Happy Birthday to Stach

in #stach6 years ago

joined Stach because I heard of the upvote subscription, which I didn't get to save enough steem to buy

but I got more than that from here.
I found out stach has a beating heart, it was more than crypto, it is a family i hurried down here because @ejemai was one of the most influential persons on steemit and I needed upvote like die...lol

A community of loyalist,
an edifice birthed right from the heart of the blockchain,
brought to fruition by crypto engagements,
but sustained through the chord of brotherhood shared among hearts, hearts carved apart by distance and space but united by a single purpose which is INFLUENCE.
Stach, a parch of hearts with impact on a dash

its everyday moments,
the magic of our lives is a sum of the moments they say,
but each second on Stach is a moment to treasure.
from the artistic display of poetry,
amazing birth and rebirth of creativity,
sustenance of love,
fanning the dying flames in the heart of its members
and wow, wisdom from minds, minds unusual and uncommon.

not forgeting the enchanting voices of beautiful angels,
the charming vocalist,
the crazy naturalists,
the radical life giver
the relationship coach
the aproko pelzons and the fart experts... like this place makes me laugh harder than Kevin Hart does

i am new to this family, but in ways you dont know,
i have come to build a family here,
a family that goes beyond crypto
people i dont know but who have come to impact me in ways i couldnt never have imagined
in life, you need people,
people have impacts
but this family, you've contributed to my journey
and have accelerated me. not just me,
a host of others.

on your birthday, stach,
I want you to know youre a blessing,
a force, a hope and a light.
definitely the answer to lots of prayer.
thank you to all those who brought this family to live.

If you want to be a part of this family, its doors are wide open to you all. join the discord channel