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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Move SPS Rewards to Gameplay for Soulkeep

in #spsproposal2 years ago

Voting against it because of the extra SPS staking requirements for this game. I want this game to be a gateway into playing Splinterlands. If someone who's never played Splinterlands buys SPS just to play Soulkeep, I want them to feel like its a no brainer to come try out Splinterlands. But if they still have to go buy all the SPS for Splinterlands too, what's the encouragement to come over? I don't know why you'd put a barrier between the two games.

I don't really want to see people selling Splinterlands cards to get the money for SPS to play Soulkeep. And at this point, a lot of what we are seeing is just shuffling around of value. If you need DEC, sell SPS. Need cards? Sell some land or vouchers or GLX. This rule won't force new money into the ecosystem and therefore is nothing more than a barrier between the games.


Exactly! I thought my SPS would douple-dip to count for both SPL and SK. To get another 60k SPS at $0.025 would cost me $1500. That is WAY too much for me to invest in a different SPS based game. I might not participate in SK much, I would rather invest in SPL when I am forced to make an either-or decision.

The SPS requirements should be halved or allow at least 66% double-dipping benefits.

Well said and I tend to agree!

I want to see rewards for gameplay, but I don't like the system of having separate stake for Soulkeep. I'm fine with Soulkeep having even higher SPS staking requirement if the SPS is shared across both games. If not, players will have to consciously manage their stake between the two games. That is needless complexity and may drive away cross exploration of the two games.