I do like the idea of supporting @splinterlands with transaction fees. What I do not like is the 10% fee. I am not very familiar with NFT trading prices on other blockchains. OpenSea is 2.5% IIRC. What I know from experience is that DEX fees are more than an order of magnitude lower and CEX fees get even lower. It is best if we keep our prices slightly lower than the competition.
I am open to the same idea executed with different numbers. I will vote no for now.
I'm actually curious about the conversation on this one more than anything tbh. I personally felt it was pointless to run this one, but I didn't want to just run the one I thought made more sense...
Technically we could do something like change market fees to 2 company/2 market/2burn or even 4 market/2 company or something along those lines. I guess we'll see if people want to suggest anything else. I personally had no idea the company gets nothing from the majority of marketplace transactions. That's nuts...
I would support either of these changes. Halving what markets earn may not get strong support. 2% company/ 3% market/ 1% burn might be better. I am generally open to any change that make sure both markets and the company are rewarded. I think it would be best if some of the DEC is burned (at least 0.5%).