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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternate Solution to Address Bot Farms & Wild/Modern Format Discrepancies

in #spsproposal8 months ago

Good Morning @yabapmatt.sps

Thank you for this post explaining the situation on Splinterlands.
I have had an account for years, I started during Steem Monster years before the cards were even NFTs LOL on Steemit, so I am an old player.

I must admit I play irregularly as I have two jobs and increased responsibilities.
So often find my self playing in Bronze League.

But lately I have dedicated a small time slot to playing a few games daily and I was surprised at how fast I progressed in the ranks.

I thought that I had improved my game and knowledge, but now I realize that it is probably just the situation you describe.

I do play a few matches a day against one card teams, so I assume they are bots. But I was not aware the majority could be Bots. Hmmm deflating a bit, but realistic.

But as I have risen in the ranks to Gold and now Diamond I think it's just player accounts now, as the teams are full and they seem to deploy strategies.

In any event, I hope these changes don't go into effect before I can make it to Champion! LOL

After all these years, it would be great to screen shot that achievement screen and live as a Champion Steem Monster player for a short while. Kind of a lifetime achievement award for me. :)

I hope you have a good day. I know it's very hard for creators during a bear market, and I am sure expectations are very high in this community, which must mean intense pressure for you two.

But thanks for making this game, and making history, and putting Hive on the map of relevent blockchains.



I just entered Champion and waiting for you :)

but so was diamond...

Great comment. I hope you make it to champion and make sure to take a screenshot @shortsegments !!!