This is my participation for the weekly share your battle challenge from @splinterlands
What's up with this card?
Scavo Firebolt belongs to the CHAOS LEGION Edition. He looks pretty chaotic to me; don't you think is pretty RARE to bump into someone as insane as this FIRE scavo? As is the case of this RANGED little dude, he doesn't get any ability until level six. Knock Out, that is.
Let's be real, 'marite
This is a starter card. And yet, I don't think I ever used it, not even against my will. So, how am I going to try this challenge? I'll carry this guy straight to victory with some leveled up cards I'm gonna rent.
Never rent, never bent, never, never, lover! - The Beatles
Levels, stats and all that jazz
Nothing crazy over here. Standard stats. Not too bad overall, but does not pair too well with Tarsa, the only fire splinter summoner I plan to rent for now.
As far as the rails go...
These are all Bronze II ranked battles. Essentially the plan is to go (Tarsa) + Antoid Platoon + Schorch Fiend + Serpentine Spy + Tenyii Striker, and then pop somewhere in the middle this week's scavo dude.
This time I couldn't finish the formation I wanted to use, and ended up using a few more ranged units, for the sake of it. My enemy went for the Shieldbearer + Scavo + Venari strategy. Let's see how it goes
Since the shield ability is negating all damage from the venari and reducing the incoming damage to 1 per turn, it's taking my enemy a lot of time to kill my tank. In this third round, I already won. Not quite thanks to Scavo, he is here just for the ride!
In this case, our teams are pretty similar, BUT, I have the power of the Chosen Scavo, the power of friendship.
I mean, he HAD a Scavo, too, but he didn't take proper care of it.
From the very moment he lost his Scavo, he was no longer capable of staying alive. SCAVO IS STRONG!
Here I tried to follow my strategy blindly and just took a gamble. The enemy picked the Water splinter, and against my non-magic damage team, is quite strong.
I'm missing almost every attack and my Antoid Platoon is about to fall. I QUIT! 😌
Final Thoughts
I think it's pretty interesting doing this challenge and getting to try some units I may have never considered before as useful as they end up being. This Scavo is not the case, though. When I use the fire splinter I only use melee and (if necessary) magic units. The mages don't get the extra damage from the summoner, but at least they have a guaranteed hit. Scavo misses, it's simply not fast enough to be viable in my teams.
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

I like your honest opinion through your point of view, thanks for participating!