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RE: Thought Experiments in Splinterlands: "Reward Card Packs" and a Fun New Account Bound System

in #spt2 years ago

I like the direction you're going. Yaba's going to need to think through a lot of the implications if he does decide to make the next set of reward cards soulbound.
The idea of loading DEC into a card, equal to its burn value, before it can be sold; is excellent. I'd like to see it applied to both regular and gold foil cards, even if only for consistency.
We need to be careful not to make the game too complex. Gameplay complexity is fine, but ecosystem complexity can be discouraging to the millions of people who aren't yet completely obsessed like us :)


It is very complex, I certainly cannot deny that. Whether it's done exactly like this is a totally different thing. As long as the concerns are addressed I'm all for it. Oddly enough base set, pack purchased cards have held their value so well they rarely if ever are burned due to selling them on the market well above their DEC market burn value-which of course is not news to you. And yes, if I didn't mention clearly the DEC "animation" in order to bring the card to market was intended to be there for all reward cards for certain whether it be regular foil or gold foil. Nice call on the regular base set/promo set cards needing the DEC "animated" to the card to make it market ready.

For account bounding of the cards all the way through the initial print that of course is not a bad idea at all in my opinion either, this was just a wrinkle for an opportunity for the people in game that want to stay on "the cutting edge" and gather most (if not all) cards as early as they can to be a highest level player at their given level. I call it "The Cocitrice Effect" like when we saw that card remain at such a high price being a brand new beta, neutral, extremely highly effective card--eventually a must have card in fact for certain within that time period of the game. Let the in game cost be high for those that want to front run the leaderboard and hopefully the game can maintain the reward to keep up for those that want play and earn at the highest levels.

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