Splintercards - Find Out How Many Rewards Cards Are Left To Print!

in #spt3 years ago

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SplinterCards is a powerful tool for the Splinterlands player. Today I'm going to show you how it's possible to see the percentage that was printed of each card, which might give you an idea of how long we have untill that card can no longer be found in reward chests, or, if you're looking at old packs, which cards you might get still if you purchase one of those.

We can see below what the Splintercards interface looks like. In the main page we have price infos for DEC, SPS, HIVE, card packs, etc.


The information we're looking for today can be found in the menu "Tools" -> "Printing and Distribution"


When entering that page, in the top menu, we have some filters. Here we're going to select "R" for Rewards, and "In Print", for the ones that are being printed right now.


Below, we can see the info we're looking for:


We can check out, for example, Harklaw. In the "Total BCX Printed" column, we have the value 42,195 (21.1%). We can deduce then that approximately 1/5 of the total Harklaws that will exist ingame have been printed already, and the final tally will be ~199,976 cards! If you're thinking of buying one of these, might be a good idea to wait untill luck favors you and you pull one from a daily chest...

Splintercards has a bunch of other tools that are very useful for us, and we'll talk more about them in other posts. Thank you for reading this far!
