in #stach6 years ago

Being conscious of this fact is greatly essential for the commencement of our set goals. In every vission there are two things involved / there is dreamer and there is a dream. What ever the dreamer will portray from his vission is the exact shape the dream will take.
In this article, the dream I will be referring to will be that of the "GOTHAM CITY "


A dream and a vission I would want to see my country attain, it doesn't matter the hooks and bridges that may have to eurupt in achieving this desired goal but what I'm going to be certain about is that we must attain a great height if excellence.

We all have ambitions, personal life programs we want to see happen to ourselves and our families. We are dreamers with great and magnificent dreams that are very powerful. Some of us want to become the world's best scientist, some want to be highly recognised as the world's known surgeon, while others want to build in themselves the next country president. But then, I might have to ask this question DO WE HAVE A DREAM FOR OUR COUNTRY? and if yes, WHAT IS IT?

Surely we all have set down objectives that will at one time or the other keep us busy and focused with the schedule, everyday before we leave the house we always 🤔 map out how the day will go and things we hope to achieve for that day. Before we leave the house, some of us pray to God for divine assistance and protection, others leave the house without praying though but are target-oriented. DO WE EVER PRAY FOR OUR NATIONS?
personally the country or nation of any individual has a great role to play in the life of that particular individual. This is so because whatever happens or affects that nation, indirectly has also affected you as the individual or citizen. With due regards, our leaders are our representatives locally and internationally, so if a country happens to have or elect a mad leader or president for instance, it simply means that the entire electorate are mad folks.


A lot of us don't end to consider country achievement or nation building as a dream, rather a lot of us are being carried away by our kind of busy lifestyle and this makes keeps us ignorant to the souls called affairs if the nation. Why are things happening this way? Is this how it's meant to be? A lot of us are not longer interested and don't care about whatever happens to the nation. For instance, I will say the citizens to an extent are not to blame, rather the government has everything to explain.

When power lies in the hands of group of people it is best expected that they perform every process if accountability and work worthiness, rather than welcome or organize instruments of corruption and inadequacy.
Sincerely speaking, there is more to be done than said, surely every country has its own story of growth and development, and there are as well bridges and faults still existing in the great first world countries today, so some how no nation is 100% perfect in execution of policies.


But then, there are expected levels of growth
which should take its shape, especially those dealing with the desired time in transition from native to civilization. Locally, for a country like mine, there are 10001 obvious errors that the matter now is not about tackling these errors but that these errors ought not to be there at our heights of existence as a nation.
The thousands of errors visible in my country is not what I came to expose to the world on this article, it's not also what I intend in exposing on this article. It is not also what I plan to make a loud voice out.

Clearly stating, from 1960-2018 is about six decades and yet there is sincerely a perceived stagnance in the course of execution by our leaders. HOW CAN WE TELL?
It is very obvious for every individual, patriotic or no patriotic to observe the negation that exists in the spare heading of the nations agenda. Every four years, general elections are held and politicians ofcourse host campaigns and guess what they make just the normal promises ; Good roads, constant electricity/power supply, employment, affordable or free basic education, availability of clean water.

Same promises our politicians made during campaigns in 1960, ☺ could this mean that these problems, I mean the 1960 problems are still persisting? Well from the look of things, the answer is yes.

I can't imagine the same major problems that persisted in the 60's still majoring in 2018. This is only a red marker that all is not well.
WHAT WENT WRONG, is 5-6 decades not enough to give the country an extent of development and shape? Or more years or perhaps is needed for the magic of development.
Let me shock you*
Nigeria became independent, October 1st 1960 ,this was also same day the Cyprus achieved her status of independence as well, but today trust me you won't be able to compare the differences in developments of these two independent nations. Social wise, technically or educationally Cyprus is far ahead. As a matter of fact Nigerian students and students from around the world visit Cyprus to get educated and surely you won't give it a second thought if you were given a scholarship award to study in this country. This is how far the difference is so far.

How about Singapore? August 9 1965, literally 5 years ahead of us, well do some research in every field of development you know about including the so called oil sector. You will realize that 5yrs difference ahead of us presently seems 100yrs ahead of us in perceived relative developments.


I strongly believe there is, but firstly I must say that there is nothing wrong with our system of government which is democracy, as a matter of fact democracy is the best system of government any country or state can ever adopt. Secondly, we must recognize the problem here. If any given government cannot perform or represent as expected this simply means that there is a bridge in the representation by its leaders. Two things can cause this bridge in contract,

*ignorance, and
Corruption, misappropriation of public instruments , and greed are only products of ignorance.

Incompetency is one other very identifiable problem persisting in recent time. A government on a very normal scale should be made up of personnels or political practitioners whom to a reasonable extent should posses a good sense of educational qualification both in experience and might. Infact this is what encourages corruption, an incompetent government, a competent organization is only a foundation that will leave the political practitioner with the right orientation of not collecting bribe, why it is bad and the possible damage it could cause.


Personally I can't imagine a political position with such a high rank, not being able to formally address or communicate with his disciples, rather ignorantly misbehaving in public, portraying a huge extent of illiteracy at its best. And all one could do is to laugh, seriously the nation is actually in more danger than we think it is, this is so as every decision will greatly affect it's dwellers one way or the other, however an illiterate government will only but pass across an information of an illiterate citizens or electorate.

But then the answer is yes! There is a remedy and It greatly lies in our hands .we all as citizens are not just citizens, we are the electorate and as such we must not be ignorant to this role.
Like one of my colleagues will say "what's the essence of voting when our votes don't count "

Another will say" how can I vote for a country that has nothing for me"
Somehow these comments hold truth, but the real truth is that we never have to give up. Though it is possible that an extent of our votes might not count, but it's not possible that all will not count, thus, we must strive for a better representation in administration and we must play our own role by not just voting, but taking an indepht studies and analysis(past roles, responsibilities and achievements) on those prospects we intend to vote for.

Somehow we live in a quasi democratic community, but we can still dream for a better world, a bigger Naija, a Gotham city and this is indeed the promise land I ever hope and believe me, it's not necessary we enter into it. What is more important is to see it being created.
I am @kennyc


[image 7: viral source]
[others: gettyimages.com]


Wow I really like your write up. This is indeed a great call to all Africans. We must rise as youth to develop our nation.Indeed we have allowed politrictians like I always call them to make empty promises that they have not been able to keep. I believe we have the right tools of our times and with determination we can change the course of our lives from nothing to something. There is a remedy and I believe blockchian technology have a lot to offer us. The problem of unemployment can be resolved if our corrupt leaders will see reason to direct resources efficiently.the future of our nations are in our own hands.Thank you Kennyc for the massive sensitization. Your post have been selected as one of the winners for @wafrica and have received 50% upvote from @wafrica. curators.
......choosen by @steemgh curator for @wafrica

Honestly, I am in awe and gratitude for these kind gestures that is being put up here. A big thanks and appreciation to @steemgh for considering my article and making it worth a price. However I 100% agree with your notion in reference to general African status quo. Many thanks to the entire @wafrica community, it's unspeakable the extent of generosity and greatness that is being put in here. Godbless you richly.

Great post and nicely written!!

Thanks @rynow, I do appreciate your time here. Many regards.steemon!