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RE: Proposal to Sunset Vouchers into DEC-B (FINAL EDIT DONE - PLEASE READ)

in #spsproposal8 months ago

I agree that DEC-B was a tragedy. I fought hard against it. I fought hard against most of the stuff everyone came out later and agreed was a mistake lol. I also agree we should just let vouchers burn out instead of mandating that they all become DEC-B.

But, none of this is a new discussion. People have been talking about the trouble with vouchers since they were introduced. So to see someone like cryptoeater finally put a possible solution to a vote and then hearing, "wait! we should think about this first!" is kind of shitty. Sorry. If it was so easy to come up with these solutions to a problem we've been begging for a solution for, why is it only now that we're hearing about all the creative ways we could fix it?

The community has been begging for a solution to this and all the asset problems for years and its fallen on deaf ears. All we've heard (and are still hearing) about vouchers, SPS, cards, DEC, and everything else is that that we just need lots more people. But that's a slap in the face when for 32 months straight of being told the solution is more players, the player base has shrunk without a single exception. It's shrunk as the flood of assets, including vouchers, that we've begged you to do something about crushed the value of player holdings and made this project a money pit that even passionate supporters had to walk away from.

The answer has always been, cut the fat. Make the economy healthy again by cutting the fat and then we can grow again. Not the other way around. Create an environment that supports player investment of their time, passion, and money by having an asset base that matches your player base, instead of 20x more game assets than we need. It's really not that complicated. Making a great game is complicated and you did that. Incentivizing passionate players to burn a bunch of what they have too much of by getting a little less of something they really want is not complicated. Sunsetting a token we have to invent reasons for it to exist is not complicated. This should have been done years ago. It shouldn't be just entering the planning phases.