Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge — Venari Spellsmith

in #spt3 years ago

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A Neutral magic attacker with Dispel out of the gate!

Another week of giving a card a shot

It's not often I overlook Neutral cards because they are so valuable with the ability to be played with any splinter. Spellsmith however tends to fall off my radar because there are so many similar cards for less mana or more punch. Looking closer however that isn't totally fair and I am glad for the chance to dig a bit deeper into this card this week.

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Venari Spellsmith

⚔️ Level 1
🔮 1 Magic Attack
❤️ 2 Health
🏃‍♂️ 2 Speed
🔧 Dispel ability at level 1
💲 Current Market Value — $0.33


There are those who may think the Realm of Silence is a place of deep dark caverns. That could not be further from the truth. It is a region like any other in the Splinterlands that is full of homes, cities, and cultures. There are even universities that specialize in the study of magic, music, and geography. One such underground species that excels in academia are the Venari

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Standout Qualities

The Dispel ability at level one is an easy to overlook benefit. How many times have you been beaten by a card that was buffed just right and you couldn't get past it? Well, Dispel may have been able to clear that pesky buff and take your team over the finish line.

Spellsmith may not gain a second point of attack until level six, but at level four, a max silver summoner, it gains Amplify. Paired with Reflect, Thorns or Return Fire it can be far more valuable than an extra attack point.

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Interesting Synergies

As a Neutral card there are many synergies and strategies, but below are a few I find particularly fun to use with Spellsmith's Amplify ability.

Both of these cards can take advantage of Spellsmith's Amplify ability, but they also can both be used with Obsidian which will give Spellsmith plus one magic attack
Magic reflect paired with Amplify can slow down many magic attackers
You would need a level four Mylor to take advantage of Spellsmith's Amplify, but if you can afford it, Mylor's Thorns could be the end of your opponent alone!

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I wanted to show off Spellsmith's amplify ability. Since I do not own a level four copy I am choosing to show off another's battle with a hihger level Spellsmith.

What's Interesting About it?
Here is is a great example of using Spellsmith's amplify ability with Magic Reflect, Back Fire and Thorns cards.

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A few specific mana cap examples

Because Spellsmith is neutral this list could go on forever so I will just share a few fun low mana examples.

A risky play as you will be doing little damage, but magic reflect with double amplify could be a game changer
Low mana opportunity to take advantage of Obsidian's buff and Spellsmith's amplify
Similar to above, but one more mana and better against magic heavy attacks
Or more protection from melee attacks

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Wrap Up

I love Neutral cards because of their versatility. Spellsmith is a great card, but for my uses it requires a bit of investment as I see the the level four Amplify ability as it's greatest strength. Dispel at level one is great, but for the mana cost and low attack it doesn't always make the most sense. If you can afford to invest in leveled up summoners Spellsmith becomes a very powerful card that can be used in many strategies.


🐲 Splinterlands 🐲


Card Images property of Splinterlands

Mana counts and screenshots from Splintertools

Thumbnail created by me at Canva

Thanks for reading!