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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal8 months ago

These req should be in modern as well and the rewards should be evened back out so that wild and modern are the same again since the extra restrictions are added making it harder to advance then advancing should be rewarded with at least the same pool and no bonuses to modern and nerfs to wild which would make leveling up cards in wild a more attractive thing to do. If the rewards are not changed but all of these extra restrictions that cost more money for players are put in place it may cause a lot of match liquidity problems as most of the battles in wild are bots i believe. With the large bot farms assuming it works gone then wont we have a similar issue as in modern with no match's. I get curbing the large bot farms that do not invest at all but the CP req seem a bit extreme and the rewards based on cards played suggested below seem even more extreme and will punish everyone as many do not have maxed wild decks or even fully leveled wild decks and they will all of the sudden be penalized if they can make it to a level higher even if they meet the cp req for the league if they decide to use say a level one card in a deck of 5 maxed cards or something. I think the CP req is enough to curb the big bots or get them to rent a lot of CP bolstering the rental markets which are pretty bad right now as there are no bots really renting cards which is where i think alot of demand for rentals actually came from as there are way more bots than players in the game if the bots are either made to rent CP buy CP or shut down then that solves the problem without messing with peoples rewards based on the quality of say a couple cards in the deck.