Peakmonsters - EOS Rental Guide - Cardlords hate these tips to circumvent cancellations!

in #spt3 years ago (edited)

I don’t know about you, but the majority of us have to rent our way up that golden ladder, excuse the pun, to get our hands on more of those sweet, sweet chests and increase our chances of scoring a Chaos Legion Pack, as we all know, those packs are LIFE.

To do this well and not fall of the oh so wobbly ladder, you really need to plan ahead and factor in these two main issues:

  • Skyrocketing rental prices in the final 48 hours
  • Rental Cancelations

You all know what I'm talking about we've all been there 😡

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I'll describe my strategy that seems to be working quite well. In this example I have a silver deck but like to rent myself up into gold 3. You can use the same strategy for any "league hops" you are attempting. Simply adjust the numbers.

So, you want to be making your climb up to the next league at least 5 days before end of season (EOS) so you can secure cheap collection power (CP) prices. This also enables you to rent cards you want that will make you competitive. In turn, enabling you to complete daily rewards. Otherwise, if you just blindly rent CP, you may be getting cards you can't utilize. So let me summarize:

Example Move from Silver 1 (70 000cp) to Gold 3 (100 000cp)

5 Days from EOS - Use Peakmonsters to Rent as strong a team as possible. I make do with my level 4 summoners (Silver), so I rent myself extra cards to supplement my team.

To increase my power and supplement my death deck I rented these cards. Particularly the “Haunted Spirit” gives me magic reflect at level 4 which allows my deck to be competitive in gold 3. In the event that I need more power I could consider a shiny gold foil version, oh the dream.

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Follow this strategy for each of your splinters I like to have at least 3 splinters in my case Fire, dragon and death.

I aim for 107 000 power. This will give you a bit of a buffer zone for cancellations which will happen! As I build up the power I may need to rent a gold legendary here or there to get more power to get me to that 107000 mark. Try and ++avoid renting mega cards++ worth 20 000 power as these can be cancelled, leaving you with your pants down, cough cough, while climbing that gold ladder.

Have fun with your new strengthened deck, and get those daily rewards. Be warned, encountering those strong players running up that golden ladder are abundant.

Day 4,3 from EOS - Using Peakmonsters (I wont go into full detail here) use the handy functionality under “My Cards” to keep renewing your rentals. Remember you have secured these at a cheap price, the prices will starting to escalate. So it’s important to keep your cheap rentals locked in!

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Keep grinding those daily chests, the dec battle rewards drop off towards end of season so mainly think of those chests. Also start to keep an eye out for cancellations.

To do this Go to My Cards and apply this filter:

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Now scan your list and keep an eye out for the dreaded orange logo and "!". This is a cancellation.

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Because there is still more than 48 hours to go, you may be able to replace your cancelled card(s). Wish upon a star that your card has not gone sky high in price. Simply rent another copy. All good. If this isn't the case, fall down that golden ladder or use the 48 Hours from EOS strategy.

48 Hours from EOS - Ok Rental prices are now skyrocketing to the moon! Yay for the whales! I am no whale, so I am here to assist you with my proven strategy!

If you recall, I rented myself 107000 power which gives me a 7k buffer, but let’s assume it has been a particularly frustrating week for cancellations, and I unfortunately have 10k CP worth of cancellations. Leaving me at 97k CP, dropping me back to Silver 3. Down the ladder I go. Or Do I? I am no quitter! And neither are you!

Are you a popular person? Have you an abundant source of whale friends? If so, then considering using that awesome “Phone” and call a friend! This is the best time to hit a whale friend up for 5 to 10k CP, it’s not a huge amount. Don’t be like those disorganized players that leave the begging right up to the last 12 hours! Make those all-important relationships you have been building in Splinterlands work for you! Get that push up the golden ladder and request, no, demand those delegations 48 hours prior. Any luck?

Failing to get a delegation, I use the following method, this is the cheapest possible way to get CP this late in the season.

