
He really is. If anything is to come of this we need more good people like him coming forward. Idk if you had time to watch the video, but he comes across as very trustworthy and no-nonsense kind of guy. He also made a lot of astute observations about the current system as well.

Doesn't really make sense that a Pakistani IT guy and his family are hired and paid handsomely to be staffers for congress... I find it hard to believe there are no qualified US citizens that could do the job. The vetting process would be much easier/safer as well when hiring government staff.

Yes we need a LOT more people like him.....Its just so hard for most....People have families, need money....
I mean I am an activist and someone committed and embodied to my ideals/cause. Yet I have understanding of where most people are coming from....
You get some tough guys who say here is a bunch money do and don't do this, say and don't say this or you can not have the money and we can ruin your life. Whats it gonna be?

As they say "make an offer they cannot refuse" it has been working for centuries if not longer......

We need aliens to save this weak and disempowered society. Don't really seee any other possibility. Almost all the people who are not sheep are corrupt and power hungry or getting killed.....

While I don't disagree with you on the controllers pulling the strings and distracting the masses I think saying Taggart is 'not helping anything' is incorrect.

He's the only person who has come forward and said, "Yes, I know Imran and I've had dealings with him". Imran is said/documented to have had dozens of homes and businesses while working for 20 plus congressional reps. and yet no one wants to say they know him.

This is the significance of him coming forward.

You're right, of course the FBI lead by Comey/McCabe would never produce a shred of evidence to disrupt the Washington power structure. We already know this.

He 'gave away' the blackberry evidence... yeah. Sounds like what most people would do if they found equipment with government/military markings. Remember, he was just renting a home from Imran, he was not investigating the crime syndicate. What was he going to do with that anyways? Should he have taken pictures? Probably, but he was not aware of any of what Imran and his crew were up to...

Do I think Andre Taggart is going to bring down the criminal network with his testimony? That would be foolish to believe, however, he's the closest thing to evidence outside of Huma and Hillary's emails up until now.

If the dam is going to break and bring down this house of cards... it's probably going to start with little cracks like this. Like Andre Taggart, like the loan fraud case revealing more about Mr. Awan, the paper trail connecting the Awans to 'ratlines' and implicating others.

That's how I see it, anyways.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment