but the writers and director did not put him in very many difficult situations. They kept it easy for him and he did fine. It was wonderful to see Carrie Fisher get to play one of my favorite female characters one last time. She will be missed. I think the producers hit a home run with Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, and John Boyega. Heck I even like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. The acting is not the problem.
The special effects are absolutely stunning. The space battles look amazing. The CGI characters look very real. No complaints there either.
Although the movie was long (almost 2 1/2 hours long) there is quite a bit of action. While my family enjoyed the action, I felt it was tainted by the fact that so much of the setup made very little sense. Yes the action was cool... but was most of it necessary? Would the characters really be in the position to have to carry out the action sequences? Were all of the combat moves plausible? I was thinking too much about these questions to truly enjoy. Because of this, I was actually bored during many scenes.*
This looked really cool. Just don't ask me why it took place.

The writers attempted to work in a significant amount of humor. I'd say 2/3 of it worked. Some jokes were just too hokey for an adult... but my kids laughed at every joke. Far too many made me face-palm and shake my head. Once again, it was obvious that I was not the intended audience for the humor.*
The same was true of the "cute" creatures including the now famous penguin-like porgs. I have no idea why they were in the movie (neither does my computer because it won't let me type it!) Actually that is a lie. I know exactly why they are in the movie. Some focus group of little girls must have loved them. My 10 year old daughter sure did.
My wife and daughter loved these turtle faced things dressed like nuns. The Star Wars fan in me died a little bit just writing that.*

Actually the entire movie seems like it was many scenes patched together to satisfy many different focus groups. Sadly the "Middle-aged hardcore Star Wars fan" focus group only had scraps tossed to us. The meat clearly went to the little kids and their non-initiated parents focus group.
All of this may make it seem like I hated this experience. Nothing could be further form the truth. Although I did not enjoy the movie, I cherished the experience. My kids had enough fun for all of us. The fact that my wife liked it was an added bonus. The cherry on top was that my 10 year old daughter was so excited that she actually stayed awake for the entire movie even though it ended 90 minutes after her bedtime.

Although my kids are a little bit older than these two, they shared the same facial expression during the entire movie.
If I had to choose between me loving it or my kids loving it, I would pick them every single time.
I had a childhood filled with awesome Star Wars memories. Now it is their turn.
I'm taking them to see it in IMAX on Saturday. Maybe it will grow on me... (12/16 edit: It did!)
Geeky Dad's Movie Guide
Number of times I fell asleep: 0
Number of eye rolls: 6 (Plot holes, unexplained Jedi powers, and the feeling that this movie was made for a series of focus groups.)
Number of face palms: 4 (A couple of jokes were just too ridiculous plus they missed some huge opportunities)
Number of times my kid asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": 2
Did my kids like it: They LOVED it!
Would I see it without my kids: Yes (But then again, I saw all the prequels in the theater... I'm an addict.)
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: Full Price (Based solely on watching my kids have fun)
*12/16 edit: I just returned from seeing it a second time. All of the flaws I pointed out were based on my perspective, not the movie. I still stand by my words but I have a much more positive opinion of the movie now. You can read about it here.
I have seen the new star wars movie and I have to say I dont like it. Its breaking my heart to say that.
I was entertained but the more I think over the decisions made in the movie the less I like it ( and I even liked the prequels)
but I am just a random dude -
but wait didnt just disney said you can be a Nobody and still be a Jedi beating kylo /skywalker with almost zero training ----
I couldn't stand it the first time I saw it. But... then I remembered it's for 8 - 13 year olds is 2017 not 46 year olds... or even 8 - 13 year olds in 1977.
I know what you mean its nice made ,cgi looks good, the acting is fine too ,and there are even some really good ideas, BUT the decision made ... oh lord..the plotholes oh lord...and the timeline..... it feels like rayn johnson just dont gave a fuck even about episode 7 . it had so many missed opportunities to be a film for young and old generation and it even teases those things you want to see but the second before you think yes finally this will be good --the moment is already over and the oppoertunity is missed. I hope It will be better after I see it the 2nd and 3rd time .
