OFFICIAL POST for journaling SPUNKEE MONKEE tasks!

What did I do today?
Today I went with my Daddy to buy another tv. Hopefully we don’t break it this time. I like to help daddy at the back to feed his birds. I don’t know all the names yet but I know some of them. My favorite rooster is called a Frank blues. I remember my daddy gave me my first rooster, but one day the neighbor’s dog came and chopped off it’s head. It all happened during the night. I didn’t get scared at all, Mommy was! I’m a brave boy, but I felt sad of losing my rooster. I cried for the reason he was gone forever. :(
🛁This is how I cared for my Health & Hygiene! 🤩
Today, I asked Mommy to help me cut my nails. Also Mommy likes to keep it short, she gets mad when it grows long so I reminded her first to cut my nails.
🌳This is how I made my Environment shine!🏠
Everyday, I am the one who takes the dirty diapers of my little brother to the trash can and I’m also in charge to take his used bottles to the sink.
🤝Here is how I was of service today!👍
Me and my little brother was dancing “Oppa Gangnam Style” this afternoon while Daddy was away to visit his friend. I entertained my little brother so Mommy can was dishes.
🎨 Here is how I had fun with my hobbies!🏈
I worked on my unfinished drawing. I will let Mommy show it when I’m done by tomorrow.
👩🏻🎓 I discovered this about what I might want to be 👨🏻🎓
I want to become a youtuber like Ryan Toys review. I want to talk about what I like, review my toys or show my talent in drawing. One day I will become a known youtuber! Three years ago is when started making videos on youtube. We constantly upload videos but we had to stop when Mommy got pregnant.
🤔 My special thoughts about today 🤔
I still can’t believe that Daddy is already home. My weekend went by so fast and I had so much fun having Daddy for a long time!
Points Earned for Today 

Tasks Complete (out of 5 total) : 5
✅ Hygiene
✅ Environment
✅ Future Career
✅ Service
✅ Hobbies
Total Points For Today: 💯
@spunkeemonkee will verify TOTAL points for today in a comment. Remaining BALANCE will be recorded in the comment. If you have enough points to start digging - go dig on the DAY'S Hunt Post! GREAT JOB TODAY, MONKEE!!
All the beautiful graphic from Spunkee Monkee have been designed by the AMAZING @jimramones and belong to Spunkee Monkee. Please only use these graphics when referencing OFFICIAL Spunkee Monkee business! 😊
This was a REALLY detailed post Monkee @jbflash!!!! Wow - I was really excited to read so much about your day!
You're really doing a great job writing your Monkee Business journals! :)
I was sad to read about your rooster! I'm sure that you made you really sad to know that he's gone forever!
We lost our cat a few months ago too. We were all really sad that he is gone forever too. Pets are part of our family too, aren't they!
I loved all the information that you gave today about being a youtuber. This looks like something that you really want to take seriously! That's great that you've done research on it! and three years you've done videos? Wow - that's a long time!
I bet you're not nervous at all in front of the camera after all that time! :)
Great job today on your journal!!!! I can't wait to read the next one :) and I'm really glad your daddy is home too! :)
You have earned 100 points for today!
Daily balance: 730
Alpha total: 880
Happy Hunting!!!
-@Monkee Capt'n Dreemie :)