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RE: Why TokenBB Chose The Steem Blockchain

in #ssmdb7 years ago (edited)

This is great to read guys and yea, many share your opinion. this is just the tip of the #steemberg.

I can't predict the future guys, but next time you feel like partying, ordering junkfood or wasting your money otherwise, buy some steem coins. They only cost a dollar per coin.

Same as TokenBB I think Steem is undervalued. It's the fastest, most versatile blockchain ever created. Steem hasn't even exploded yet and it's already doing more work per second than any other blockchain out there - last time I checked Steem blockchain's workload was at 3% of it's total capacity, but already doing more transfers per second than bitcoin and all other blockchains will ever be able to do.

To be honest, I think the only obstacle steem has ahead of it is to take the final step and be traded directly, without having to go through bitcoin. Only then Steem will know its own worth and it will stop being bitcoin's bitch following the market up and down.

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