What a great review! Always like reading them :D
Thank you for this great analysis (without spoilers). It is so sad that the Star-wars franchize that we all grew up on is now catering for the new young fans. I feel so cheated and abandoned!
@hanshotfirst - **Wow - it has been a while since we visited each others posts. I guess timings do not match due to my revised work schedule. Anyway - @vm2904
Good to see you here! I am a little sad, but that is tempered by the fact that I realize I'm an old man. It's time for kids to get what I was lucky to have: a childhood filled with Star Wars. I will still enjoy the new movies and TV shows, just in a slightly different way than before.
I am not old. I am 25 years old. Please, don't just pass this new trilogy to us! We wanted a new Star Wars trilogy, not whatever this was...
Sadly Lucas already tried to make your movies. They were the prequels and they sucked. I feel really bad for people in between my age and my son's age. If you were too young to see the original trilogy as a kid and now too old to see this one as a kid, it sucks. So 25 is actually too old for these. The human brain does not fully develop until around age 25. This movie is for people with young minds and those who can pretend to have one for a few hours. I truly believe people need to turn off they "adult brain" to enjoy these. I am not saying you have to be "dumb" to like these. You just need to be willing to let go of logic for a little while.
Yes. It is hard to accept that we are now getting old but that is a fact. The cycle of life has to go on and the kids must get priority.
Thank you. I really like the perspective you put on these things. Frankly, anyone can do a movie review but the way you do it is very different and valuable.
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
oh wow! Now I MUST go see it! Been busy lately with my dad's health issues and writing my posts but I must find time. :)
I felt that way after TFA, to be honest. I found myself watching myself watching the movie.... so much anticipation, so many worries. The second time though? I feel absolutely in love with it.
And with The Last Jedi I liked it a lot the first time through and found very little to quibble with. Star Wars was always for our inner 9 year olds, even The Phantom Menace works when you allow yourself to be a kid again.
But, that is what Star Wars is. And I expect I will love The Last Jedi when I see it a second time. This is a very deep film that has a lot to say about legends and the expectations of the younger generation of the older one.
Oh, and that little bit about war being a racket. Kinda important that.
Great movie analysis, I love your ranking system.
I'm very bummed that you ranked it last, now I feel the need to wait until it hits a premium channel in my theater room.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
If you can turn your brain off for a couple of hours I bet you will have fun in th theater.
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I'll take a look at your new post.
I've seen it twice as well.
I loved it the first time, when I saw it Thursday night.
After seeing the hate online about it I went and saw it again Friday afternoon.
And I left thinking, nope I was right. It's a great movie.
I haven't read much yet. My guess is that the hate came from people like me who forgot that the target audience is kids (as it should be).
I was looking at it through the wrong lens. I think I kind of got tricked by how much I felt The Force Awakens was aimed at me. I think that was a special one last hurrah for my generation. It was very special. But I knew it was a transition. Somehow I let myself forget.
just came out of the cinema and have the feeling something was missing... I don't know. I just hope that the next triology will be the DARTH BANE SAGA 1000 years before.
You know what? I need to watch this movie! It’s so cool the last scene from the previos movie while he standing there in the cliff with his robot arm. I know the next one will be great
It wasn't that bad. I liked it more than Force Awakens. Characters are now more established and there are some cool new comers. Well, story is not finished yet and I think we must see the last one to give the whole disney SW triology a fair review.
It just had too many plot holes for me. Some day I will share all o them. But I pride myself on never spoiling a movie so it will have to wait... but my list is long.
There are many plot holes yes, I didn't let those ruin the movie for me. It is a SW movie after all, logic was never the strong feature of this saga. Fun and pew pew :)
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
Yes i support your comment
I have been watching star wars since when i was a kid. Actually my dad made me watch it and i kinda liked it, when i get married and have kids i would also love them to also watch it. Nice post @hanshotfirst
The Star Wars Saga is a great storyline of good versus evil, the Republic vs the Empire.
