in #stach7 years ago

Greetings from here great steeming family, feeling blessed for being among the land of the living, I thought it reasonable to share a little sermon here about man's greatest challenge,
"Temptation".Though it was my plan to share this here last Sunday but couldn't come online due to the tight order of the day, but after all I'll still be sharing this.
Temptation is a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. Temptation is a troubling addiction, a betraying thought to cause us to stray off the path that leads to Godly living.


We all at one point or the other get tempted or tempered by one thing or another. Between our daily activities while especially relating with different people from quite different backgrounds and upbringing, people around us not sometimes reasoning in different perspectives from ourselves.
Most times we get tempted to do things quite not cool especially being irritated or urged into it. We tempted to anger, fighting, abusing, quarreling, mallies and even addictions like smoking, drugs, drinking and some other things not too good to retain an extent of intimacy with God.


temptation is not sin, if temptation were indeed sin then Jesus would not have led a sinless life. Jesus was tempted in all things (Heb 4: 15), yet without sin. However Temptation should not be taken lightly because it is a gateway to sin.

Temptation is often strongest when we are at our weakest. The longer we allow it to brew in our thoughts, the more temptation becomes. Thus we must learn to recognize temptation and keep it in check.

Temptation is one of the enemies most powerful "schemes" for misleading Gods people. Hebrews 11:25, it causes us to focus on the passing pleasures of sin rather than achieve the the everlasting and rich rewards of serving God with a pure heart. Ephesians 6:11,16

Bible says each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust, and when lust has concieved it brings forth sin, and when sin has taken place it brings forth death. (James 1:14:15).
Thus, our own lusts gives temptation power over us.


Does God tempt us? I consider this to be a very interesting question as a whole lot of people have put up thier the thoughts that God actually tempts us or leads us to temptation, after all the Bible makes us understand that God lead Jesus to be tempted in the wilderness after his 40 days and 40 nights fast. This then will might make some of us have in our minds the conception that God leads us into temptation.

Well what do you think? For me I think it's a little misunderstanding how we relate or INTERPRETE the word, it's even more twisting how we all see things from a different perspective. But then, first things first, the Bible does not contradict itself, the Bible is a deeper part of our understanding and intimacy with God, since it is the very inspiration of the holyspririt to spell out Gods words.


Do not forget that God wants us all to be saved and live a righteous and worthy life like Jesus. He wants us to be far from sin, so if he wants us to be far from sin, how then will he desire to lead us into temptation?
God does not tempt us or lead us into temptation, although he could allow it so to give us an opportunity to prove our live and respect for him, but he never tempts us, rather he saves us from it by not allowing us to be tempted above our very limits {1corinth 10vs:13}.
However, it's also good to understand that the Bible clearly and specifically stated to us that God himself cannot be tempted by evil, neither does he tempt any man {James 1:12}.

To overcome temptation we must not allow whatever situation or tempting circumstances to brew in our minds, because the more it brews in our minds, the more dangerous and powerful it becomes on us, and the more chances of falling for it we stand.
To fight temptation, we must put on the full amor of God (eph 6: 11,16). We must all knowand at all time have in mind that sin brings death{James 1: 14-15}. Death of the mind, death of the spirit and we'll if the spirit is dead, the body only becomes a living cops and as such temptation should not be taken lightly.

It's also important to have in mind that temptation is to a good extent inevitable and at a point or another in the process of our service to God, it will actually show it's face.
However enduring temptation also has a price, after all we all feel tempted in one way or the other in our lives and the only reason for us not to fall for such temptations, the one good reason is LOVE*
The greatest respect and love we have for God that makes us what will keep us updated and motivated not to give in into the devils deadly pottage. But then, what's the price for enduring or fighting temptation? 👉{ James 1vs12}


God promises us the crown of life to those who obey and overcome temptations. However on a more personal view, I see temptation to be just a good opportunity for those who actually claim to love God to actually prove thier love right. Whenever we overcome temptation, we become more intimate with God and he blesses us with provisions and perfections {James 1vs 2-4} So why do we have to give in when we know there is more treasure to uncover when we overcome?

So who is that one lesson or party that is pushing you to the wall and tempting the guts out of you, please do me a favor, look another way. It is true that due to the human in us, it is quite not so easy just as Matthew 26vs41 makes us understand that the flesh is actually weak even when the spirit is willing, but then through prayers and supplication (regular fellowshiping) being Godlike is still very possible.

Be the best in you, don't worry about giving up, it's actually not an option, don't give in as well. Godbless you Greatly, have a blessed new month ahead!


STEEMON! I am @kennyc

image source www.gettyimages.com


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Thanks @wafrica. Much appreciation from here *