Splinterlands DAO Treasurer Application - cryptoeater

in #spstreasurer11 months ago


Hi, I'm sure most of you know me by now, been around since May 2018. Lots of SPS, cards and really everything you can think of in Splinterlands except maybe research points...

EVM Wallet: 0x6993ED69B42116eC03E1C9caDB1097BB839A5dA3
This is a new ledger wallet which will be used exclusively for the DAO

Happy to KYC with the company.

I urge everyone to ONLY vote people who are happy to KYC with the company


Interesting take. I haven't KYC'd with SPL, although I'd be open to doing so.
Considering governments share information with each other, would requiring KYC from treasurers leave the DAO vulnerable if SPL is ever subpoenaed for that info?

Great to see you enter CE! You definitely have my vote!


To PNS and moon!! you got my vote!

Me and my small (amount of) $PNS votes for you! ❤️

Happy to KYC. youve got my vote CE

You have my vote!