We are seeing the same storyline being played out in the Crypto/BlockChain vs. CentralBank/Gov't Universe. For over a 100 years, the Central Bank and Gov't Empire has ruled our universe... and now the new Rebellion of Cryptos/Blockchain is fighting back. We are witnessing this SAGA play out in real-time, the RISE OF CRYPTOS recently is the AWAKENING that people are being drawn to... its the new FORCE that will bring balance back to the universe.
While the Govt and Central Bank Empire thinks they have control, there is a big powershift happening and they are finally seeing some resistance from a newly formed Rebellion. The tides are turning and Cryptos/Blockchain is gaining Steem... this is the new force in our Universe and we can all join in and fight the Evil Central Bank and Govt Emprie, or sucumb to thier will. The choice is ours and the fate of the Universe lies in our hands.
What side of the NEW UNIVERSE are you on?
Crypto/Blockchain or CentralBank/Gov't
That is a really cool idea for a post. You should write that. If you do, make sure to drop a link in one of my comment sections.
It's called: Crypto Wars - Episode One: Rise of the Crypto Rebellion. If people like it, I will continue on with the story. Let me know what you think, please like and Re-Steem it if you think it's worth telling the story from my perspective. Cheers.@hanshotfirst, with your encouragement, I decided to write this into a Post and possibly more.
Thanks, yes it would make a good post... if I get time I will. I mostly write about cryptos and cannabis, but being a Star Wars fan, I couldn't pass up writing a comment here.
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
I am big fan of STAR WARS OMG. Love this post soo much. Thank you for sharing
My opinion without any spoilers.
The movie had some holes in it. A few of the new characters had a lot of potential, but the director didn't use them like he should. Lukes' character doesn't feel like Luke. If you see a casino scene in the movie, it's about 20-30 minutes break, don't stay for no reason because this entire scene is pretty much a "filler". Rey and Kylo Ren are still negligible. I still don't care about their characters (maybe, I care even less now). Overall, as a movie it was above average. As the new Star Wars movie, it wasn't good. I felt like the director wanted to create a whole new franchise. Newer than this new trilogy. If you feel like these weren't mistakes, I would like to know what you thought of it.
Oh yeah. When I write my rant, those will all be in it. I have MANY thoughts on the Casino.
The movie seem interesting
Wish it's available here in Nigeria@handshotfirst
I hope you will have some way to watch it in the near future.
I hope so too
Always been a Star Wars fan!
Sorry to hear it disappointed you. We're seeing it on Sunday. I don't worry too much about inconsistencies as long as I am entertained. I love Star Wars, but I'm not a purist
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
Cool. I'm counting down to tomorrow.
I think that is the perfect attitude. I am going to try and do that from now on.
Because I haven't seen this movie yet, I skimmed very quickly and carefully to avoid spoilers, despite your disclaimer :)
Thanks for the review, and I'll resteem this because star wars helped shape my childhood as well. I am not a fan of the new movies in the same way, and the last two movies to come out (episode 7and rogue one) were disappointing because It seemed to me to have lost what made star wars great.
It's my hope the last Jedi will truly be the continuing saga that I remember :) and not just a cool sci fi action movie :)
I hope you enjoy it!
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
I see what you mean by a a lot of what you said. I saw the movie this morning, and while I enjoyed it, I had similar issues as you. The original movies had much more depth to their plot and story, with action as the climax to said story. But the new movies have lost that touch. Regardless of any issues, I made it a point to come in with no expectations, and enjoy what jj abramas had made.
As far as the combat scenes go, I know a martial arts teacher who makes action movies and most of the hand to hand combat in this movie was plausible and realistic. Minus the future weapons, laser swords, and superpowers of course.
What?!?! Unfollow, defriend, unvote, flag, revoke, downflag, rescind.... just kidding. Probably, 40 years from now, your kids are going to gripe about Star Wars 15, or whatever, for the same reasons. It is probably healthy. Thanks for the review/heads up. I look forward to watching this.
LOL. Yeah I'd say 46 is a good time to finally grow up.
