Legendary - Giveaway (Edit: Already Over)

in #spt4 years ago (edited)


Greetings Explorer

Die Vorbereitungen auf die Expedition nach Praetoria sind bereits in vollem Gange. Überall im Land bereiten sich Abenteurer auf die Erkundungen vor. Besitzansprüche werden bereits für horrende Summen gehandelt und Gilden schließen sich zusammen um ganze Regionen beherrschen zu können. Es warten neue Freundschaften, neue Handelsbeziehungen, neue Feinde auf mich und darauf muss ich vorbereitet sein.

Durch eine Mischung aus Geschick, Voraussicht und verdammten Glück konnte ich eine ganze Region für mich alleine beanspruchen, doch ich bin nicht alleine. Andere taten es mir gleich und meine Pläne blieben nicht unbemerkt.

An so manchem Lagerfeuern werden bereits Geschichten über mich erzählt, Loblieder gesungen, Gerüchte gestreut. Ich wurde dabei schon vieles genannt, "ein Dieb", "ein Entdecker", "ein König". Letzeres hat einen guten Klang wie ich meine. Moriarty95 der König.

Doch bin ich nicht ganz zufrieden mit diesem Titel, auch nicht mit "The Praetorian", den bereits einige andere führen. Es muss ein Titel sein, der mich von anderen abhebt, mit dem ich mir einen Namen machen kann in diesem vielversprechenden Land in das wir reisen. Ich hatte gehofft DU könntest mir sagen wie mich die Leute sonst noch nennen. Ich werde dafür meinen Unique-Title aktivieren (es existieren nur 5 stück)

Ich habe zwar bereits einen Titel im Hinterkopf aber wenn mir gefällt was ich höre, verspreche ich dir eine Belohnung.
Darum hier die offizielle Ausschreibung:

The preperations of the expedition to Praetoria are in full swing. Throughout the Lands adventurer prepare themselves for the upcoming explorations. Land-Claims are already being traded for horrendous sums and guilds join forces to control entire regions. New friendships, new trading relationships, new enemies are waiting for me and thats why I have to be prepared.

By a combination of skill, foresight and damn luck I could already secure my very own region but I am not alone out there. Others have achieved the same and my plans did not go unnoticed.

On several campfires people were already talking, told stories about me, sang praises, spread rumors. I was given many names, "a thief" , "an explorer , "a king". The last one has quite a nice ring to it actually.
"Moriarty95 THE KING".

But I am not satisfied with such a title yet, just like I am not satisfied being called "The Praetorian" as many others go with it already.
It has to be a title that makes me stand out, with which I can make myself a name in that promising new land we are travelling. I have hoped YOU could tell me what people out there are calling me. I will activate my unique title (only 5 in existence)

I already have a title in mind but if I like what I hear from you I promise to reward you for your efforts.
So here is my official call:



Schlag mir (nur 1 Eintrag pro Spieler) einen passenden Titel vor (In den Kommentaren oder per DM auf Discord)

Er darf höchstens 20 Zeichen lang sein !!!

Morgen zur gleichen Uhrzeit werde ich mir den besten aussuchen und demjenige eine "Camilla Sungazer" (BCX 1 regular) schicken. Aktueller Wert $27.
Sollte zwei/mehr Leute den gleichen Titel nennen, gewinnt der erste Eintrag.

Ich hoffe auch in Zukunft noch mehr Gewinnspiele machen zu können.

Bis dahin, werft eure Gehirnzellen an.
Ich bin gespannt auf eure Vorschläge

Submit a suggestion (only 1 entry per player) of the best title you could possibly think of , (either here in the comment section or DM me on discord)

It has to be 20 characters max !!

Tomorrow at the same time I will chose the best one and send the winner a "Camilla Sungazer" (BCX 1 regular) Current value $27. In case two/more people submit the chosen title, fastest submission wins.
I hope to host even more giveaways in the future.

Until then, start thinking. Already curious on the titles you come up with

EDIT: Der Gewinner steht fest, es waren einige gute Vorschläge dabei aber es konnte nur ein Titel gewinnen.

Am Ende war es ein knappes Rennen zwischen "THE GRANDMASTER" (Vorschlag von @chansetheguy) und "THE PROFESSOR" (Vorschlag von @half-fast)

Gewonnen hat am Ende "THE GRANDMASTER", also schicke ich gleich Camilla Sungazer an @chansetheguy. Nachdem es allerdings ein so knappes Rennen war werde ich auch Platz 2 belohnen. Daher schicke ich 1 BCX regular Beta Tyrus Paladium (Wert aktuell ~6.50$) an @half-fast [Ich hab nachgeschaut und glaub der fehlt dir noch].

