Hello my friends. I hope you are fine. I have an amazing battle for this weekly challenge. I rented the themed card and made the SPLINTERLANDS battle. Today we will talk about DJINN INFERNI. You can get to know this game SPLINTERLANDS and its monsters from this link: www.splinterlands.com
It is an Epic monster from the FIRE unit.
Attack: 3 Magic. Speed: 3. Health: 4.
Ability: Giant Killer: Does double damage against targets that cost 10 or more mana.
I also getting stronger in the higher levels, look at the picture:
Battle information:
Active Units: FIRE, DRAGONS.
Mana Cap: 58.
Rules Of Compat:
Healed Out: All Healing abikities are removed from monsters and summoners.
Silenced Summoners: Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
You can watch the battle from this link if you would:
My squad & strategy:
- GRUM FLAMEBLADE: I think it's one of the strongest FIRE monsters, because it resists all attacks and gets stronger all the time.
- JUNKER: I need the Reach ability to make more damages to the opponent's tank.
- ARKEMIS THE BEAR: First time using this monster, it is very important to protect other monsters and it can also be a powerful tank.
- SAND WORM: It will be a nightmare to the opponent's rear with its Sneak ability and 5 Melee attack.
- DJINN INFERNI: Our special guest, I like its 3 Magic attack power. It will help much.
- LAVA LAUNCHER: This is a great Ranged attack monster with 3 Ranged attack and 6 Armor.
My summoner:
When there is a Silenced Summoner condition, you must choose a Summoner with a lower mana cost In order to make more use of the remaining Mana Cap. And I chose PYRE.
Point's of the battle:
- I won the battle because I used the most helpful crads I could use. The Mana Cap served me well.
- I considered a very important point which is the most of FIRE monsters does not have Armors, so I chose ARKEMIS THE BEAR to give them +2 Armor and get protected from Stealth attacks.
- My tank was more immune than the opponent's, so it could resist more thanks to the Void Armor ability and 7 Armor.
- My monsters had great attack power and were more effective than the opponent's monsters.
- Finally, I think I was lucky because my opponent's did not use better squad.
One of the best Magic attack monsters I've known. It is true that it does not have high health, but it can survive if it gets protection. It was useful in battle and damaged opponent's monsters. If it encountered a monster with more than 10 Mana Cost, it would also have been useful thanks to the Giant Killer ability. Looks like I'll be putting this beast on my shopping list soon.