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more! (And I'm not just saying that to get you to follow me again lol)
No worries. I make a lot of jokes here. I am preparing my own review of the movie. I will post it with #punchline on Monday morning (central USA time.) Have a good one.
Oh yeah I knew you were kidding.
Star Wars is something that we need to pass on our children. I completely agree with you :)
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
I'm getting pretty old too, but still loved it! I do agree on a few things though, the porgs were unnecessary, they glazed over huge backstory opportunities, and there was one super huge "that is ridiculous"! Looking forward to being able to rant together one the spoiler ban is lifted!
Yes! I think I know exactly what you mea. I actually think 1/3 of the movie should have never happened.
Maybe 1/4, how long is the spoiler embargo on and we can start ranting, actually got my wife chatting a bit finially, now I really wanna keep it going.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
That's awesome, I'm going to do it backward than you! I have tickets for next Tuesday and I'm going to try to watch with a more critical lense
I think that is a much better strategy.
Man, I tried to be critical, but just couldn't do it! I love it again. and had to blog about how my positive attitude stopped me from disliking it. Here's the blog I did notice a few little Easter eggs this time around that i'm excited about.
As a hardcore Star Wars fan who tops the Google keywords for everything related to Sith to a fellow fan, please tell me they didn't make Rey any more OP.
There are some very "interesting" new Force powers.
Holy crap, she is an OP Mary Sue isn't she?
LOL. It seems all of the Jedi are OP now.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
Do you remember the significance of the gold dice? You might enjoy my latest post if you do!
I had not! Thank you so much for pointing me at that article.
Thanks for checking it out! I had never noticed the dice before either. Now I want a pair of those gold dice for myself lol!
I've been waiting for this movie for a long time .. in our cinemas it is shown only in 20 numbers, so I thank you for an interesting review, you heated the interest of the people in this film)
I hope you enjoy!
I am not a star wars fan but one thing i remember: "May the force be with you" ;-)
may the force of steemit be with you @hanshotfirst ^_^
My son can't stop talking about it!!!.....he's yet to see it.
He's a big star wars fan.
If he is a kid, he'll love it!
"It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation..." - George Lucas, 2012. These two movies were the transition. The last one was a fan film that strongly resembled A New Hope. This one probably is a view towards what we'll see in the future. If they're going to be making one movie per year, one saga movie every two years, then is it going to be an endless battle between good and evil with Jedis constantly on the run, where every evil spaceship seems to blow up when it's hit in the perfect spot, and each trilogy is a new generation's take on the first three movies? They can't keep covering the same ground repeatedly. It's been fun, but they have to move it forward.
I agree. I had a feeling I was going to need to let go after The Force Awakens. This just confirmed it. And I hope they go in new directions that my son and daughter enjoy. I don't want them to cater to me anymore. I had my fun. Time to open up that huge universe.
I can't wait to see it and take the family. I'm pretty sure i'll love it.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
Got it. Brain off.
My whole family and my husband loves Star Wars! I was never really a fan though. But I'll go watch it in the theater with my husband. My brother @trumpit saw it late last night and he loved it! I'm sure he'll be making a post about it later lol.
I will be on the lookout. You are a good partner. I have a feeling you will find it fun. I was overthinking it.
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
Haha that's awesome!!
Haha these are some pretty looking turtles!
For sure. You should see them in the bikini scene!
O my goodness @hanshotfirst! "My wife and daughter loved these turtle faced things dressed like nuns. The Star Wars fan in me died a little bit just writing that." I am literally laughing out loud. I think my husband @joechiappetta would give you a hug right now if he could. He will be seeing the movie with me and the kids one day soon and I am sure he will think of that line ;)
Turn off your brain and just sit back and enjoy the movie. I wish I had. i will from now on with Star Wars movies. I hope you enjoy!
Lol, "turn off my brain" actually shouldn't be that hard to do ;)
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
The biggest achievement in my opinion is writing a movie review without giving out spoilers. Well done
Thank you. I try really hard to avoid spoilers. I hate them!
Yes, spoilers take the fun out of movies and books. It seems like an obligation to end them if I know what's going to happen.
