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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire @cryptomancer to Develop the Secret of Praetoria Land Expansion UPDATED

in #spsproposal4 days ago (edited)

I'm going to echo some of the sentiment here. If we are being asked this, to do so means we are basically broke. We were warned that mismanagment would eventually lead to the DAO being plundered. We are at that door.

I have not bought a pack in months, I have barely played in that same time. Why? Because there is no incentive for me to. There is nothing for me to gain? Wow SPS. I can just go buy SPS. I'm not interested in SB or glint. I'd already lost all interest in Land. Player experience and incentive has been destroyed for most, hence why we lost so many players and is why we dont gain any either.

That feeling of earning random DEC drops - Gone
That feeling of burning Glads - gone.
Real reward cards - gone.
Pack drops - Gone.
Pack pricing is not worth the incentive either. $4 packs for where the game is. It's too out of touch with buyer mindset and emotion. $2 packs would be the go but not without incentive.

I want to play the game, I want to spend money on the game but what am I gaining? Part of the fun of spending hours battling was the thrill of getting something back in chests that had tangible value. As a consumer in NFT gaming, I don't want soulbound rewards I have to pay to unlock. I'm sorry not happening. And somehow despite the constant nerfs, the pleas from an ever decreasing playerbase, people still cant read a room.

New players will come, old players will return and spending will increase when the incensitve is there for it. Enter PE and NPE. I support Cryptomancer, I wont support this proposal as using the DAO to hire for land but rather to go back an unwind some of the nerfs that have hurt player engagement most. Land is not the solution to the current situation SPL finds itself in. It is another one of those moments where we cant build our way out of it. Anyone find they miss the old days of early Chaos and Untamed? Maybe ask why? I think rolling back is needed to find where the true heart and soul was with why players felt they couldn't miss a day playing. The old feeling of clicking on a chest not knowing if you had a potion, a GF card, a random DEC or SPS amount or a pack hidden behind it.

Now bots were and are the biggest drawback to this but I think we have come far along enought to realise ownership of SPS is a key player and nuking the SPS rental market to stop bots would have a greater impact against this malpractice experienced in the past. Also paying to play a season isn't so bad if there is incentive to.

Just some thoughts, I'm not here to debate the merit of if I am right or wrong. I'm just here to place a value of sentiment. Because sentiment is everything in this space for right or wrong...


I was thinking about chipping in as well, but you basically layed out everything that needed to be said. Spot on.

And somehow despite the constant nerfs, the pleas from an ever decreasing playerbase, people still cant read a room.

And this is the sad part. The fun part of the game being drained for years, and yet, still thinking land is the solution.

Thanks Pardinus, I'm trying to come from a genuine heart and place and not one that is trying to throw mud at anyone person or decision. I've had my time to be frustrated. Man I love this game, I met some amazing people through it. I think this game has an unbelievably resilient community and I think the game itself has riddiculously untapped potential. And yet I am sad. Not because my bags aren't pumped. I mean I'm still here with $1000s in assets, but I have nothing to play for I can't get just staking. So that is what I do. I sit and stake and wait, wanting to play but unwilling to risk more $ because I don't have anything I stand to gain from it, be it a free pack and random DEC or SPS drop or even if it's a crappy 1 cent common. It's what drew me to spending 10sk on this game in the beginning.

I was never 'making' bank buying 1000+ Chaos packs or Rift or Dice packs I bought in the beginning, but I was earning tangible assets no matter how cheap in value they were. There was always the rush of getting lucky and getting a good drop every few seasons and then that rush made me want to buy more so I could increase my chances. So I spent more, knowing I was never actually making back what I spent but paying for that 'thrill' via exciting battle. With those things gone from the game and replaced with things that were less desireable, the idea of battling leaves me empty.

Sure there was the hope that so long as this thrill was activated, eventually my earlier assets might begin to work for me in a net positive way that is envisioned in NFT Crypto Gaming. That is the goal of making limited NFT's after all in the first place. And like it or not that is the idea of crypto gaming most crypto enthusiats take some comfort in.

When we shatter that hope and thrill, we lose players in this space no matter how much we try to say this should not be the goal of the individual. It's a incentive thing. It's a sentiment thing. Without positive approach to those 2, you get to where we are today. Just wish others could see that.

I completely understand and feel the same. It's not the "devaluation of investment", it's seeing bad decisions after bad decisions, and making the game less and less appealing; and it's frustrating to see that time after time it seems the obvious is being overlooked, and the why is not something I understand fully. Oh well, crossing fingers for better days (and decisions).