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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire @cryptomancer to Develop the Secret of Praetoria Land Expansion UPDATED

in #spsproposal6 days ago

This tells me that we obviously need to generate revenue or we're screwed. Land does NOT help generate revenue. NEW PLAYERS GENERATE REVENUE. We have neglected the NPE for over three years now, it's time to focus ON THAT AND THAT ALONE before ANYTHING ELSE to keep the lights on. And if we need every single dev on the team making that happen, that's where I'd want to see the DAO funds directed, not towards land.


What brings in new players in the Crypto world? We had a period years ago when tons were coming in and we had a terrible New Player Experience. So i'm not sold on this. People will find a way if the situation is right. What we're agreed on is the desire for new players... but in the crypto world maybe it's a bit different what drives them.

I agree, we should have been constantly pushing for new players this WHOLE time, regardless of the state of entry. The thing about this 'NPE' is that the team has flatly refused for YEARS to focus AT ALL on bringing in new players, and the excuse is always the lack of a NPE and tutorials. We get told that it would be a waste of time and resources to make tutorials, since gameplay will be changing to much, soon, and everything would have to be re-done... but...those changes never come. I was told this THREE YEARS ago. Imagine if we had just made tutorials THREE YEARS AGO and put some energy into expanding the player base. The lack of any serious tutorial at this late date blows my mind.

We need new players and we need them now, no more excuses. Whatever it takes to make that happen needs to be TOP priority. This has clearly become a matter of survival at this point. We can no longer depend on a handful of whales to prop up the economy. We have to stop pricing things so a large part of our current player base refuses to buy. And we need ALL hands on deck making it so we are 'ready' to attract new players. That's the only way we can keep the lights on at this point.

I have come to realize that Matt's vision of land, while awesome, is simply to grandiose to realistically achieve with the current skeleton crew in any reasonable time frame. We have had simple NFT crafting games for years now, we could easily adapt a MUCH simpler way to create items and spells, and then build out Matt's vision as time and resources allow. Clearly, we don't have the resources for the luxury of full on land at this point in time. So in lieu of that, we need to focus on what we need to SURVIVE.

Land can be and should be developed at the same time NPE and the rest of the parts of the game are. The goals are very clear for near term land development, get the rest of the natural resource plots working and the corresponding LP's. This does not interfere with NPE development if this proposal is passed. I don't think Matt would have let this proposal be submitted if it was going to, so let's not second guess him as he has proven himself at leadership so far and he has made it very clear how important NPE is. You can see they are making progress on that and are getting ready for a marketing push.

The way I read this is that we get one person dedicated to land and nobody touches him for other projects but he still falls under the guidance of the team leadership as to how and what parts of land are to be developed. That is exactly what I want.

Land resources can be awarded to new players in an achievement system in loot chests and they can sell those to land owners. If we get the natural resources plots going and corresponding LP's that burns a lot more DEC which makes the whole economy more appealing to new players.

If we get these natural plots up and running maybe we can introduce the salt system and DS crystals in the near future which also opens up possibilities for new players to acquire more land resources in ranked and sell them to land owners.

What brings in new players in the Crypto world?

Either price (SPS) going up and 'high earnings/returns' or a game that is actually super fun.

The first is fully up to another totally irrational bull market where everything goes up like crazy as they are out of options to yet print another new asset out of thin air. For the game to become more fun, a new game mode is needed as Current Ranked & developed Land won't do anything whatsoever to bring in new players.

Without being with malicious intent, would your team be able to do it? What would you estimate on a project cost? I hate projects paid by hour, instead of delivery.

Totally agree!

I do agree that the NPE is THE most important glaring hole that needs attention at the moment. As long as that is still being worked on and developed, I think this is a good idea.

Maybe Yaba can elaborate as to where we are on that. What our holdups are, who's working on the NPE, and if Mancer would even be useful at this point being pulled off Land and thrown into something else.

I know they said Mancer is suitable for the Land updates as some of the necessary work is similar to stuff he's worked on for HE. I dunno...just playing devil's advocate here. Maybe a little more info on where we stand on NPE would be useful in helping folks decide if this is the right play or not.

Matt has been preaching that the NPE is the most important thing for us. If that still stands true and it's still being tackled by those who've been entrenched in it, and we are making solid progress as is, maybe pulling Mancer off Land and thrusting him into that might not be prudent. Maybe it would. I dunno. 🤷

Any info to share on this @yabapmatt that could help clarify things a bit more?


land generates a ton of new revenue including fees from more swapping and trade. Stop thinking the company is making no money. They are making plenty they collect 5% fees off of all trades happening, rentals etc. It's most likely greedy investors on the backend if I had to guess.

Land is good enough for now, so put it on the shelf for now. You want to put one of your top coders on an esoteric system that only a tiny minority of players participate in? It's asinine.
