in #spunkeemonkee6 years ago (edited)



We've set out to sea on our beautiful pirate ship! Monkee Capt'n Dreemie is at the helm, shading her good eye from the sun shining against the calm waters. The sea is like glass. It couldn't be a more perfect day. But wait! What.... What's that I see? Monkees - do you see it too? What IS THAT?!?!

We are sailing safely then out of nowhere, the ship starts approaching... an island?! ''It's the Reef of Crimson!'' yelled @purplemaze.

''We've hit the jackpot!'' screeched @skysika, @jaysmasterpiece and @raynen. As the ship got closer and closer to the island, the sand looked more like... GOLD?!

"Is it possible? Gold Monkee Island exists?" squealed @purplemaze.

"We will know more if we actually REACH the island!" warned Monkee Capt'n Dreemie. "But.... if that's Gold Monkee Island - you KNOW what the myth says! There are 3 Dangers we will face before we can even reach the Island! Is our ship and our crew skilled enough to pass them?"

The first danger!

Our ship safely docked at the island. But as soon as the crew started to leave the ship, @purplemaze spotted our rivals. The Funkee Monkees. They were taking all the treasure!

"We cant let this happen!'' Yelled @raynen.

"No way!" shrieked @skysika.

Then Capt'n Dreemie silenced everyone by shouting, "CHARGEEE!"

Every Monkee yelled out their Monkee battle cry, "Oo Oo Oooooooooooo Ahhhhhhhh!" They ran up to the Funkee Monkees and just when everyone thought it would become a great war, Capt'n Dreemie yelled, "HALT!"

In one moment, all of her loyal Monkees stopped immediately.

"Play the music! Time for a Dance Battle!!!" @raynen got us all into our formation and we performed our Master Crafted Dance Battle choreography!

want to see that dance? Click HERE

After the dance was complete, the Funkee Monkees realized they could not keep up, and ran away in defeat!

"We did it! One danger down!!! Two to go!" exclaimed @purplemaze.

"Yes, but look! Here comes the second danger now!!!" howled @jaysmasterpiece.



  1. "Be careful, there is a giant octopus behind us!!! Oh no! So huge. As huge as the island. Don't let those tentacles catch us!" shouted @jaysmasterpiece.

  2. Thank you Fellow Monkees, we did great!!! Nothing like a KPop Dance Choreo Scare!!!
    But I don't think we are done!!!
    Do you see what I see?
    Capt'n Dreemie, could this be real?
    Do you see those coconuts, falling one by one from the trees. Do they have eyes and mouths?

  3. Suddenly, the Sea God Monkey emerges from the depths of the sea. The ocean splashed wildly and the Sea God Monkey rejoiced in saving the spunkee monkees saying, "Sushi for ALL"

After you VOTE for your favorite idea... time to dig???

Here be yer Treasure Map! You can dig one square for 100 points, two squares for 200 points, and so on! If you want to save your points to the end of the week, you can! But you should write your Monkee Business Journal post for the points that day. If you miss a day, you miss those points. So make sure you try hard to not forget! Do your Best! Have Fun! and.....

*"Monkee Moms" (and dads and grandmom and so on!), help your Monkee choose their coordinates. In the comments below, state: Hi @strongtower! I have X points, and I will choose "A1" as my dig!" Please be sure to look at the map to see if it's still available, and check the comments to make sure it hasn't been chosen today. Tomorrow will be an updated map with all the previous digs "dug out". *

All Spunkee Monkee images have been created for Spunkee Monkee by the amazing @jimramones! Images are not to be used without permission from Spunkee Monkee.

Font by James Fajardo

Font by Octotype


I vote for Number 1 story hehehe.

Hi, @strongtower, I have total 710 points and would like to dig J4 and J8.

Thank you.

@strongtower here! Awesome - I see that vote! Looks like we will need a tiebreaker, because we have a tie for the story!

ok - let's see what is under those tiles!

J4 - free try!
J8 - another free try! hhaha

You love choosing those J tiles - is it because your name is J......ay? hehehe

and you also love getting those free digs! Let me know what you'd like for your 2 free digs!


Yes. Because all my family starts with J. So J is lucky for me.

@strongtower, I would like to try J15 and J27 for my two free digs. Any lucky J tiles? Hehehe

I vote for number 2. I found it funny.

Hi @strongtower I have 670 points and I would like to dig D22, H32, I12.

@strongtower here! That was a funny story! But looks like we have a tie - so we need at least one more Monkee to come and vote to break our tie!

let's get some digs!

D22 - ahhhhh skunked! drat!
H32 - ohhhhhhhh fancy monkee! You got a Red Long outfit!
I12 - WOO HOOOOO - go find out what you got ... it's pretty cute, and it makes a very distinct sound!

(it will be in your closet soon!)

yay!!! Let's have those talking coconuts for lunch... hahaha
We will try at least.

So yes to No.2 please Capt'n Dreemie and thank you Monkee Partner @purplemaze :)

hehehehe ok then! you just broke the tie :)

#2 it is!!!!

No. 2 is definitely full of fun too. 😀

hehehe yes they were all fun! I wonder what will happen NEXT! Let's see today!!! :)

Sorry for the late reply. Today is my off day.

Thank you guys so much.