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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

in #spsproposal2 years ago

Well not sure here.
I use one, but sometimes I turn it off and I play manually (and I play manually brawl and tournaments almost all the time) because I like the game, but sometimes I must use it because I don't have time to play manually ... and if I don't play I'm losing possible profits.
Imho the problem is not the bot used by a single player who usually owns cards, with staked SPS and so on, but the bot farms that drain the pools with K accounts and zero owned asset. These farms make $$$ every season and they aren't part of SL economy except for rentals.


Your bot will be completely useable in Wild format. This change is only going to affect Modern. You can still earn SPS when you don't have time to play by having it play Wild format.

Again, you will STILL be able to use your bot with this proposal.

These are only my 2 cents, but from my point of view problem here is not if I could or couldn't use it.
My point is that is fine with me if I battle vs people that have an assistant but they also have Ks $ of SL cards and assets. But it sucks if I battle vs people that run tons of linked accounts only to get + sell rewards and they don't own 1$ of SL assets. These are parasites, not players.
If the team is ready to tackle the problem from this perspective is a big YEEEEES, otherwise the real problem will still persist and this proposal is just getting angry many players that really invested in the game.