
This Video is from about Three Years Ago...

November 26, 2019... 16.6 Hollywood Time...

Hello there! Informative video- mafia or organized crime describes the situation well.

Hello... It's been a while... The Video was made about 3 years ago... People thought we were getting close back then... I still don't think any of the Financial Guru's have "Sound Money" and it's "Activation" figured out yet... They talk about a Gold Standard, but they don't know how to make it work, unless Gold goes up to Hyper-inflated Prices... They're looking for a Complicated Answer, instead of a Simple Answer... The Answer is pretty obvious to me, and it's not all that difficult to understand...

It all comes down to which Tool we prefer to use to Measure the Value of things... I know everyone likes Big Numbers, but I think Little Numbers are even better, because of the Lower Tax Brackets involved with Smaller Numbers... What People don't understand is that "We the People" will be the ones who sets the "Stable" prices of Gold and Silver... Our "Sound Money" will be just as "Stable" as Gold and Silver are about to become... Thanks for commenting...
November 26, 2019... 18.9 Hollywood Time...