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RE: Community Poll - Lower Unlock Costs for Soulbound Reward Cards

in #spsproposal2 months ago

SO those who have massive bags of sps and have voted against this proposal can u just give an explanation for your action? You people are sole reason for this sorry state of sps today. You people were enjoying free sps drops for an year and at that time no batted an eye for inflation. And now you want to restrict the average and new players to have an even game. Cut rewards there, remove rewards there. remove leagues. To hell with you all.


There are layers of reasons as to why this is a horrible, terrible, no good, bad idea.

  • Making Reward cards cheaper than Rebellion cards.
  • The market for Reward cards is limited, flooding the market with more cards is a terrible idea and will only hurt the game.
  • CL is scheduled to rotate out in ~4 months, at which point the Reward cards will only be playable in Wild.

50 DEC to 'unlock' a RF, Common card- at current prices is.... 3 cents. At those prices, there will be plenty of cards unlocked and available on the rental market. You drop that price down to $0.015 and you'll end up with:

  • Less DEC burned, less chance of engaging "The Wheel"
  • More cards unlocked, undercutting the current market
  • A clogged and oversaturated market for Reward cards- causing many to lose $$ on unlocking their cards.

And remember- this is all only relevant until CL rotates out of Modern. Once that happens, well, much of the relevance of these cards will be lost.

So you're comparing these cards to Rebellion cards but you even say yourself that they are going to rotate out of Modern soon. Of course they will be cheaper unless there's an absurd huge tax on them. Btw, there is no way we'll get a new set in about 4 months. We're at least 6 months away from a new set but probably close to a year. That doesn't change the argument though.

Why is flooding the market with reward cards bad? Imagine if the burn fee was 2x or even 1x (burn value would remain glint instead of DEC). Do you really think the market would be flooded the same way it is with the CL reward cards? Those were free to sell so even if the profit was very minimal on each one, it was always profit. For these you'd still need to burn some DEC when we know there aren't enough players to take them all. It would actually burn a lot more DEC if the fee was lower because many more cards would be unlocked and more would be sold actually helping the flywheel instead of hurting it.

You say a lower fee will cause many to lose money after unlocking their cards but it's much more likely that people will lose money unlocking their cards at 10x than at a lower fee. On top of that they risk losing more.

At the end of the day, it's not even about selling these cards. I don't care about that. I'd rather burn them for glint to get the new reward cards faster. The biggest problem is that if I want to complete my collection I will have to pay absurd prices for these cards. I have some cards that I have more than 2 max level copies and others that I haven't maxed out. I stopped buying draws and chests because I didn't want to spend a ton of Glint that I will need, to get a few cards that I need, while getting mostly useless repeats that I will never be able to sell for profit and burn for much less glint than they cost.

I'm missing max cards on 3 rares, 1 epic and 3 legendaries. If the unlock cost was up to 3x, I would certainly max them all. With 10x I'll ignore the 2 rares that I'm not very close. I'll unlock 2 copies on an alt of the rare I'm missing 2 bcx, just because I'm so close. That's still 400 DEC, for 2 copies of a rare. I can buy some CL legendaries for a bit more than that. I'm missing 5 copies of the life epic. I would like to get the Inspire but I don't think it's worth paying 5000 DEC to move them from my alt. As for the legendaries, I'm missing 1 bcx of Ferexian Hero. I'm not sure I want to spend 5000 DEC there either. I used the card often but the extra attack stat makes it worse against Forcefield. Another one is the Hulk which I never use so I don't care. The last one is Aves Sturgis which I use often and would love the get the Rust ability. However, I'm missing 4 copies. There is no way I'm paying 20k DEC for that.

If only we were given the ability to complete our collections without the RNG of getting repeats, I wouldn't be so frustrated with this unlock cost. Or if we could trade soulbound cards with each other (same bcx and rarity) with maybe a small fee. I've given up on selling any of my soulbound cards. I just wanted to complete my collection without huge RNG and without paying a huge tax.

Let me start off by saying: I 100% agree with every point you made.

The fact is, as you pointed out, the demand for 'unlocked' Reward cards is not fluid- in fact it will be highly static. Take an account with hundreds, or even thousands of BCX of SB Reward cards- their actual demand for unlocking those cards may only be, say, 3 Rare/1 Epic/3 Leg. With the cost being 10x, they may not unlock all of those cards but even if the cost dropped 90% (down to 1 DEC/CP)- they would never unlock more than those 7 cards.

I agree, there's no way we're actually going to get an new set in the next 4 months. My money would be on something closer to 14 months, TBH. Which is a shame.
With the new set, I believe SPL is in something of a "3 body problem".

  • Can't create a new set until we grow.
  • Can't grow until we get Gladiator cards out of Bronze/Silver.
  • Can't get Gladiator cards out of Bronze/Silver until we release a new set. (see part 1)

I'm comparing them to Reb cards because those are the 'in print' cards. For the health of the economy, we don't want more cards on the market that undercut the value of those cards.

OMG, it was not the bots, it has been them whales all this time who have quietly driven this ecosystem to the trash playing their fucking monopoly, how did I not realized before.
Do not expect any logical explanations other than "the market will plummet more" (that is the best explanation they have to justify a stupid decision).