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RE: Increase price of Spellbook compensate with Rebellion Packs

in #spsproposallast year (edited)

Would the summoners be counted as starter cards? if so why not implement a spellbook level system, letting you pay for a higher lvl spellbook containing starter cards matching the level of the spellbook? That actually sounds useful maybe 0-5 with each lvl costing 10 bucks, maybe even implement a way for old players to burn dec to lvl their spellbooks. With a zero level spellbook letting you play but not giving any starter cards, so youd have to build your own deck.


Yes, my idea is that new users have the desire to acquire any type of spellbook that is ivented, and that can help them build their deck, talk about "Soulbound" cards to avoid the supply of the same, but, from that I think you can build something good and beneficial with spellbooks.