Hey dearies. Been a while we did this yeah? I am particularly excited about the people who were in the hub today, amazing fellas I must say.

First person I want to talk about is coming to the hub for the second time since it was launched. With yesterday being her first time, @joyart

If you haven't checked her blog you should do so. I was dazzled by her talent. It is a great gift she has and is using well. Hey Joy, twas nice having you at hub.

Second is @vheobong. This bundle of trouble came back from Lagos a while ago and as always has been to the hub everyday since her return. We know you missed us, we missed you too. Aside all the trouble she can make, she is gifted with wonder ideas and has love for building communities

@ifioklee was also present. The almost gentle steemian who is responsible for lots of steemians in uyo finding out about steemit and remaining even when prices of sbd and steem went down. He is a "crypto sombody" too lol. From his recent posts you can learn about airdrops and crypto related information.

She is also a caterer and hulala a gifted one at that. Her works will speak for her.

badass programmer, with lots of knowledge on cryptocurrency, trading and airdrops though his posts are mainly limited to utopian posts. Don't be deceived by his subtle smile, he isn't a quiet person.
Mr Volunteerism.

He is a biochemist too; some of his posts will point you to that.@magdnrobinson, the man with the heart given out to fending for the poor or less privileged was also present.
almost quiet? This is the real quiet version of him, his brother. Despite his qualification in political science, he writes more on pure science making me wonder what he went to the arts for. He helps out alot at the hub. Thanks alot dear, it is appreciated.@gidionline, remember when I said @ifioklee is
He is also drawn to humanitarian services like his friend, @magdnrobinson with he and Robinson being part of @air-clinic's outreach team.
@annieben. Secretary of the hub was also present.
When I think of these people in a room together and the possible ideas that could emanate from their discussions I smile because I know the effects they can make as individuals, imagine what you can do as a group.
For our readers,
Looks like everyone had fun today. :-D. I have seen some of @joyart's drawings and artworks. they're lit. She's a beauty as well.
One STACH.Keep up the good work dear, @annieben.
Thanks @pangoli I've seen some of your writings and you're really good, thumbs up.
Thank you.
You're welcome
What work? Please address Joy. She's the one with the work. Thanks.
Hehehe... See my small head; thanks @stach-uyo @annieben, you guys rock💃
Baby girl....
Hello everybody
Hello guys... and ladies.
...so many pictures on here. Great!!
anyone noticed my picture on here -- it's the first one one here.
may in retrospect@annieben --
LMAO.... You no well. Shea you hiding your cute 👶 face ...
Thanks so much @annieben ... But that first cake is a client sample cake gotten from #allaboutcake. not my work ... The wedding cake and call to bar party cake was made by me @ucathy... Happy New Month
Sorry for the mix-up... My fine geh