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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire @cryptomancer to Develop the Secret of Praetoria Land Expansion UPDATED

in #spsproposal4 months ago (edited)

Hi Dave, hope you are safe and well.

This proposal is really about the fact that Steem Monsters is MASSIVELY OVERPAYING its developers.

We the DAO are already sending a disgustingly large amount of money to Steem Monsters every month to cover the wages of PJ and his team, to develop something that is allegedly important but has no bearing on the actual game itself.

Now we are being asked to spring for another 180 grand for one person's wages.

There are literally thousands of great developers all over the world that would do a great job for Steem Monsters without being paid big company wages.

Frankly, if you want to earn 200 grand a year for not a lot of work, fuck off to google or some other mega corp with more money than sense.

For a tiny games studio to be paying a whole bunch of people lavish wages at a time when the company is struggling to survive is really insulting and offensive.

CUT WAGES, not take even more support from the DAO at a time when it is already paying out a huge sum to the company. which is already receiving funds from Hive itself.

This is really going too far...


Well said, so many great coders out there, so many games that do well with 1% spending compared to SPL but with game play that seems to attract players. No idea why such proposals and such numbers are even discussed and to let DAO pay is ridiculous.

Please keep the conversation respectful. This is NOT a request. It's a requirement.

Do you think the decisions and actions being shoveled to us players in the form of "DAO voting" are respectful to us?
I have been an avid player, collector, advocate, and have spread Splinterlands on real life in my gaming store here in Spain for years. Now I think I am being ripped off, and that the DAO is being plundered. I'm choosing exactly the words that I wrote as they mean exactly what I think is happening. So not sure if there is a "respect" problem on simply words, but actions.

A DAO is owned and governed by the community. You are part of that if you own SPS. If you think voting is disrespectful, then you are showing disrespect to yourself :)

Right, right. Words are just words, nice strawman. I stand by my post.

Stand by for eternity :)

Again, pointless answer and ignore of each and every point written, not only by me, but for the overwhelming majority but the 12 amigos that vote with the 80% of the DAO weight.(You only need to read the avalanche of replies of really angry people, most of them long time supporters)

I don't care, words are taken by the wind and the reality usually reflects in data.

The data: SPS value destroyed, DEC value destroyed (it was a beautiful, stable, organic system), card prices destroyed, less DAUs than a Woke BBB game by Ubisoft, whales dumping daily, I can go on but it doesn't matter. It was a great game. Devs greed, as 99% in crypto, destroyed it.
