Main Updates
A whole new layout, tons of information to soak in, and resources. Now that we’ve gotten more than a couple DYGYCONs under our belt, it’s time to organize archived images, videos, articles, screenshots, banners, statistics, and helpful material to help everyone better understand what these events are all about. We’ll get hosting sorted out soon, but all the juicy content is here!
Home Page
Info on the upcoming DYGYCON is listed along with all the speakers and sponsors we have had across all events. We’ll get additional banners once we’ve got our completed schedule and confirmed sponsors.
This page is where you can find out the different ways to get registered. Each section comes with easy descriptions and buttons to contact DYGYCON and view an overview slide deck.
- Sponsors have many ways to participate from having their own booth to offering SWAG.
- General Attendees basically means everyone because you’ll have to all know what’s up before you enter the metaverse!
- Volunteers are kind of new to DYGYCON and there’s no experience necessary! Get to know what it’s like behind the scenes.
This page answers the question: What can you do at DYGYCON? There’s a bunch of things you can do and it’s best done with friends and meeting new people as you explore the convention like any other event except this is all digital!
This page shows a little bit about the DYGYCON team and we’ll be adding in volunteers you will soon recognize in the space here and there helping around the event.
Hovering over the About link will show a sub-menu for you to access some new pages we have been developing. You’ve seen the old Google Doc on the NFT Auction and now we will have all the info consolidated onto the website!
You’ll see a link for Past Events so that you can take a look at events we have held in the past with access to the venue, analytics, summary, and many other features for you to take a gander at. There are a couple events under construction and we’re looking to train volunteers to help us manage and document each event. We’re also looking for feedback on the format so that we can make sure all pages are uniform and contain the information you feel is most important!
A Brand Kit link has been added and you’ll see the media kit containing relevant logos, icons, banners, and more! This is a great resource for sponsors and content creators to use any videos, gifs, and other media to generate blog posts, recap banners and more. Let us know what else you’d like to see and we’ll work with you to get it on here.
Last on this sub-menu is the Ideas page. This section is meant for event organizers, sponsors, influencers, and anyone who would like to add to the fun at DYGYCON in a variety of ways from hosting meetups, conducting challenges, and other fun activities. We love to brainstorm different ways to utilize the metaverse and we hope to add more examples and resources here to make the magic happen.
Some general questions are listed here. Comment any questions you’d like to see here or send an email to to get it posted with an answer!
We’ve reached the end of the website update and hope you have time to take a look. Extra syrup on your waffles from @waffleskitty if you have commented or submit any sort of feedback!