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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

in #spsproposal2 years ago

I would support your idea.

I take the opportuniy to add one anti bot idea here (again):

How would a bot/tool handle it if each player could only use (let's say) 10 randomly selected percent of their cards per match and then had to spontaneously form the best possible team from these available cards?
Would the software still be superior? It would not be able to use databases (it would not even know which cards would be available to the opponent, so it would also find it difficult to carry out a simulation) ...
Of course, randomness would then play a much bigger role, but good players would still form much better teams on average from the randomly selected cards than weaker players.
And investing in many cards would still be worthwhile insofar as 10 % of a large card collection means absolutely still significantly more available cards per match than 10 % of a smaller collection.
I would exclude the summoners from the card reduction to keep RNG low enough.

This idea might not be suitable for lower leagues where many players don't own huge card collections.
But in higher leagues (and with all card editions counting) I think that could be interesting.

Yes, there might be some flaws in this version of the concept, but I guess the idea in general might offer some food for thoughts ...


I've thought that would be a cool ruleset, if nothing else. When I look at my deck available for battles these days, there are almost too many cards. It might really stir things up if we were randomly dealt hands from our decks, at least for some battles here and there, if not all the time.

... there are almost too many cards.

Exactly! Easy for a bot, but more and more difficult for a human to select the optimal teams.

I'm seriously considering delegating some of my cards out to another account and seeing if having fewer options will make it easier to pick a team. I am not even sure which of my cards are the most powerful anymore. It was so much easier years ago when all we needed to win was Prince Rennyn. haha.


I suppose the idea we are working towards is adding rulesets and game states that are very hard to code solutions for. I'm not sure how difficult that is or if it is even possible but I like your thinking! Even a flawed concept is a great start to build upon.

It is an interesting idea, however I believe with the current rulesets it will be only few cards in many battles.
F.E. when you can use only Odd (or Even cards) 50% of your collection are already out of the race, when you in addition have a ruleset like Magic Only or Range Only how many cards will stay if you can use only 10% ?
I guess in most situations with this rulesets you won't be able to fill the 6 positions.
Also when neutrals are excluded you will have just a few cards, you have approximately 80 cards of every element, so 10% means arround 8 cards for 6 positions, really not a big choice.
So I think when this suggestion should go live their should be a minimum of available cards, I think that for 6 positions it should be at least 10 cards available, so that you can choise at least a bit and not just decide about the position of the cards as you have only 6 (or even less) cards available.
In the modern format this problem will even increase.

At the end the game needs complexity in gameplay.

Maybe, but "complexity" doesn't mean in my opinion to have to choose as human between 1000 possible card options within 2 minutes. :-)
If "complexity" would get implemented in a way that makes humans more successful than now compared to bots I was in favour of it.

add another round into it.

Switch some positions. Stuff like that.

"+1 attack for goblins" "Mech cards get additional +3 life".

Stuff like that.

I agree with another full set it becomes super shit to draft. I would really like season drafts.

Like let the bots play and you can send your own deck into the battle for the season based on winrates or stuff like that.

send 3 decks, cost 15k dec and this is also the reward pool. Sustainable and fun.