Peakmonsters AUTO RENTAL

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Note, I'm not going into full detail on AUTO rental but remember it rents "blind power". You will probably end up with cards that may not be useful but at least you will get that much needed power and at a pretty competitive price.

At the time of writing this guide we are not even half way through the season and you are getting tremendous bang for rental buck. So, if we look at last filled 1 dec was returning a whopping 454 collection power. At the end of last season the bid rate dropped to 65 CP/DEC!

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So at end of season I will assume a figure around 65, note just because you bid 65 doesn’t mean you wont get some good fill rates coming through. If a card is cheaply rented on the market the lowest bids will pick it up.

Ok so I am 48 hours from EOS and I know I'll only have 97k …. I'm going to add 6000 power to get me back to 103000 which also allows for further cancellations. To do this assume Min Bid per card 65 CP/Dec (This is the value it was at last EOS)

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Right if you are in a hurry or impatient, you'd set bid to 65 (same as min bid) I'm still 48 hours out so with a bid of 68 I'll still be getting my bids filled. So, I want about 6.5 k power and I don’t want a whole bunch of low power cards (I've made this mistake before). Your deck is flooded with cheap rental cards using up your Resource Credits (RC) and it’s also more work to go through and cancel them at the end of season. If you are happy to rent Pelacor Conjurers then set min per card to 5.

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Ok, so that’s it guys that power should start trickling back in offsetting those annoying cancelled rentals. You may just have to keep tabs on things and tweak the bid rate if required, eg if you are running out of time move your bid to minimum rate.

P.S. DON’T forget to CANCEL/REMOVE auto rental at end of season, you may also want to cancel unneeded rentals. I had some that were rented out for 2 days which was 1 day more than I needed.

Do you have your own EOS rentals strategy? Share with us in the comments! If you like our content, consider following us :)

Enjoy those end of season rewards everyone 🤙

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I think we are on opposite ends, but we both wish for a simpler solution. I rent out cards primarily. I would rather not have to cancel and re-rent cards throughout the season, but renters don't keep cards rented all season even at a cheap rate. So, I find myself stopping rentals 6 days before EOS and then relisting at 6 to 8 times the rate I was renting. I think a guarantee lock on the rentals would be nice. If I knew that the rental wouldn't be canceled, then I would be happy to tie a card up for 20 or 30 days at a fixed rate. I think the renter would like this also, but currently there is not much penalty for either side to cancel the agreement and move on to either another renter/rentee.

Yeah, a lot of PeakMonsters users have been requesting for that change/option as well. What we can do now is to wait and vote on suggestions in the Splinterlands feedback website for this change (the adjustment in the rental protocol should come from Splinterlands).

There are a couple of similar suggestions in Splinterlands' feedback site platform, but here is the top voted one:

@peak-monsters Thanks for the link and information. I'll add my input there, Splinterlands feedback. As someone else suggested, I think a system of two rental contracts is very good. Those that want a max return for a few days will use the cancellable contract and those that desire a fixed price and return will use the guaranteed contract. On a side note, peakmonsters is an excellent site and I use it daily.

Yes, various types of users would definitely want one or the other!

Thank you! It's always great to hear when users like what we are doing in 😁

Thank you for your reply and the insights @methodofmad !

I agree with you completely. If the rental system could be improved so that both sides can have some 'safety' in the amount of time the rental will last, I believe it would benefit everyone. I trust the Splinterlands team to keep improving all aspects of the game, and I think we might see changes to this eventually!

Thanks for this. Awesome. Whale friends are the way to go haha

Awesome to see you regularly featuring PeakMonsters in your posts!

Will be leaving the Auto Rentals step by step tutorial here in case some reader would find it helpful:

Thank you for your support guys! We love PeakMonsters, and there's so much to be said about it! Definitely more content coming about it :)

Looking forward to it! And always feel free to share it in our discord! :)

That's an amazing way to do it