I saw it for a second time. Enjoyed it so much more!
I am not a big fan of star wars but i think ill give it a second try.. Haha :-) i mighy be a fan after the second try. Haha
I am going to see it Monday. Nice review @hanshotfirst.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
Outstanding review, and spot on.
I'm a bit of a cantankerous curmudgeon myself, so yes - this movie had issues a'plenty. Entertaining yes, but you're right - its for another generation.
As for space battles, to me nothing quite matches the classic battle of Endor. That felt real, in a way nothing that followed did. That initial shot of coming out of hyperspace and having Endor zoom in on-screen as you (the viewer) looks out the cockpit with Lando.... still gets me every time.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
I agree. That scene still holds up over 30 years later.
Thank you for this spoiler free post, entertaining and encouraging. Going to double dip with the Justice League in a few days, hoping I enjoy this more. I'd have to say the turtle nuns have already won me over though. Being in my 30's and not too critical of the Star Wars franchise I'm interested in how it differs from the originals, Force Awakens, and Rogue One. Resteemed, thanks!
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
Really enjoyed this :)
Thanks! Just wait a couple weeks for the rant. You'll love some of it and some will make you want to punch me.
I'm going to see this today. I'll let you know what I thought
Don't think too much. ;)
you know, that's my problem, I've been thinking too much. My first line to was going to be, "I haven't decided yet." LOL. I will say that it took a long time. I went to a very nice theater that I had been to many times before. When the credits started, I bolted up to give my arse relief. First movie that I recall my arse hurting at the end. I hope that read as funny as I typed it?
Hello first let me tell you that I follow all your post about the reviews of the movies, because it really fascinates the way you describe it, I feel that you are my Jedi movie master, so I follow you fervently. Second, what could we expect? is Disney, remember that they are coming to a young audience "millenials", and well that hurts us, because they are making it more for the general public, knowing that star wars is a cult movie... And third, I saw it, tomorrow I do the post of the review but in Spanish and I would like you to see if you like it, obviously I will pass you a translation. and thank you for teaching me how to do movie reviews. May the force be with you.
I was also a big fan of star war. But I think the new story is less attractive to me now. Coz I don't want Kylo to kill his dad and mum. That's very horrible. And I can't see the relationship that Rey has with Skywalker's family. I think it'd better to have more driod war scene and lightsaber fight in the flim. That's not enough.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
I like Star Wars but I'm not fanatic about it so I will probably not see this until much later.
I'd rather see Mel Brooks make a sequel to Spaceballs or that somebody make a sequel to that Star Wars ripoff Starcrash with David Hasselhoff.
Spaceballs was really funny.
Great post. You present convincing arguments regarding TLJ. You are welcome to check my own (spoiler laden) review.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
This is a great movie and I have just watched it a few two days ago in the first day it shown in my city. I enjoy it a lot since I don't go to watch movie in the cinema that often. I don't this movie is just for kids even the kids love to watch thing s like this. I think the Star War series are movies that will stir up our emotion when we see some familiar face passed away either in reality or just in the movie. At the same time, some new stars coming up on the screen and it all tells us that " time really goes by fast." Anyway, that's the life cycle that we can't ignore anyway. But since this movie shows up in Christmas time, we just enjoy it altogether and say Merry Christmas to each others then whether we are online or just seeing each other in the cinema.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
'Rogue one' was infinitely better than 'The Force Awakens'..
My opinion is 100% based on emotion not logic. As soon as Rey said "The Garbage will do!" and they panned to the Millennium Falcon, I was so happy that I just floated through the rest of the movie.
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
I just came down to the comments as i still haven't watched it yet how was it ??
I saw it for a second time. I turned off my brain and enjoyed it so much more!
Does anyone else here didnt watch star wars and doesnt intend to?
I love Robot, which is Robot in Star Wars
This is the good review for"The last jedi"Really awesome@hanshotfirst.I have done resteemed already.
i dont watch this new part of this series hope i watch is soon in next days @hanshotfirst
Nicely written... I'm new going to see all star wars episodes ever made from tonight...