When your local school governors hate you and your the working class oik amongst the rich cabal.

in #st7 years ago

Perhaps it was a mistake to sell my house in a working class area and move to a middle class area when it came time to send my son to school time! Why would it be, you might think, sounds like a good move, you might think. But no! Some other things to consider here. Back then, I was working for The Sun after having worked for The News of World for over a decade prior to that. A career woman and proud of it, I had a child out of a passionate love affair on one of my stories in Belfast and we hadn't made it. I was never to even look sideways at a man for the next 14 years, but there I was a late single mother unaware of the prejudice awaiting me and just proud to be the mother of a beautiful son whom I called Arthur. Everything was going well - I didn't mix in much I worked for a few hours a day and then being well paid it was fun time and I took my son up Kings Rd and daily would spend fifty pounds or more on him and we would dine out - life was sweet. Then came the Nick Parker - Heather Mills debacle and I was sacked for something Nick had done. I was doing the school run in the fancy area and suddenly I met a new kind of woman - one I was destined to clash with - the rich wife. It was ok whilst I worked for the Sun after I left I noticed a subtle shunning. It was worse after my son was bullied by one of their sons. I complained over and over built the only thing the head could say was - 'why don't you leave?' The schools in the richer areas of London and its suburbs had been totally taken over by the rich in that area - I didn't know it but I was about to. The bullying went on by a lot of unhappy boys bought up by Polish nannies but a strong sense of entitlement. I knew the main bully so spoke to him one morning before the school bell - and found myself hauledbeofre the head who said it was ok. at 6pm that day I was rung up by her and told I was banned and had to get my husband bring I my son - she knew I was a single mother I was confused. I rang my ex boss of the News of the world Greg Miskiw who told me it was a great story and he was going to put in it the Sunday Mirror. meanwhile I went to the daily mail and wrote it up for them. The story took off and GMTV asked me on. I told my story and the head got some hate mail. I assumed things would be ok after but stupid me - the local rich wife arranged to meet me for coffee and told me that unless I said a public sorry to all and say I made a mistake then my child would get left out of all the parties. he was 5 so I apologised to all and said I was wrong about the bullying. Reader they left my son out anyways. How he howled as he was left out of party out of party that the whole class was invited to yet would walk off minus my little boy. Our tyres were slashed on my Volkswagen five times and the cops were called. When he moved to the secondary school I was harassed on minor matters in an effort to push my son out of the school and punish me for exposing them and embarrassing a community or so I was told. The cabal was part of the school governors - it was what they did. State schools were actually run as mini fiefdoms and working class in the areas didn't stand a monkeys getting fair treatment. I found it hard to sleep after a new wave of harassment when I was late a few times and asked if it wasn't best of I went to a school nearer after I moved out a bit. It was one night when I could sleep that I found the antidote to them. Forgiveness. yes they didn't bulk at hurting a child - yes they weren't ever going to forget or forgive I had used my power and it had usurped their power of money and prestige. But I could forgive them their weakness. reader I slept that night and played healing music. Hatred in the face of the enemy never works it just sucks you under. Forgive them even if they are child abusers and you will be the one who ends up winning by not losing your soul to another adults inability to handle powerlessness and the fact that money doesn't buy having a large pair of ganackers and a willingness to expose a corrupt system. My GMTV appearance will now be reposted on my You Tube channel.


So true Chris. There is something soulless about those people. They have some cheek looking down their noses at the working classes, who they have taken advantage of since time immemorial. Thanks to the internet giving us the ability to spread information worldwide instantly, we now know, without a shadow of a doubt what these (royal wannabe) entities are really like. Here's news for the no empathy, predatory psychopaths we call the ruling elite and their sycophants, "your days are numbered."

Excellently put - great to know you, Afterburner. I was thinking about these kind of people today - I don't feel very close to God right now but these people will never know the light. You can tell all about them in how they don't mind hurting children. Sadly they get in power in the infrastructure of police and schools and government and do hurt kids en masse - but they serve a dark God and after they have lived their very short lives here they will be crunched underfoot like cockroachs along with their master. They know they have little future.