Prediction game - giveaway CL packs - Splinterlands TV show

in #spt3 years ago (edited)

Hey guys,

I would like to introduce some prediction game, which I want to present during my personal and SplinterlandTV streams. The idea behind is to inspire people to try to think more about game strategy, line-up setup and battle output.

Splinterlands seems like not so complex and kinda random game, but behind that, with all strategical and tactical approaches, it is not so easy to outsmart your opponent.

Ok, so back to the topic. Game rules are simple, you need to give a prediction, which monster on the battlefield will die first, and who will be the winner. I will use the nightbot to gather all correct answer, so for more automatization you need to stick to correct answer's format.

Let see the example:

here we got some brawl fight:


First thing we check the ruleset, which can drastically change whole situation. Here, it's exactly that case , with reverse speed we need to focus on monster with lower speed first (about attack order you can read here ).
So you have to calculate how the damage will be distributed, check the health points of the targets and valuate who will be the first victim of this battle. Next thing (and this is most of the time much harder to do), you try to assess who will win the fight.

If you find the results you write on the twitch chat correct formatted answer. In this example, it will look like this:


It means the monster which dies first will the sixth of the top team counting from the first position, and the winner of the battle will be bottom player.

As you can see in this battle my opponent counter me hard just with one unit Haunted Spirit, which with his reflect ability killed my Djinn Biljka, and most of my team.

Format of the answer is always first letter t - top or b - bottom player, next number from 1 to 6 counted from the first position, and last again t or b which tell who top or bottom player will win the battle.

I hope rules are not too complicated and we will have some fun trying to figure out all battles outcome.

My goal with this kind of approach ( and not just random duck races :D ) is to show that splinterlands it's not just brainless clicker game, and I hope you can learn something about the game, be better with setup line-up for battles and finally win some prizes :D.

Yep I said prizes :D. With every correct answer during the game, first thing: nightbot will choose random winner for small prize, but most important you will gather points for the leaderboard. And on second part of the stream there will be challenge the stream time where you can double your points.

Finally top5 leaderboard participants will get, according to the postion, chosen card from CL pack.

My first show with this game will be next Wednesday at 8 am UTC (check the schedules for exact hour for your time zone)

And please check my personal twitch channel on Tuesday 6.00 pm UTC:

If you have any suggestions or thoughts feel free to comment below.


I will be there for sure :)

Prediction game is fun!

I hope you be there :) Wednesday morning european time

There was a change of schedule, so first game is on Wednesday 8.00 utc (check for you local time zone)