Ich hoffe ihr habt damit eine Freude und wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld.


EDIT: The winner has been determined, there were some good suggestions but only one title could win.

In the end it was a close race between "THE GRANDMASTER" (suggestion from @chansetheguy) and "THE PROFESSOR" (suggestion from @half-fast )

In the end, "THE GRANDMASTER" won, so I'm going to send the Camilla Sungazer to @chansetheguy. But cause it was such a close race I decided to also reward the second place. Therefore I am sending 1 BCX regular Beta Tyrus Paladium (value currently ~ 6.50 $) to @half-fast [I checked and think you are still missing that one].

I hope you enjoy it and we see each other soon on the battlefield.

Yours, Moriarty (THE GRANDMASTER)

Moriartape PNG.png




Passend zu unserer Gilde: The Dragon Mage

Hat auch was 👍

the Genius Clockwork Virtuoso

Damn, forgot to mention the most important detail.
Titles are limited by 20 characters 😅

Couldn't remember if it was 20 or 30; I'll post an updated one :)

Dr. Murder

Thats a nice suggestion. Unfortunately the giveaway is already over.
I now own the title "THE GRANDMASTER"

The untamed King of beyond the wasteland.

Damn, forgot to mention the most important detail.
Titles are limited by 20 characters 😅

The Conquistador!

...catchy, uncommon and has a ring to it

also sounds sophisticated like your name plus the added conversation piece if they ask the meaning behind it...

good luck with your search 👍

Its got something. Thx for your suggestion 👍

The Sherloclock

😂 Already loving that competition


the Grandmaster

Great one :) Reminds me of Chess

Trying my best, how about

“Reich of Moriarty”


Hm.. well titles will be displayed behind the username.
So it would be "moriarty95 Reich of Moriarty". Not sure I would want Moriarty twice.

But I will keep it in mind if we are allowed to name our regions

Moriarty95 Heimer
I will explain why.

  1. That picture looks like heimerdinger from league of legends.
  2. time traveler
  3. home farmer - farm tokens from home
  4. because is one of my favorite champions in league of legends


Thx for the explanation aswell.
Actually used to play him a lot when I was into LoL 😁

Karalius Mykolas - King Michael, or simply; Karalius.

That one got me paranoid for a sec. Forgot I put my name on my Peakd-Profile 😂

The Patriot

Patriot can be formed using the letters from Praetoria and its definition can be interpreted as someone who is boldly fighting for his country (in this case, Praetoria) given that many players are wanting to claim a land for themselves due to its limited circulation.

Also has a nice ring to it, great entry :)

How about: Archmaestro ?

Wow the most interesting giveaway :D
Wanted to go with a royal title but that may be too mainstream.
I would go with Moriarty95 The Benevolent

  1. You helped me out alot when I was new to the game by giving tips and renting me some cards.
  2. This giveaway is more than generous. Camila is not the cheapest legendary out there and a pretty useful summoner I would say.

Thanks, I was thinking about doing that giveaway for a while now. I actually already got some titles in mind but thought that there are so many creative players out there, maybe someone has a better idea. Glad you like it and glad you are still around and I could help.

I also really like your suggestion 👍

You are The Legendary

The King Slayer


Venerable Professor

Considering the name of the game, I think Master Splinter is pretty dope! Especially if you’re a TMNT fan! Lol

Well it sure brings back some memories 😂

Cowabunga!!! 😂

Hi Moriarty,
what about "Master of the meadows"?

The Consulting criminal 😅

The Chronokaiser

Cassette tapes remind me of time and since you liked 'the king' I added both together.

Professor of Battle

Hm, or just Professor in short. Havent even thought about that one, despite my username 😂

I figured instead of just "professor", that I'd need to add a touch of SL to it in order to make sure it was a good suggestion.

Well its definitely a great suggestion with or without the SL touch. Thx

Do you know which person on the leaderboard is selling the right to design a legendary summoner?


I only know that the pool "CARDAUCTIONZCOM1" run by MarcusWahl will sell the rights and auction it off.
Think the others will keep it

The Living Ooze 😂

my enemies would tremble 😂

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Ahhh, I'm glad you liked the name!

I actually was looking through my cards and saw the Camilla and had no idea where it came from until now. Thanks! :)