It's been an exciting week. Like most of you, I've been waiting on this phase of the land expansion for some time. I'm not anywhere near the status of the some of the Spliterlands whales I've come to know (and envy), but I've stockedpiled 53 plots over the last couple of years.

My main goal was to land a Keep. Knowing my odds were roughly 50%, I was happy to pull one out of the 42 deeds I've surveyed so far.
Unlike some, I spread by plots around. This might end up proving a bad strategy, but after the town hall where I saw the sample tract reveal about 85 common tundras, I opted for more variety at the potential cost of having all my plots close to one another. So far, I'm pleased with my variety, but time will tell...

Here's my pulls for 42 deeds so far:
Kingdom: Keep - desert
Natural Epic - river
Natural Epic - forest x2
Natural Epic - jungle
Natural Epic - hills
Natural Epic - plains
Magic Rare - plains
Natural Rare - bog
Natural Rare - plains x4
Natural Rare - desert x2
Natural Rare - swamp
Magic Common - forest
Natural Common - plains x4
Natural Common - jungle x2
Natural Common - desert x7
Natural Common - river
Natural Common - swamp
Natural Common - hills x3
Natural Common - bog
Natural Common - badlands x5 (my first 5 surveyed... NOT an exciting start!)

Overall, a pretty decent haul. Would have liked to have landed an Occupied, but maybe I can catch one with my final 11 deeds.
I'll post the overall results when I survey those last 11 plots. Having a lot of fun with this and my hats off to the Splinterlands team. It's taken a while to get to this point, but it does feel like a monumental project that I'm still quite enthusiastic to be a part of. Looking forward to even bigger and better things in the future - especially Land Phase 1.5!!
Cheers, gang!