Culture Jamming Through Newsfeed Pollution

in #squatcore6 years ago

For no other reason than to disseminate nuggets of truth in form of satire and comedy, music, fiction and multimedia artistic expression,

The radio network that tethers our own telepathic pathways through monetized channels is designed to jam frequencies that allow free transmission of truth. In turn the innovative find new ways to communicate and the stoic stay true to their values right to the bitter end. To live by virtue is to die by virtue. Better to live for a day and remain virtuous than to live a lifetime of corruption, or in servitude. As was stated by Ryan Christian silence is indeed a political statement. One of resounding agreeance with the policies of the ruling class. Our police service has become law enforcement for corporate interest, no longer for the sanctity of human rights do they stand, but instead have mutated into a brutal mercenary syndicate employed by the morally bankrupt to uphold the will of the few in the face of the many. We have begun policing ourselves and eachother for victimless crime. One fot he most ridiculous concepts humans have ever collectively endorsed. But when we reward and reify human traits like greed, superiority and selfishness we cannot be truly suprised by any of these phenomena. As the world's richest nations and families enslave their own people and their brothers and sisters from all over the world to assure themselves that they safely will never have to learn how to wipe their own behinds or make their own cups of tea we must ask ourselves why? and for what gain? do we continue to endorse a cabal that appears to be uncompromisingly committed to global slavery and annihilation and furthermore, why do we work together to prop up a system that failed decades, if not centuries or millennia ago? Its time to take back our systems of public address, to make a stand against the propagation of manufactured consent on the airwaves. There are distress signals coming from every direction right now. Tune in to the rebel beat.

Heres a link to our latest demo recording, remember in the immortal words of Captain Planet "The Power Is Yours!"


Here is a link to our very first audio recordings made only a couple of months ago

Semi-repost, here's the fresh soundcloud links plus our first demos. This here is another Steemit exclusive. Because we love you.