in #stach7 years ago

Basically there are three kinds or classes of humans your going to come across your lifetime. They are the active, the passive and dormant.
Very plain and simple but more explicit I am going to explain some observed traits and characteristics that they posses so as to give a defined clue of these classes of people when you might happen to meet them. Also to draw a line in front of you to demarcate which one you actually belong to.

These particular group of individuals are seen to be very vibrant in the society and as the name goes they are active. The are seen to take active roles in trying to shape thier communities, they are born leaders, people who have that unimaginable energy and desire to make a change both in their lives and in thier community. They can hardly give up something, especially something they want and this is what differentiates them from other classes.

Note: SUCESS is not all about Those who constitute the active class, sure a lot of them turn out successfull due to thier characteristics, but then success is not the yard stick we'll use to characterise them. Those who constitute the active class are usually characterized by the zeal they posses. They are Go-getters, people who almost never give up on their dreams or what they want to see happen to them.
One lovely thing about them is that they always have a dream, and some of them have dreams.
It is almost true that everybody has a dream, but then the major difference between the dreamers in the active classes and the dreamers in the other classes is that they MAKE A MOVE!
trust me it's very easy to dream, but then not everyone can make it come true. And this is because it takes a more deeper orientation to seat up and make this happen!, like the Bible says 1 Corinth. 10:13" ...indeed the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak "

The active individuals not only constitute greatness for themselves but also inspire people around them to greatness. They go on to help others achieve their dreams directly or indirectly, sometimes they become highly sought in the public and general environment around them. They greatly understand and accept whatever pain it takes to become really great and achieve their dreams and visions and that is why they are the light of the world.

The passive kind of people are actually next to the active individuals. They are not weak or ignorant to making the best choices for themselves. They are also there to get things done and see them work. They are usually interested in achieving success in what they do, but they really dont have dreams. I mean the BIG DREAM! usually they just want to be okay and have all the necessary good things of life.

They are usually very okay with thier present jobs, as long as it can help them foot bills and solve the neccesities of life. Thus: making a positive change or impact in their community is not a do or die affair, so somehow what ever happens in their community does not really matter to them as long as they are not affected.

These kind of individuals are usually not the dream owners, but the dream supporters. They work for those who posses the dreams and legacies and are okay doing that, they don't want to take the front role in the project, they'll take the second and are very comfortable doing that, so somehow they usually go unnoticed even when they contribute to a perceived change.



This is the worst group of people you will ever come across and also the most dangerous people to mingle with. Relax, I never said they are criminals anyways, but believe it or not, mingling with such people can be a danger to your orientation towards life, as they can influence you with thier deadly lifestyles. They have a very low mindset and orientation towards making it productive in life. They don't want to OR even feel success is meant for them can happen to them, the worst part of the story is that they seem to be very much comfortable with what they are going through.


Now, still have in mind, some of them are not lazy, as a matter of fact most of them pick up jobs that require a whole lot of energy, meaning that they actually work hard. But then the major issue with this class of people is that they feel that the hard jobs are meant for them, and suffering is a normal thing and will always be there and as such they are okay with suffering and stagnance even when helpers come around they usually don't recognize them, all they do is see them as some kind of strange aliens and then kick against every possible idea.

This group of people don't have a defined mission, they don't have a dream and don't want to have one. They are just comfortable with where life dropped them, good or bad they seem to be okay and don't plan on making things better for themselves. However opportunies also comes there way but they do all they can to fight against it. This is the very group of individuals any great man with a vissionalist will always avoid and that is because they understand what it could imply to be around such kinds of people.
Being around people like this could be very deadly to one's psychological faculty, especially any dreamer and this is because whoever we spend more time with will tend to influence us extremely. And that's the way it has to go for every dreamer, greatness begats greatness.

So you might want to ask yourself, which of these classes do I belong to? Where do I fit in? Where can I fit in? Can my class be adjusted?

Well a BIG YES! and the answers greatly lie in your hands. One thing is for sure, the best ways to grow or expand and become better in one's field is to meet and learn from better people. So if you think you are not comfortable with the very class you belong to, all you simply need to do is to make adjustments to the people of the very class you'll like to fit in, either the active or passive but definitely not the dormant.
Believe it or not, we relate with more of the dormant class than any other in our environment and this is why, there are more dormant people in our surroundings than any other class of humans and that's why a lot of uneven things happen in the society, e.g for a country as Naija, we're political seats and powers are abused this is just a clear example to show that we live in a country of a more dormant generation were almost everyone is comfortable with the whole negation happening in the country. To this note, all I can say is keep supporting the country in prayers and hoping a better of status quo will abide soon.

So the various types of human classification in this context now gives us a clear understanding of every given surrounding we find ourselves in, however it is very wise for us all to determine to stick with the right team at all times.
There is an adage that goes" if you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far, go with the right team"..and this clearly because someway at every point we must need people around us, so the real business here is about sticking with the right people.

STEEMON! I am @kennyc
