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RE: I'm upending your industry and replacing your whole business model, but only if that's alright with you.

in #spt2 years ago (edited)

This was already an issue that was forming within Discord when the Secret Police was allowed loose onto members of the Maverick channel. A small crypto community became successful and thus now we have a situation where KYC ideas are becoming a reality. KYCing is a serious attack against crypto especially so against the community of Splinterlands and of course the anonymity we all wish to retain (it is not because of criminality but because of privacy.)

If we allow this sort of mindset to become real where the test of "KYC" on High End Splinterland "HOSTED" tournaments are required then it is just a matter of time before KYC becomes a norm for normal things like staking, earning DEC and Reward Cards/Packs/Potions, etc. To begin KYC with those tournaments would only affect a "minor" part of the community and thus there would a large "acceptance" of such actions but in reality that leaves the community wide open for larger issues of KYC as that would set a SERIOUS precedent against the community, against the company and decentralized crypto games. KYCing is a technique used to centralize things not decentralize them. STAKING is the tool that we have for a reason, this can allow everyone to partake in large tournaments without the fear of having illicit participants joining a tournament to win, since if they win that win is no longer worth the same as if some kyced angel of light won.

We had the Stanford prison experiment ( to see how "moderation" and "policing" does not work. The fact that Bulldog has an assistant as a Community "Manager" and other moderators are paid shows there is a disconnect of what our community once was and where we're heading. It is apparent that kissing "ass" is the way to go if you want to go from a community "moderator" spot to a "tech support" position where gate keeping is more prevalent. As of now the Tech Support people have been amazing but it is slowly being infiltrated by the same type of people who have this weird idea that their opinions are acceptable but others are not aka COMMUNIST, yes, I am looking at a MELON for starters.

I was very proud and happy to have been in the discord but the way the team allowed it to become such SHIT so quickly by allowing and granting positions of "power" to individuals who abuse it and have no ability to deal with people from different cultures and walks of life makes it apparent they are complicit of it all. Good thing I left the discord because I do not come from a household that is weak minded and unable to express their opinion openly without being "muted" and "banned" by the "powers" aka authority.

It is sickening that this is even an idea that people support.