in #stach6 years ago (edited)

I could hear faint sounds, I thought I died, then that sound must be coming from heaven then or hell, it was surly too late to say a prayer now, God will surely throw me in hell. What difference was the life I was living and hell? I will cope jare, I'm used to living in hell. Dexter was my own personal hell, Dexter, I remembered Dexter, the love of my life, I wish I could understand why he acted that way towards me. I thought he had changed, I thought he was a different person.... Dexter my Dexter, wonder how he wud feel when he hears of my death.
A bright light was shinning in my eyes and I could hear my name being called repeatedly.... God must be calling me to come to him I thought, I should hurry before he changes his mind. But, then, that voice sounded very very familiar and feminine, I started seeing images, blury at first, I must be approaching heavens gate. I must be floating because I couldn't feel myself walking, I couldn't feel myself floating either, maybe that's how people move in heaven I thought.
The vision became clearer.
Alas! It was Kate standing over me looking at me with swollen eyes as big as an owl's.
Haba, no o, I must die o, I tried closing my eyes again, all I felt was headache, Kai, all these while I thought I was on my way to heaven, it was just me slipping back to consciousness, "e pain Me sha". Death is a beautiful thing, I didn't want to come back to this reality. Kate was still standing over me. "Kate" I called out "how long have I been out?" instead of her responding, she busted into prayers of Thanksgiving. I looked round, we were the only ones in the room, I was receiving drip. "I'm hungry" I told her when she was done. She hurried out of the room without saying a word. What would I have done without Kate. I felt good, I wasn't in so much pain, I felt light, I felt like the old me. I sat up. I felt dizzy, my head was pounding and it felt like double the normal size.
Kate returned minutes later with food, Dr. Thornton followed her. He smiled his charming smile and asked how I was feeling. I told him about my pounding head and dizziness. "it will pass" he said and injected something into the drip I was receiving.
The meal was tasty and peppery just the way I like it. Kate had not said anything to me. She looked angry... Na she Sabi, I sha ate my meal and drank the Chivita juice she bought.
"Your boss called from the office, I gave him this hospital address and he will be here any moment" she said. I had almost forgotten I had a job I had not been attending to for almost 2 weeks. My boss was coming here, Kai, what do I tell him was wrong with me.
"He kept calling your phone, I just had to pick up and tell him you were unconscious at least to justify the intensity of your sickness before you will receive sack letter. I've discussed with Thornton, he will handle the rest". Kai, Katto Katto, I became relaxed.
" Why did you wish death on your self you stupid girl. You want to put me in trouble?is it me that will call your parents to tell them about your death and what reason will I give them? " Kate asked "you don't have brain o, it's just agidi that is in your skull"... She continued. "I'm sorry" I muttered."sorry for yourself" she hissed
I really wanted to know what went down after I became unconscious and what the situation of things with me was. I asked Kate, she claimed not to know anything. I relaxed and waited for my boss.
He arrived like an hour later, with a colleague of mine. He was worried, it showed all over him. Wasn't I lucky to have such a caring boss? They prayed with me and discussed with Dr. Thornton before leaving. I wonder what the doctor told them was wrong with me.
We stayed in the hospital till the next day. It was time to go home. Kate looked stressed. I wondered when I would be able to return this favor to this amazing friend of mine.
We got to Dr. Thronton's office, he was looking different today. He was dressed casually in a short and polo shirt. We exchanged greetings and sat down to the main deal, my bills. He handed the bill to Kate who handed it over to me after taking a look at it. I had sixty four thousand naira to pay. I kind of expected it to be more. I thanked him for his time and care. I still had to return for regular checkup because I had serious damages in my uterus. "there's still hope dear" he patted my hands. The contact gave me a feeling that made me want to cry. I quickly removed my hands from his. We said out goodbyes, I paid my bills and home we went.
For two days Kate took really good care of me, preparing pepper soup and making hot tea for me. She ran my bath and made sure i was comfortable. Typical Kate.
Soon it was time for Kate to return to Abuja. I wish she could stay much longer, but she had business to attend to. Even though she promised to be back soon we still did our usual hugging and crying in each other arm. I accompanied her to the airport and came back home. I drove into my apartment and standing at my door was what seemed like a ghost. I froze.
Dexter or Dexter's ghost?
To be continued.... PhotoGrid_1528801519958.jpg