added their first Promo Card as an additional quest. Will it be unlocked by 125 different people pledging to the campaign? To motivate you guys I have done a closer comparison of the legendary campaign promo cards of the past with the new Chain GolemWith the ongoing @Splinterlands Kickstarter campaign we are seeing one milestone after another. The team has listened to the feedback of the users and .
Legendary Promo Cards
Below I have compared the legendary promo cards from all three Splinterlands campaigns (1st Kickstarter, SeedGerminator and 2nd Kickstarter). While both Kickstarters have a direct buy option of these cards, the Seed Germinator campaign was a random chance drop, similar to opening a Booster pack or Orb.
Shin-Lo (1st Kickstarter)
The first Kickstarter campaign was a huge success and the legendary Shin-Lo has become an iconic Promo card, that is low in supply and useful for the game. There are only 10 regular foil cards left on the market, which is just enough for 1.2 max cards and would grow in price dramatically if anyone would attempt to buy them all.
usage statistics from himself and others and Shin-Lo is being used in 9.09% of all his matches.Every holder of this card can consider themselves lucky, as the 1 Mana costs for a magic sneak attack is currently unique in the game. The top player @jacekw has released
The original campaign price for each additional card was $50 for the regular and $600 for the gold foil version. While the regular has grown over 150% in price, the gold variant has just recently gotten closer to its original value. The regular version was clearly the better deal so far.
Red Dragon (SeedGerminator)
The SeedGermanitor campaign has obviously flopped for investors and the return of investment for those cards was so far little to none. This is both due to the massive amount of existing cards in circulation (900 cards) and due to the little usability of the legendary Red Dragon monster. Although, both usability and price might change over time, with a growing player base and further rulesets.
The card is very expensive to play, with the required 8 Mana but is also the only card in the game so far, that comes with two different attack types at once. In games like "Melee Only" it shows some of its strengths. However, it is only being used in 1.17% of @jacekw matches, putting it on the lower end of the monster roster.
Chain Golem (2nd Kickstarter)
With the freshly announced Chain Golem, we get the first neutral Promo card (assuming we will achieve the minimum of 125 Kickstarter backers to unlock this card). While all previous campaign promo cards were exclusively for the Dragon splinter, this is now open for ALL splinters in the game. This will boost its popularity among all players, as not everyone owns the expensive Dragon summoners.
The fact that it is a tank puts it right next to the super popular reward card Lord Arianthus, that has been exploding in price recently. We don't know any of its stats, yet. However, the fact that it is a legendary card basically guarantees it to be loaded with abilities.
A single addition of a regular foil level 1 card costs merely $20 (with a minimum of $35 starting investment). Any additional level 2 gold foil version costs $125. It is possible to purchase the smallest $1 Kickstarter perk, overpledge it to $35 for the minimum investment to unlock the Chain Golem and then further overpledge it for any additional card.
These prices are far lower per BCX than those from the first Kickstarter campaign for additional Shin-Lo cards. Combined with the fact that the Chain Golem is a neutral card, makes this a very interesting offer. I suspect a lot of people will jump on the train and get additional cards. Keep in mind that this card is exclusive to the campaign and will never be available again.
Important to know: We don't know yet how many BCX are required to level up cards in the Splinterlands Untamed edition. Both the stats of the Chain Golem as well as the required BCX per level might not be released until AFTER the campaign is over.
Now We Are Talking!
BOOM! The Splinterlands team was so focused on the physical goodies of this campaign, that they underestimated the demand for exclusive cards. Players love their digital assets and merely getting booster packs wasn't enough of a selling argument for many. While the higher reward with the exclusive Legendary Summoner design rights were sold out in a heartbeat, the lower tiers were rather meh. Delivery prices of the physical goods are high, particularly when send abroad of the USA, making the beautiful book and printed cards - which are some amazing piece of work, by the way - appear much less attractive.
The late Promo Card addition to the campaign was hence a very clever and necessary move, to boost their campaign sales and make smaller investors like myself scratch their final coins together. I will certainly try to get my hands on the chains of that Golem. How about you?
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Ya, they got me with that one. I was just going to buy packs... not anymore.
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@tipu curate
I want one of these.
What a great card to have! Awesome post as usual! :-)
Wow, that is a real cool GIF!